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Next update?

Started by Joker, August 15, 2011, 09:42:21 PM

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How about next update would be upgrading the server to 508? =o


Thats deleting and re-downloading EVERYTHING for all the players, plus we have one for Blitz, we need it released or  to be
allowed to run it by Jagex or some shit, Correct?


Quote from: dieknowsawr on August 15, 2011, 09:44:24 PM
Thats deleting and re-downloading EVERYTHING for all the players, plus we have one for Blitz, we need it released or  to be
allowed to run it by Jagex or some shit, Correct?
First,Will blitz work on 508?
Second,How we will download everything and delete everything?


That's basically changing from a 3something to a 508, if the 508 dosen't work it'll be hard to get the old one .. I believe

Yes they had the Blitz 508 up and running, never got the permisson to put it out to the public by Jagex or something.


Updating the client to 508 would put Worldscape at risk of being shut down or sued.

Also, You're only re-downloading one thing. It's not like you're re-downloading your whole computer.


Kevin said something about hybriding in my suggestion (check it out) That it will be something like Blitz eventually, and it will become a little more normal server..

Not sure tho...


Why don't you just find a 508 client that has changeable Ip's?


Mike, That was just a suggestion and if it follows through it will be a trial, Then people will vote if they would like to have it permanently or not.

Yoho, I don't think it works. Well, That's what I've heard atleast.


Quote from: Yoho on August 17, 2011, 08:06:13 AM
Why don't you just find a 508 client that has changeable Ip's?

You mean like using another client, and changing its IP?

#1, most of them dont have IP changers anymore...
#2, some items would look crappy or glitched or weird...

Im right? O_O


Well, Usually the only time I see a client that has a changeable Ip is when it's a cheat client.

I'm not sure about the items looking weird, Considering Worldscape loads items from 474 and you're using a 508 client.

Ryan has coded the server differently so I'm not 100%


Jagex only really go for the server's with 500-600 people, I don't think Worldscape would be at risk if you changed versions.


Quote from: dieknowsawr on August 15, 2011, 09:44:24 PM
Thats deleting and re-downloading EVERYTHING for all the players, plus we have one for Blitz, we need it released or  to be
allowed to run it by Jagex or some shit, Correct?

WorldScape is a multi-version server.

So, here is me a while back playing Camp in world 1. 508 has since then been disabled due to numerous bugs, and people who abused those bugs. But, as I said before. WorldScape is compatible with 317, 459, 474, 503, 508, 562, 601, 602, and 614. But this doesn't mean you can log in with those client versions. Only 317 is available for you guys to play.

And to get to why I quoted you, WorldScape doesn't have to re-start to load a new client version. There is a lot of immaturity on RSPS forums, and a lot of people want to make "666" version servers. If it becomes popular Ryan can make WorldScape compatible with a 666 client, but RuneScape is only on like version 662 right now. So if he wanted to do that he could do so also.

WorldScape Classic is being ran off the Blitz Engine. which is why it is more reliable then the old classic, so whatever was done in Blitz, can be done in Classic now. You guys do have to realize with that though means we can't just throw out updates randomly, we have to test them to the fullest because the code is written 100% by Ryan. He doesn't rip it off a website or anything.


Quote from: Kevin on August 18, 2011, 05:56:11 AM
Only 317 is available for you guys to play.

614 Would bring in tons of players, if the hybriding worked!!


Kevin you are up to any update like that? sooner or later?


idk what 508 means. lol

Quote from: caponer on March 04, 2010, 10:15:40 AM
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