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Started by Pride, April 25, 2011, 05:00:25 PM

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Client version: 317
Server version: 46
What the bug is: Noclip
How to perform the bug: Light a fire next to a building/object west of you.
Pictures/Video of the bug:

Will provide soon.


For classic, you could just ::tele to the spot west of you.  It's not really a big deal, if you can't move one space instead of tele'ing there.
Quote from: Sad Panda on March 08, 2011, 04:51:09 PM
No matter how wrong I am I, as a troll, am always right.


With the walking through walls with Fire-making is something that can be fixed. The WorldMap is not on the server, when it returns you won't be able to walk through walls or anything for that matter.

O My Devil

dont fix the bug, its great i dont need to move just firemaking my way from lumby to the middle of the ocen :)



It's a bug, but it's one that doesn't matter. Nobody can really use it to their advantage.

O My Devil

im just firmaking i didnt intend to go through wall, etc....