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Messages - Coleshot1

Suggestions / Re: Clan Market
August 27, 2010, 04:49:34 PM
Reading this idea gave me a similar one, how about a mercenary-type clan? Like a clan that rents out it's members for a price, but unlike mercenaries, not (only) to kill/fight for clans, but to be a food/(item)supplier for a set amount of time. E.G. A fisher/cooker wasn't looking for a full clan, only to sell their resources to a large group of people. You could have for example Deathzone "rent" a fisher from the clan for a certain price, decided by the amount of time for them to stay, and that player would continue making/selling the items to that clan for the set amount of time. Say, the more experienced at that job you were(Fighting, resources), the higher rank in the clan, which would mean you were more likely to be 'rented' by another clan.

Just an idea though. I'm all about clans that do things besides "Own the wildy".
Also, this is a side-idea for gome's idea, either one would work.
Clans Discussion / Re: Blitz Legends - Clan Discussion
August 24, 2010, 08:41:24 PM
If you have extra items and see someone who needs them(fits level requirement), you should give them whatever you can. The only thing you're required to do is train the skill(s) of your choice whenever possible. (No-lifing is optional. =P)

I'm mostly the one getting items for people now, because I tend to be well-off. Once I get a million GP or so I'll start giving that out, too. The rest of you can wait until you have enough for yourselves before giving to others.  ::)

And Oscar is actually in the clan now, too. Not Daxking though.
General (WS) / Re: a bug
August 24, 2010, 08:10:20 PM
Because that's a little unclear... He means if you click on the options in the text box for the Dark Mage too fast you get a Blitz Error and crash ID.

And if you don't have access to the Blitz section, I think this goes in Tech Support.
Tech Support / Re: Why cant i log in??????
August 23, 2010, 03:17:57 PM
Since that's Blitz and not Classic, it now goes off of your Forum account and password. You might've changed your password in classic, but not the forums. Basically to log into that account you'll have to use the same password you used on the forums.
General (OT) / Re: Going on Vacation
August 23, 2010, 03:06:45 PM
You're going on vacation for 2 weeks the DAY before I start school loll. That sounds so wrong.
Well cya, everyone will be waiting for you to come back.  P=
Clans Recruitment / Re: Blitz Legends
August 23, 2010, 01:07:53 AM
I'll consider that an application and not spam...
You can join whatever level you are. Not everybody can have 76+ Strength. >_>


Remember guys, you shouldn't need to post here for nearly any reason! Go to the clan discussion page!
I need it as soon as possible, after school starts I'll hardly have ANY time. If we do it this weekend, I'll only have been in school for 2 days. Which means no homework, which means I can no-life. It'll also help all the n00bs that think training is too slow to stop complaining.
Rants / Re: Complaining about blitz.
August 22, 2010, 05:59:50 PM
All the newbies hate it because they either think they lost their old items, skills and accounts, they think it's too hard to get items and money and this is like RS, they hate not being "rich", or another stupid reason.
Not going to write a full page on this, Mario did that for me.

Anyone notice it's only the n00bs that don't like Blitz, and the experienced members either like it or are keeping it to themselves? That's because n00bs are n00bs and don't have any respect or intelligence. -.-
Clans Discussion / Re: Blitz Legends - Clan Discussion
August 22, 2010, 04:13:37 PM
Daxking and Oscar aren't in this clan. >_>


Blitz Legends is now allied with Deathzone!
Runes / Re: Buying runes.
August 21, 2010, 08:00:16 PM
Okayy... And when the server is back up, if I still have my money, I'll buy them. X_X

Sob story:
Tried to get on the old blitz IP (It's now? Wth.)for like 10 minutes, no prize from testing(yet?), wiped bank (everything was in it) with addy 2h and money, and I've been too laggy to get stuff from drop parties. (Whether I did or not. >_>)
Plus I might lose my stuff AGAIN when the server comes back on. o_O
Rants / Re: Creating accounts @ Blitz
August 21, 2010, 06:03:44 PM
There really is no purpose of creating an account other than your main. Stats and items can't be gained in a few seconds like in classic, so pures are pointless. "Rare" accounts are pointless, you have a bank. Skillers are pointless, use your main, they don't even add CB so it doesn't make a difference.

Wow it didn't post after it said I did..
Runes / Buying runes.
August 21, 2010, 05:52:40 PM
With the new release of Blitz, a lot of things are different and new. One of them being, I NEED RUNES. Yaayyy.

I'll buy: Chaos runes, Fire Earth and Water runes, Mind runes, and Law runes. I'll change the price depending on how many you offer, but I'm thinking Laws will be the most valuable. =]

First topic that won't be locked lol.. Yay..
General (WS) / Re: BLITZ IS OUT@@!*(@!@(*$#(*#*(#%$
August 21, 2010, 04:23:03 PM
LMAO. STOP crashing his internet! XDD
I only refreshed once to make sure I was in the right client, but apparently it didn't change.

EDIT: GUYS STOP REFRESHING AND LOADING PAGES. And don't spam-login. Log in every 10-30 seconds.

notreallyan Edit:lolcrash'd
General (WS) / Re: BLITZ IS OUT@@!*(@!@(*$#(*#*(#%$
August 21, 2010, 04:09:33 PM
That's the classic link smart one.. WSC is worldscape classic. Shouldn't put the link probably, but basically you use
I'm getting in trouble for that. Might not work for you guys yet.
General (WS) / Re: Regarding Blitz:
August 21, 2010, 03:58:52 PM
Blitz in 1 minute!
2 years of hype in one word: Sweet.