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Messages - Recoil

General (WS) / LOL
September 01, 2022, 02:20:07 AM
Remember when Mia only became staff cuz she was dating some mod? then she just started banning random people that weren't breaking the rules and made an alternate account defending herself? what a whore
Forum Games / Re: Count to 5,000.
September 01, 2022, 02:18:25 AM
World/Current Events / Re: CORONAVIRUS
September 01, 2022, 02:16:51 AM
Quote from: Kryptonite on March 03, 2021, 04:11:52 PMNot sure if i agree tbh. I like it a lot. I want to have it in my balls

I would literally kiss your d*ck if you asked me to (not suck it tho). just cause of everything we've been thru <3
General (OT) / Re: poopy farts
September 01, 2022, 01:50:11 AM
holy shit im 26
General (OT) / poopy farts
September 01, 2022, 01:41:41 AM
I am a poopy fart boy. farty poopyhead

guys it's crazy this place felt so free and wholesome even though the staff was super gay 24/7. I was so f*cking autistic using this site I always got offended at dumb shit like how much gold was inflated in the economy of some pointless video game and cared so much about this place succeeding.its kinda gay but amazing if you think about it

the world sucks big peepee head and is really boring tbh I just want to escape back here where everything is okay and even the things that aren't okay are just pretend problems

I want to start a family now but this place seems like a better hoke than I could ever create and it's not some kumbaya message because I still don't like u Ryan. but i liked this place it was cool. the people were cool even the really gay ones it was just so comfortable to me
Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Re: Reporting mute
April 04, 2021, 03:40:33 PM
Unpopular opinion: Mute and Aaron had good reason to hack WorldScape. As someone who was literally in the Skype call when it happened (basically a decade ago now, Jesus) I remember very clearly why they did. They did it solely to implement the Economy Fix that was NEEDED to fix WorldScape once and for all (why WS died in large part was because its economy was so inflated it was just so boring to play at all).

After trying relentlessly with the AGF staff and their thick skulls to fix a single issue with the game, and showing PROOF to them that the polls they held for the Economy Fix were altered by Richard's 15 votes on 15 different accounts, THEY STILL DIDN'T LISTEN. Kevin had too big of an ego to ever admit anything AGF did was wrong and just cried every time people brought up legitimate points, Ryan was ALWAYS gone and unreachable, and James was one of the few good staff members that agreed with the community. However, he couldn't just overpower the other 2 owners.

We tried everything to fight for WorldScape's future:

  • We begged AGF staff EVERY DAY OF OUR LIVES to change something, all they ever did (by they I mean Kevin) was ban people who were too vocal and say "you guys just complain too much". This was a daily battle and frustrating given that Kevin acrtually agreed with us about the Economy Fix (but refused to do anything and let WS die as a result.)
  • We had to fight against Ryan spitting on and utterly disrespecting his community by trying to migrate everyone to RuneRebels (which they STILL try to do decade+ later when everyone's gone, fking savages)
  • I, along with Aaron and Mute created The WorldScape Rebellion clan, to which a good 80% of the community joined, to literally all agree never to log on in-game to boycott WorldScape until we got what we wanted. (Even James joined as he was a sitting owner of WorldScape, lmfao.)

All of this to no avail. Ryan just come make a forum post once a year saying "HEy guyS!!! haha I'm back!!! anyway here's a huge list of this year's false promises haha!" just to disappear two days later. The only member of AGF staff that tried to fight with us was James, who eventually quit out of frustration because he knew it was hopeless.

So, Aaron and Mute took into their own hands what THE ENTIRE COMMUNITY WANTED (except for literally 12 year old - yes, he was actually 12 - Richard crying about losing his in-game items for the sake of the community) and WHAT WORLDSCAPE'S LAST HOPE WOULD HAVE BEEN (fixing the economy so there was actually INCENTIVE for new players to stay). So they broke into the shell and deleted every last item on everyone's account and reset everyone's skills. I'll never forget it. At the time, I was maybe 15 years old, on my iPod Touch in my parent's basement laughing my f*cking ass off that the two mad lad's actually did such a thing.

After wiping everything, they also fucked around by making a couple random people admins and changing the site message to "Kevin is a douche" or something, but that was only to gloat and would've been undone within the day. Ultimately, the hacked WS for the betterment of WS, and that's a FACT. Sadly, Ryan stored local backups on his machine and was able to roll-back all the data to 3 days prior so all the heroic work they did was undone.

Then they brought in SEVA, some outsider foreign guy who knew NOTHING about WorldScape, cared nothing about htis community, to "track down who had done this". Ryan gave him more respect than he has ever given a single veteran in his community, a damn stranger no less. Then to top it all off, Ryan ILLEGALLY GOT GOOGLE MAPS PICTURES OF AARONS HOUSE, and called his f*cking phone number, harrassing his mom. Aaron left the internet entirely when this happened because he was being stalked by Ryan & The Crew at this point.

All of this, when he could've just actively invested and fixed his community that cared so much about him, and gave him so many chances. All he gave us back was broken promises, shooing us away to his other new community (RuneRebels), and ghosting us 95% of the time.

So, Aaron and Mute weren't just two assholes trying to wreck stuff. They were WorldScape veterans who cared deeply about the community, Mute being a former Forum Mod himself, and they along with me and a MAJORITY of veterans in this community (including both Jake and James, who were staff) tried to do things the PROPER way but Ryan didn't care or listen. But the second we threatened HIS POWER, THAT'S when he cared. Not when his community was begging for his care and help though. Only when he felt the possibility of losing CONTROL over his community. That's when he flipped. Guy was an ******* quite honestly who spread a lot of false hope to a lot of people that cared way too much, myself included. Ultimately we loved this place, and hated the fact that Ryan didn't want to protect its future.

Remember, history is written by the victor. Ryan never wanted the other side of the story to be let out because it would have been tasset approval of all of the criticisms about him neglecting the very community that believed in him, gave him money, and sat through constant and blatant disrespect from him and multiple staff he elected who abused their power. Mute and Aaron were heroes to any WS veteran that gave a shit about this place.
It's astonishing. You guys are STILL trying to play off of the community that made RR even possible to begin with. AGF devs, get this through your thick heads:


WE NEVER CARED!!!! We wanted you to fix WS, not RR. Even now you guys continue to come back to this dead space and shit on its legacy.
Quote from: Kryptonite on May 29, 2018, 01:14:24 PM
Quote from: Recoil on April 18, 2012, 06:21:22 PM
Quote from: X on April 18, 2012, 06:20:22 PM
Quote from: Recoil on April 18, 2012, 05:59:45 PM
Da fuq are you doing in a graffiti painted hobo dungeon for?

Just lost all the respect I once had for you.

brooo come back to life please i miss you

Your best characteristic is probably your intuition to see things transparently or your lack of ego.
General (OT) / Re: Mi bruthas
August 09, 2018, 10:16:06 PM
I remember when I was 16 we were in a Skype call and you accidentally showed your webcam and you were shirtless and you said something like "oops we can't have that" and we started laughing. Do you remember that?
Quote from: Bill on November 22, 2016, 03:16:53 AM
What's up guys it's been a while!

Everything Ryan said is basically how it all went down for me too. Other things took over our lives as we got older. Unfortunately, we weren't able to dedicate our time like we used to which is something you gotta understand. I know that upset some of you guys, which I could tell in some posts I've read on here from the last previous months. I still remember a lot of you guys and the old days, and I will forever. We may have left, but the love never did. And if we could potentially in the future start something bigger and better on here, then you can count me in. If not, Ryan's development community idea sounds like a great idea as well.

On a side note, if anybody plays Oldschool Runescape, my name is Acid Hits. Feel free to add me but pm me your name so I can add you. My private is usually set to friends.

Dude.... I have to say this just so I don't go insane. But both of you, please.... for the love of god, don't make this into another "I'm back for real this time, ready for muh updates?" Within the last 4 years Ryan alone has probably done just that at least 10 times. You come back, you promise this big giant recovery, you go AWOL. You come back again, just as enthusiastic as before, completely ignoring the previous false promises, and do it all over again. Nothing ever happens. Nothing ever has happened. That's why both James and Kevin quit, because they know it better than anyone.

I can't help but be optimistic that this time could be different, but it would really have to be different. Ryan, you need to just release one update where anyone can contribute to development and all you have to do is veto the stuff you don't like - because you and I both know that life will just get in the way again. f*ck RSPSs, whatever you want to turn this place into, I'm game. Personally I'd love to see this community evolve into some sort of indie game hub that focuses on a completely different (and not dead) niche.

.... but you and I both know that isn't going to happen.
General (WS) / Re: Thoughs on worldscape's future
June 29, 2016, 02:04:19 PM
Quote from: Kevin on June 06, 2016, 11:23:27 PM
I have a newfound respect for you.

Quote from: Mia on June 06, 2016, 01:30:50 AM
I never understood why I was hated so much, then i realized, it's because I'm not just the only female playing, but I'm strict.
Let me help you understand why people aren't a fan of you, Mia. It isn't because you're female, there's no need to start that. People feel like you too often abuse your power. This thread is a great example, where you ban/delete posts/mute people because they hurt your feelings.

But I think you are a good person, you are just emotional.
Introductions / Re: Welcome!
June 29, 2016, 01:52:12 PM
Quote from: lonely ghost on June 20, 2016, 03:51:07 PM
Hello ry ive played this server from the start and would like to become admin or mod to bring the game back. ive gotten a couple of players and would like to bring more!

Guys look! He's played from the very start! #lonelyghost4owner #MakeWSGreatAgain
General (WS) / Re: Thoughs on worldscape's future
June 01, 2016, 11:37:28 PM
No, D E A T H was right, and so was Kevin. If Ryan ever gets around to reading this I hope he has the stomach to shut it down, it's clearly time. We've all had mixed experiences here and get emotional about it ending, but it's ridiculous how long we've been dragging this place around like a bloody, dead horse.
News and Announcements / Re: My Resignation
March 26, 2016, 09:04:03 AM
I've always respected the honestly and intellect in your posts, much like this one. Even though I never got to know you on a personal level, you've always been one of my if not my favorite people/person I've seen in my 6 years of AGF forum-browsing, not just out of staff members.

Nice knowin' ya.
General (WS) / Re: Don't expect ANYTHING!
March 12, 2016, 06:00:40 PM
Quote from: D E A T H on March 02, 2016, 08:21:52 AM
Quote from: Kryptonite on March 01, 2016, 09:14:17 PM
Wow it's like you realized what everyone else did 2-3 years ago :o

Wow it's like you're one of the fucks who bitches at whines. Where's muh updates!!!! You post all the time complaining about worldscape and kept making threads about electing staff members. (f*cking why). I knew worldscape was dead back in 2013 but you guys kept expecting updates.

Get off of your high horse, everyone knew this place was dead years ago. There's a difference between pushing for updates to increase its chances and actually believing we're going to get updates.