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Topics - Kryptonite

Okay, I'm sick and tired of seeing tons of topics about not being able to log in because of the server being down. If the client says something like 'cannot connect to login server' or anything like that, don't post a topic about it because it will just get locked and you will get the same response that the server is down and you need to wait it out. And don't ask us when it will be back up either, because we have no way of knowing. Anyone who makes a topic about this from this point on will receive a 10% warning on their account and their topic will be immediately locked.

However, this doesn't mean you can't still post a topic if you're having other problems, such as the client not loading or anything like that.

Thank you.
QOTD / Question of the Day (March 27, 2011)
March 27, 2011, 10:18:55 PM
Hey guys. Today I would like to know: What is your favorite holiday, and why?

Mine is probably Christmas because I get presents and I'm on a long vacation from school. And not to mention all the food and cookies I get to eat. I'm not a big fan of the cold though.

So yeah, post away.
General (WS) / Facts About Worldscape
March 26, 2011, 10:25:07 PM
Hey guys. This topic is just going to list a ton of facts about Worldscape. Feel free to contribute your various facts and make the list bigger. Note that the facts don't need to be 100% true, they just need to provide some sort of entertainment or something someone else could relate to.

Let the list begin!

1 - If you ignore the Count to 5,000 Topic long enough, someone will eventually screw up the counting.

2 - When a low leveled player who is not well known among PKers enters the wilderness, they are almost always attacked for no good reason.

3 - Some players will just never follow certain rules, no matter what.

4 - There are almost always random players trading rares in lumby.

5 - When logging in to Blitz during the St. Patricks day event, the low population of players would cause you to get a Leprechaun about every 10 - 30 seconds.

6 - A lot of players seem to speak Dutch, French, or some other foreign language. Yet, no one seems to speak Spanish, which is one of the most common foreign languages in the United States.

7 - 99% of the time a new player comes who speaks perfect grammar, he/she is really just a different player pretending to be new, for whatever reason.

8 - Death Zone is the longest active clan, and seems to be the only clan that can actually last. The rest seem to just be aborted after a month or two. No matter what.

9 - Once every 24 hours, at least 1 person is guaranteed to enter the wilderness with no items in an attempt to kill people with ice barrages or another spell. These people are also known as Zero itemers.

10 - When there is more than 5 or 6 people in wildy at a time, it is very likely an argument will start somehow.

11 - Some people are just plain stupid whilst in the wildy.

Well there's 10 for you, now let's hear yours.
QOTD / Question of the Day (March 25, 2011)
March 25, 2011, 07:07:40 PM
Hey guys. Today I want to know: What really makes you mad? Like what just makes you want to hurt someone or whatever it is you do when you get REALLY mad?

Me personally, I don't get mad very often. But I guess mine would be when people that barely know me spread rumors about me or some shit like that.

So anyway, post what makes you really mad and why. Thanks :)
Hey I'd just like to say that is kind of makes me mad when people make fun of other people or get mad at them because they use bad grammar. Like honestly, an example would be like with gomes97. He's dyslexic and it really pisses me off when I see posts picking on him because they couldn't understand what he was saying. I feel really bad for him. Honestly guys, you really shouldn't pick on people for that. It's not like they aren't trying, you're just making them feel worse. If you just use some common sense you could (most of the time) EASILY figure out what they are trying to say. So please, just back off if you are doing this, it's really kind of mean.
QOTD / Question of the Day (March 21st, 2011)
March 21, 2011, 06:53:58 PM
Hey guys! Today I'd like to know: What is your favorite sport to participate in? It could be anything, even something completely random and unique :) Or it could be that you hate playing any type of sport. Let us know!

Personally, I like to play football because it's really fun and I like to tackle people :) I also like to do track because I can run fast and I'm good at jumping. So leave the sport(s) you like to play and why you like to do them!
Okay, take a look at the following page from runescape wiki:

Read the table for the ring of wealth and take a look at some of the things that can be dropped just from even basic monsters. My friend even got 2,500 saradomin brews from a greater demon, which was about 13M just from a ring of wealth....

Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Reporting Tamin
March 11, 2011, 10:39:58 AM
Username: Kryptonite
Offending: Tamin
When: Friday, March 11th, 2011, Around 9:00am Central
Rule Broken: Luring from funpk to wilderness
Evidence: (Probably gonna have to watch in fullscreen to see)

Sorry if the quality is bad, you might have to wait for it to upload more.
Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Reporting Momoa34
February 28, 2011, 09:35:15 AM
Name: Kryptonite
Offender: Blazerdrag
Date: Uhh a few days ago
Rule Broken: Buying accounts
Evidence: See below
Other: I was burying bones so I had to get what he said in like 4 messages.

Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Reporting Blazerdrag
February 28, 2011, 09:33:39 AM
Name: Kryptonite
Offender: Blazerdrag
Date: Feb 28th, 2011, 8:25 (central)
Rule Broken: Buying accounts
Evidence: See below
Other: I was just randomly talking to him at shades and he asked if I had a main...

Tech Support / ~
February 27, 2011, 02:00:25 PM
~ Fixed ~
Lock please.
Skills / Excellent Combat Calculator
February 24, 2011, 09:52:21 PM
Hey, just thought I'd make a topic showing the amazing combat calculator that was mentioned in a post on a previous topic. Anyway, this is extremely helpful.

Credits go to "re up" for posting this:

Quote from: re up on February 21, 2011, 10:17:38 PM
i sent him a pm with the link in it for a calculator i found online

Also, Kevin posted this:

Quote from: Kevin on March 19, 2011, 08:51:03 PM
For Skill calculators go to and just multiply everything by 250. Because classic is 250x xp for everything. And Blitz is 7.5x xp I believe.
Rants / Glitched people
February 20, 2011, 11:00:40 AM
The glitched people (people with all 128's) are filling up the highscores and they don't even deserve to have those stats! Because of them I'm ranked like 120 something... Like wtf!
Rants / Death Zone (The player)
February 20, 2011, 10:53:57 AM
Ok seriously I'm freaking tired of the player 'Death Zone' having glitched HP so no one can f*cking kill him. And to make it worse, he goes in to wildy and PKs people! What the hell!?!?
Rants / Clans.. Somewhat
February 19, 2011, 12:56:19 AM
Okay I'm ranting about clans f*cking ruining friendships for no reason other than they're in the opposite clan, or they left your clan, or for whatever f*cking REASON! God it's so sad how a good friendship can get ruined just by joining a clan! L2bematuremuch? Kthnxbai.