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Started by Voltimolt, April 22, 2010, 06:13:30 AM

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I am a huge fanboy (I start wars at school at what consoles are better, xBox360 or PlayStation©3, I dont really care about Wii cause it sucks!)

Because of me, a friend of mine was a 360 fanboy, after 2 weeks, he got PlayStation©3.

Talk about anything about PS3 in this topic.
If you are a user of PS3 just post your username and i'll add it to the list.

||Player Name||   PSN User||
  Voltimolt            xVoltKilla12
  Chaoslancex     Chaoslancex

PlayStation©3 owns xbox360, remember that, I can transform you like my other 13 friends.


Shockwave12, been a ps3 user for over 2 years now.

Fav games:
God of War 3, Modern Warfare 2, Assassin's Creed 2, Borderlands, Resident Evil 5, Battlefield Badcompany 2, and I think that's all i really play.

Other games i have:
MAG, Fallout3, Uncharted 2 (very good game just to short and the online isn't that good to me, but the story mode is really fun and has amazing graphics), Rock Band 2 (had for 1 year just not really a fav).

I have about 10-15 other games just can't think of their names.
