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Started by darkflash, July 25, 2008, 07:01:16 PM

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i need help getting my lvl back

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Voting closed: July 27, 2008, 07:01:16 PM


 :(hello ry and jeremy can you please help me i was changing worlds. then i got reseted so how but i would like if you could fix my lvl back to what it was or better just help me on it some way. thanks for everthing and the game i have a good time playing thanks from :darkflash =)
=) i love worldscape! for life!


hey dark....why did you leave our clan?
Anyway, i think i know how you got reset
try re-dowloading the java client, it happened to me once, and it worked for me....idk how it works, and it wont get your lvls back, but i think it will stop it from happening again. Idk if this willl help but its all i can think of ;D