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IRC Chat Rules:

Started by Jeremy, June 10, 2009, 01:21:44 AM

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Rules & Punishments:

Any form of Advertising will result in a one day G:Line (Ban); such as:

    * Website URL's
    * Server IP's other than AllGoFree's
    * Hamachi Servers
    * IRC Networks
    * External Client download links

Obscene Language within the IRC
Obscene Language is permitted to a degree. Cursing is allowed as long as it's not offensive, or directed towards anyone, or any group of people.

Any form of racism, written or visual, will NOT be tolerated. Racism is the ghetto of the English language. Using such terms or slangs will end you up with a permanent ban from the entire AllGoFree website and game.

Any form of repetitive gibberish will result in anything from a 10-30 minute ban or a permanent one depending on circumstances.

Use YOUR Worldscape/AGF name; if you choose to impersonate someone you'll be banned.

Respect others:
Do onto others as you'd like done onto you. This is key to staying alive within the IRC Chat Room. If you cannot treat others decently, respectfully, or nicely then you should stay away from the IRC. The IRC is heavily moderated and such attitudes will not be tolerated.

Multiple Logging In:
When a user logs onto two accounts at the same time on the IRC Network they will receive a temporary ban.

Please do not try and use your own scripts. Most scripts cause spam, or are completely useless to begin with. It'll be easier for everyone, including yourself, if you refrain from adding any scripts. If caught doing so you will be permanently banned from all IRC channels.

Bots (User-created)
Bots/Botnet's are prohibited. Any use or connection of these on WorldScape/AGF's IRC will result in a permanant IP-Ban.

Note: Using these bots to spam, advertise, or distribute viruses will result in the bots being banned from the network. Not only that but you may or may not receive an in-game, or forum ban. This ban will be permanent.

Punishments; (%), (@) Mod issued:

Kick - User's removed from the channel.
Mute - User's muted from the channel.
Channel ban (+b) - Prevents user from re-joining a channel.
Akick - Auto kick & ban on join.

IRC Owners only:

G:Line - Prevents a users host, IP, or mask from connecting to the server.
Z:Line - Prevents an IP from connecting to the server. (IP-Ban)
GZ:Line - Global Z:Line. Prevents an IP from connecting to the network.
K:Line - Prevents a nickname, host, or username from connecting to the server.
Q:Line - Prevents a nickname from being used.


Channel Ranks:

     ~ = Owner - Owner of the channel. Can give all ranks, set access, kick, ban, add people to akick, and edit channel settings. Has unlimited power.

    & = Channel Administrator (This position is given to AllGoFree Staff) - Can give the ranks: Sop, Op, HalfOp, and Voice. Can kick, ban, and add people to akick. Can also give access and permanent ranks.

    @ = "Op" Global Channel Moderator - Can give the ranks: Op, HalfOp, and Voice. Can kick & ban; limited power.

    % = "HalfOp" Channel Moderator - Can kick & ban. No access to services.

    + = Voice (Moderator in training) - Can chat/talk while channel is moderated/muted. (+m)

Important: In #WorldScape NEVER ask Jeremy or Ry60003333 for ranks. You'll be warned and eventually kick/banned if you do not stop. All ranks are earned, and are never given away.

IRC Owners:

    * Jeremy
    * Ry60003333

To see the list of all IRC Moderator's visit this page:

To access the IRC Chat visit this page:

If you have any questions feel free to go onto the IRC and ask away!

Note: The IRC Chat is the most diligent way of contacting Ryan, myself or any AllGoFree Staff member.  ;D

Happy Chatting! Please spread the word so we can get as many active chatters as possible! Thanks!

With much sincere,

Jeremy Ritter.
I'm bad enough to commit suicide and survive long enough to kill my soul after I'm dead.
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