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Monday, May 25th, 2009 Issues

Started by Ry60003333, May 25, 2009, 06:05:13 PM

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Many of you have probably noticed that the game does not work, and the website (besides the forum so some odd reason...) is going extremely slow.

I'm not sure what happened, but right now all MySQL queries other then those from the forum are going extremely slow. The reason the game isn't working is because it can't load/save accounts fast enough, because the client drops the connection after about 10 seconds.

I've been trying to figure this out all day; but if I can't fix it I'll just backup the data and reinstall MySQL. :-[
Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.


Its ok Ry. I know your working hard to get it back up and running.
Keep at it  ;D



Hopefully youll get it soon :) been wanting to play all day im so bored lol


It's ok, I can wait to play again though. XD. So, take your time and make SURE everything is working correctly.

Thank you to Zack who brought my suggestion to life. Subscribe to WorldscapeBlitz NOW!

Go here for a great theme. Credits to Zack.

   Fight my Brute YO!


I can see your making progress Ry!

World 1 is up, just not log-in-able.


Yeah its just that the account loading and everything else is going slow. :'(

Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.


Hey i see your a proud mac owner too :D


Dang the forums were off for like 3 days. I though i was going to die  :-\



Sorry, but I just figured out what was wrong. Its all the router's fault. :-[

The forum connects to MySQL with, while the game and the rest of the site use, and those connects go through the router, while does not. I've switched everything to use local addresses, and its all super fast now! 8)

Also, although I didn't need too, I reformatted the web server and it now runs Linux (Debian to be exact!) instead of Windows, and runs about 7x faster. So, enjoy the extra speed! :D



:) :) :)

Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.


God im glad to see site up again been off since monday :) hopefully youll get these issues solved soon.  But make sure you get it all right, even if it takes awhile :)


Quote from: waffles on May 26, 2009, 11:32:26 PM
God im glad to see site up again been off since monday :) hopefully youll get these issues solved soon.  But make sure you get it all right, even if it takes awhile :)
Yeah the site is working 100%, and very fast too! Although if you do come across any pages that report errors, especially PHP include errors, please post in the tech support forum. The move to Linux broke all my include statements in my PHP files but I've updated most of them to work on any web server. :)

The game will also be back up soon; I just have to change the database URL in the login servers config file. :o
Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.


Will the game be back up by tomorrow?


Quote from: waffles on May 26, 2009, 11:50:55 PM
Will the game be back up by tomorrow?
I'm actually trying to get just World 1 up tonight and the rest up tomorrow morning before school; I have a block day tomorrow and school doesn't start until 9, so if I wake up at like 7:30 I can get the other two worlds up. :)
Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.


Also, by include errors I mean stuff like the following, which I just found when checking the online shop:
Warning: include(X:/includes/allgofree/new/ [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /agf/Website/go_online/shop.php on line 2

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening 'X:/includes/allgofree/new/' for inclusion (include_path='.:/php/includes:/agf/Website/includes') in /agf/Website/go_online/shop.php on line 2

Fatal error: Call to undefined function redirect() in /agf/Website/go_online/shop.php on line 3

I'll be fixing the online shop tomorrow. :)
Triniboy: AllGoFree Staff don't get paid, they only get laid.