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Donations for Clans

Started by Gunnerman149, March 25, 2009, 05:12:48 PM

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I am now officially announcing that I am taking donations for clans, unless the clan leaders are on themselves, which you can then give the donations to them. This is for the armor forum.



This is pretty much borderline on whether this belongs in the Armour or Clan forums.

Banjo Hick

i dont think that people will donate to your clan srry


Lol what banjo hick said was right because some people work hard for their armour (not that hard) and don't want to give it away
Thanks for the respect people! Glad to be a part of all go free!

Banjo Hick

no, i think that people wont donate because they probably arent even in that clan, and most clans go down pretty quickly such as amanowns clan, its not the fact that he was banned he just decided to give up his clan to join the best clan, chaoslancex's, and even i think im actually going to donate to chaos' clan because its just a game and i dont see why items really matter....
try not to get to caught up in the game, its just a game...


Wow. I not only give items to chaos' clan if they need them, but to other clans, no matter how fast they die out. This is the bailout plan for clans!!


Banjo Hick

well are you gonna give huge bonuses to the executives in ur clan like aig?
and there are way to many bail-out plans...


Impossible to give bonuses to the executives in my clan, since I NO LONGER HAVE A CLAN!!!!!!!!! WHY, CHAOS?????
Anyway, that won't be happening. Still taking donations.



If ur taking donations I can help, I'm always down to help an old friend. :)


I'm always taking donations, just talk to me about it ingame.


Well its taken awhile but I have finished the basics of Devils Nest and we now need donations, whether it be armour, weapons, or random stuff.
Devil Nest Clan Website Link:

Banjo Hick

diablo im getting us clan uniforms right now ok, but not right now cuz im gorunded so i cant get them, but chaos im using the place where you get ur capes ok...


Alright, Diablo! Glad to hear that you're clan is up and running! Send me a private message anytime ingame and I'll give you the items you need. My Ingame Screenname is the same as the one on the forums. Again, congratulations on getting your clan started! Hope to see you guys out there pking soon!


Oh, by the way....I need you to post your ingame screenname on here so that I can verify it's you when you want the items.


I would be happy to help the clan's in need i got plenty of dh and dragon if you need any. But only a couple amounts a time, In case another clan needs armor donations. Just pm if your clan or you needs some help geting armor  :D