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posting is fun!

Started by yoshi x, July 18, 2010, 04:22:56 AM

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yoshi x

posting is fun, lol.......:) lol i know this is a random topic but i love the forums..ahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

feel free to comment by yoshi x XD please give me some respect :D

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Dead 24/7

Out For Classic But Back For Blitz.

Previous Accounts:
Drop351 (Banned) (Main Lvl 121)
Kingofkingz (Given Away) (Main/Pker Lvl 132)
K R A Z Y (Never To Be Touched Again) (Pure/Pker Lvl 72)

I currently don't play anymore, I am waiting for blitz.
I hope to become a Beta-Tester for WSB.