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Three years banned, why I left, and what it was like.

Started by Throwawayaccount, September 08, 2012, 06:09:40 PM

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I joined Worldscape Blitz almost 4 years ago, after a IRL friend had shown it to me. I had Runescape for about two years before this, and have a moderately respectable account with two 99s, and around 40m exp.

However, Runescape grew boring after a while, and, deciding that I wanted a faster and more rewarding experience, I joined this game. The server I first logged on to was vastly different from the one today, aswell as the Forums. The staff back then were a few Mod ____, and a team of great moderators. Ron, I Poon I, and Volcanic Me all spring to mind. I've kept contact with a few of them, but not all. The owners were Ry and Jeremy, the latter being a massive d*ck for those curious. Bill had recently been deranked for something I've never managed to discover. While some of them certainly didn't like each other, they found a common love in the game, just as the players did. The only player that I remember from my first day was Chaoslancex, who has somehow managed to stay aboard ship all these years. He gave me a dragon dagger, a whip, and some other pking equipment. He told me that if I worked hard, I might be able to get a spot in his new clan, DeathZone. There were, of course, others who greeted me with excitement as a new player joined their ranks, gave me a few common rares, and taught me the Ways of Worldscape, and its many varied activities. The economy had yet to succumb to the issues apparent today. Cash was still valued highly, even though it was common. The ultimate rares at the time were Dark Daggers, and H'ween masks. Pking was extremely popular, and no trolls were present. People could 1v1 in peace without fear of glitches, hackers, or other annoyances.

I loved the game, to say the least. Every day after school, I'd go on my shitty laptop and play for 6 hours, all that time spent either training, merching, or burning god damn fires at ::party in hopes of one day getting a Green H'ween. After 4 months of play(I know)I had finally gotten the requirements for Deathzone. 115 Strength, 100 attack, and 100 defense. I was a champion. I applied, got accepted, and had found my niche within the community. Not notable, but still passable in a fight, I rose through the ranks, and trained all the harder. About a week after my 6 month anniversary of being here, I had amassed a wealth. Two halloween masks, and a fabled Dark Dagger were in my possession. Few people didn't know me, and I was on a first name basis with mods. I had it all. Around this time, I noticed the Forums for the first time. I had always assumed it was just for the Staff to discuss things, and that very little of interest to me happened here. I had, of course, used it for applying, but even then I didn't care to notice anything. I started posting daily, sometimes with 7-10 posts a day, quickly getting to 300 posts. I had it all, to say the least. Wealth, friendship, popularity, and now fully developed style of pking. I was on top. Then, 7 months in, I had noticed that I was again bored. I quit, and left the community.

This lasted a while, more than I thought I really wanted. During this time I branched out into other online games, like KhanWars, and found success there too. But nothing like Worldscape, and it nagged at the back of my mind until I decided to log on again.

On arrival in-game, I was once again greeted by Chaos. Don't ask why, but he had kept me on the Clan all those long months, patiently waiting for me to come back. Apparently I left an impression. I started back into my rut, thinking that this time it would be different. I trained even more, and went on to greater success, but it, as it always does, I lost interest. I was furious at myself, not understanding my detachment in Pking, or merchanting. The game simply had no flare for me anymore. Thinking I would be gone for good this time, I went to Chaoslancex the next time he was on, and traded him all my stuff. He declined. Confused, I explained my situation, to which he replied:"Just make a pure lol, what I did." This new idea seemed appealing, to say the least. It was so radically different to what I'd done previously that I decided to give it a shot.

At first, it was not fun. I had chosen to be a Rune Pure, and training without Dharoks was a b*tch, to say the least. It took two months to get even decent stats to stark Funpking, something I was laughed at for. But I went on, and in a little over 3 months, I had 115 Magic, 125 Str, 120 att, and 40 defence. My first real fight I ever had was against Chaos, to gauge whether or not I was good. I beat him, somehow,(Looking back, he probably let me.) and was now looked at as one of the top 5 best pkers out there. Suddenly, people realized the value a pure brought to the table, and the idea of an all maxed account wasn't popular anymore. Around this time, I met a guy named Hubby. He was rich, by far wealthier than anyone else in the game, and to everyone's confusion, he was relatively new. He had boxing gloves, and other notable items. And he had a friend, named Mooshu, who I was introduced to as well. We all liked each other, and began hanging out in-game, and on IM too. About two weeks after I met Hubby, he gave me some Boxing Gloves. I began to suspect something that was later confirmed: Hubby was a hacker.

This was the start of the end for me. I continued being friends, of course, but I didn't like it. This continued for about a year, and then Mooshu was made a moderator, and I was almost at 700 posts. I figured once I got that, I would be done. I got it, and started to sever ties with friends, and finally stepped down as Co-Owner of Deathzone. Around this time, I discovered that a lot of my friends had been discussing making a private server, wanting to get away from Jeremy. I joined in, and in what could be described as an act of vengeance against Jeremy being a d*ck for the majority of me knowing him, I convinced about 15 other people to join, and ran spam accs on the server.

I believe the name of the server was "Thescape", which I guess was a clever way of saying "The Escape", we opened a forums, and had fun for about a month. I realize there was no hope in it, as people basically just went on here to d*ck around and troll, and actually had fun and did stuff on WS. So I left, stepped down, and turned my back on the community. I was banned from the WS forums, probably by Bill, since no one else has the talent to create such an impressive IP Ban, and went on with life.

Over the years, I've checked back just for nostalgia, to see how everyones doing. Chaos is still here, somehow. Others too, but most are gone. I view this post as a good bye to this community for good. It appears the community is dying, which is sad, but that is only from a brief glance at the Fourm Activity, and the amount of people on the servers.

I wish you all good luck, and I hope you enjoy the game. Good bye.
-Serguy3, Serguys_Pure, former DeathZone co-owner, and a past member of the community.


This is / isn't a serious post


Ah, memories...

I don't see how Jeremy was a d*ck. He was a chill-ass guy who was always interactive with the players.

Although, why did you come back just to write this, then leave...?

Quote from: Recoil on April 18, 2012, 06:21:22 PM
Quote from: X on April 18, 2012, 06:20:22 PM
Quote from: Recoil on April 18, 2012, 05:59:45 PM
Da fuq are you doing in a graffiti painted hobo dungeon for?

Just lost all the respect I once had for you.


Quote from: Kryptonite on September 08, 2012, 07:05:42 PM
Ah, memories...

I don't see how Jeremy was a d*ck. He was a chill-ass guy who was always interactive with the players.

Although, why did you come back just to write this, then leave...?
Jeremy was banned for a reason he gave admin to a player for RSGP and that was against Ryan's rules, at least that's what i was told.


Quote from: Kryptonite on September 08, 2012, 07:05:42 PM
Ah, memories...

I don't see how Jeremy was a d*ck. He was a chill-ass guy who was always interactive with the players.

Although, why did you come back just to write this, then leave...?

I was wondering the same thing.

Quote from: Kryptonite on September 22, 2014, 05:13:18 PM
How do you have a picture of Ryan's fridge...?


I'm aware he was banned, my brother played a small part in that, apparently. His name was Sad Panda, I'm pretty sure. Don't exactly remember.

Also, I wrote this because from the stats for the forums, it looks like it's dying, and I've always wanted to write something like this, for closure, I guess. Even another reason is the fact that they have now resorted to donations, something that Ry claimed he would never do. I doubt this game will be here in its current form in a year.

And Jeremy was a d*ck in that fact that he manipulated people to get what he wanted. He talked down to people, and thought of himself and his own friends as superiors to anyone else, and thought he was always correct. The sheer fact that his fiance was an admin should show how much of an ass hole he was. He took favorites, and posed as a hacker on multiple occasions to make people either leave, or not play in-game anymore. Don't assume just because he was banned means he was misunderstood. I knew him for far longer than I would've wished to otherwise.


I do agree he was kinda an ass hole at times, but he was still a fun guy. If anything, the drama he created spiced up the game and made it more interesting, lol. But instead of quitting because of the failing community, stay and help the community get stronger. And bring nick back with you if you want :D

Quote from: Recoil on April 18, 2012, 06:21:22 PM
Quote from: X on April 18, 2012, 06:20:22 PM
Quote from: Recoil on April 18, 2012, 05:59:45 PM
Da fuq are you doing in a graffiti painted hobo dungeon for?

Just lost all the respect I once had for you.


hey i can honestly say i will play as much as i can if we can get 50+ people online

This is / isn't a serious post


Yeah I guess Jeremy was a D*ck but so was Ryan but in a different way. No offense Ryan but you rarely talk to anybody other than staff or special people. The Longest conversation I had with you was like 5 min. On other RSPS I go on the owner hangs out with the players and does events. Yeah IK you have a dynamic code than other RSPS and you were hard at work but nothing was exactly added like all skills. So yeah look what happened WS is now dead.  Yeah sure other RSPS leech off sources but they get tons of players.

Hate if you guys want to of what I said but it's sorta true

Quote from: Kryptonite on September 22, 2014, 05:13:18 PM
How do you have a picture of Ryan's fridge...?


Quote from: D E A T H on September 08, 2012, 11:50:13 PM
Yeah I guess Jeremy was a D*ck but so was Ryan but in a different way. No offense Ryan but you rarely talk to anybody other than staff or special people. The Longest conversation I had with you was like 5 min. On other RSPS I go on the owner hangs out with the players and does events. Yeah IK you have a dynamic code than other RSPS and you were hard at work but nothing was exactly added like all skills. So yeah look what happened WS is now dead.  Yeah sure other RSPS leech off sources but they get tons of players.

Hate if you guys want to of what I said but it's sorta true

Quote from: Recoil on April 18, 2012, 06:21:22 PM
Quote from: X on April 18, 2012, 06:20:22 PM
Quote from: Recoil on April 18, 2012, 05:59:45 PM
Da fuq are you doing in a graffiti painted hobo dungeon for?

Just lost all the respect I once had for you.


Quote from: D E A T H on September 08, 2012, 11:50:13 PM
Yeah I guess Jeremy was a D*ck but so was Ryan but in a different way. No offense Ryan but you rarely talk to anybody other than staff or special people. The Longest conversation I had with you was like 5 min. On other RSPS I go on the owner hangs out with the players and does events. Yeah IK you have a dynamic code than other RSPS and you were hard at work but nothing was exactly added like all skills. So yeah look what happened WS is now dead.  Yeah sure other RSPS leech off sources but they get tons of players.

Hate if you guys want to of what I said but it's sorta true

This is / isn't a serious post


Quote from: Kryptonite on September 22, 2014, 05:13:18 PM
How do you have a picture of Ryan's fridge...?


You guys are all right. The staff should be more involved with the community. Here's some answers though since you've all been wondering what's going on...

1. AllGoFree is not and will more than likely never die.  We're not updating as frequently as we would like right now strictly because of real life events that are going on. (I.E. Ryan starting college, Kevin working more during the busy season, Me traveling all the time....etc.)

2. We accept donations but do not require them.  I believe all servers should accept donations. It doesn't make you money hungry, it's more of an awesome feeling knowing people love your cause so much that they're willing to put their hard earned money towards it.  Think of it this way: You go out to dinner. There's over 20 restaurants in town, but normally you pick the same place. Why? Maybe the foods just a little better than anywhere else. Maybe it's more convenient than the rest of the restaurants. But normally, it comes down to the quality of service you are provided. And when you get good service you tip well. We don't think that the donations are a necessity. It's more to make us feel good about ourselves, and also support the server which should in turn make you feel good as well.

3. WorldScape will NEVER be shut down. Just because we are working on multiple other projects right now doesn't mean that we will ever forget our beloved WorldScape. This ties back into statement 1, so much going on that it's hard to frequently update, but I hope you all know that I love this community and love being a part of this community enough to stick around as long as I have, as well as I hope I serve this community well.  I hope you all know that any type of questions you have, AllGoFree, Worldscape, RuneRebels, or any thing, I'm always open you can drop me a PM at any time and I will always reply.  WorldScape was where I started way back when, and I don't plan on letting it get shut down nor leaving.

4. Jeremy. Lots of discussion about him, and I'll just put the majority of the rumors down since it hasn't been openly discussed.  Jeremy DID in fact sell Admin slots for RSGP or real life money, and then ban the other party after the funds were received. This was a MAJOR integrity issue, and was what led to his immediate de-ranking and permanent banning. BUT: He was not Hitler. He was a very friendly guy to talk to on most occasions, and I was proud to call him my friend at one point. Do I agree with his stupid decision making? No. Do I agree that he was a terrible person? No again. Do I want him to come back? A third no. I feel that he served his place in the community, but it's something to not look back upon and keep chugging on.

5. As for the recent down times: Ryan is in the process of moving to college. As most of you probably know, the way our server is set up is through Ryan's personal computer system.  He is in the process of getting everything up and running to perfection again.

And finally,

6. Since everyone feels the need to be completely honest, I believe I'll have a go at it.  Do I believe we should be more active in the community? Definitely. But, think about it. You all complain about the lack of players/lack of activity in the server.  No amount of any 'advertisement team' or any of that will lead to more players. You should all be our 'advertisement team.' The more players we have, the more enjoyable the server gets, the more people feel like actively participating in the server itself.  So let's all get out there and bring the Worldscape community back to life!


Quote from: James on September 09, 2012, 02:19:24 AM
No amount of any 'advertisement team' or any of that will lead to more players.
I still advertise where i can and it has got us nowhere and the reason for that is the inactivity.
Quote from: James on September 09, 2012, 02:19:24 AM
You all complain about the lack of players/lack of activity in the server.
And might i add everyone including myself complaining about the server doesn't understand it has no players because you wont play it and i have just realized that, now im playing the server and hoping to give it the spark it needs.


I think we will be having both worlds turned on soon. I think we may(Don't quote me on this). Give people a chance to uplift bans/mutes that have been set on their accounts. Ryan, Bill, Alex and myself will more then likely set something up and we will decide who's can be uplifted.

The reason why World 2 was never turned on was because there was no place to host it. I think I will pre-pay for a VPS for a few months so you guys can have the old characters back. And I believe world 1 will be old accounts, as world 2 will be new accounts. (Again, don't quote me)

I want WorldScape to thrive again, but it is going to be a lot of work to bring back this sleeping giant! :D

(Jeremy was banned for selling Admin to multiple people for Real life cash/RSGP.)