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Saying Sorry.

Started by kevin711, June 02, 2009, 07:21:14 AM

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     I am saying sorry to the comunity of WorldScape, because in the past.. I know that I've been stubern, and an *** hole. I was trying to make a difference, and had actually gained alot of friends in the process. As if now, the fact is that I am IP-Banned, it's going to be hard to stick around. Unless I get IP-Banned on the forums, I will be online, and active, (WILL TRY) being active everyday at some point.

Sincerely, Kevin711/Effegy.
A proud Member and Beta-Tester for

Never dwell on the past, but thrive on the future.


Ok man, I feel you too since I've been Ip-ed for no reason?

Anyways, glad your sticking around.

Remember, everyone can change  :).