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Supporting AllGoFree.

Started by Kevin7111, February 22, 2009, 12:17:30 AM

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For all the players that play AllGoFree, I'm not saying that you have to cause if you don't want to, no one is forcing you. What I mean by supporting AllGoFree means by donating and being generous, while I was playing WorldScape, I saw alot of agressiveness and people cursing at others, and people threatening to report eachother.. Not saying that it's you cause you could be a five star player but, for now.. I'd apprieciate if everyone could just get along, I didn't when I first started, but the AllGoFree comunity and staff has changed me, now before I curse someone and say the heck with them, I actually give them a chance.. So that's what we all need to do, let us all give back to the community...

Sincerely, Kevin.


I'm sure Allgofree would be thankful of your donation, But things like people cursing people out and all the other stuff that goes on, the Allgofree staff try there best to deal with the problem by means of Mute, ban or even far as IP-BAN. If you do have a problem like this, don't fight back, simply use the "report abuse" buttion and report the player.