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firemania344 Bronze Poster

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new york
Date registered:
May 03, 2009, 09:51:17 AM
Local Time:
May 23, 2024, 02:11:55 AM
Last active:
September 16, 2010, 08:45:52 PM
I threw a bomb at the man but I couldn't hear it. The silence was overwhelming, the rush of battle, gunshots rattling through the night. Bodies lying still all around me allies and friends dead and gone, gone forever never to come back to the world of the living all of them had lives but now they have reached their end. The silence is overwhelming. I am running with no true destination, we have lost the battle depression and sadness has fallen everywhere. Someone is screaming in the darkness gunshots sound a shriek and they are falling, falling writhing in agony as the blood flows from them. The life giving substance that sustains all is dampening the ground and sticking to my boots, slowing me down and angering me further. Why did this have to happen? I scream more gunshots and I feel them sting my skin but I don’t care anymore, I have nothing left to live for the silence overcomes me and I fall, drowning in the blood of my allies. w00t owned =D