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Messages - Easter Woman

General (WS) / Re: Improving Blitz
June 24, 2008, 03:57:48 PM
Ryan, why not add the staff emotes like emote 813 because its how we hold it in runescape. The banner one is were you hold it but its touching your foot.
General (WS) / Hey
June 24, 2008, 03:54:09 PM
Whats up people? Names Easter Woman. People call me jess, Elf or Easter :D Lemme tell you a little about myself.

I have been a administrator on a server but somehow got IP banned for someone hating me (Which I think is stupid because I was best friends with the owner). His name is "Mod" Lebo. I still think Lebo is a jerk but meh... Its all in the past now

Anyways, nice meeting you all! I am hoping to enjoy my time on this awesome yet sexy server called "WorldScape" by All, GO FREE!!!! :D
The spears should have ::emote 813 and staff need ::emote 813 as it wont touch the foot but the ground and bend a lil farther.