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Messages - Real Ghost

General (OT) / Re: MY Client Development.
September 29, 2008, 11:06:50 PM
oh yeah i forgot to tell you, someone in this forums has my name "latin king" this is my new forum name.
General (OT) / MY Client Development.
September 29, 2008, 11:05:59 PM
well only ry knows ima coder, but less he knows that everything i make is dedicated to him. i will show you guys my client and much more things, not my server tho. i dont want you leaving ry's best private server ever created :D never the less. ry i want you to take a look at my client and read what it saysin the client background. the download web is is
I will not say my servername (never will) on this forum or ry's server. you guys stay here i just wanted to show you my client. well, have fun and hope you like my client!@!@

just incase u didnt see it
tyvm and oh...if you can help me once more lol. how do i change the xp rate everytime my character his.
example: if my character hits a 1 on any npc, it gives 20k xp?
how do i change the xp per hit, please post and ty. for ur help
dont lock this please i couldnt find the board "the nerd's corner" but please read this below:

If Anyone Knows how to change max levels on servers like my own please let me know it would really help me, tell me what i need to do in Client.Java so i can change max combat levels in my server please.
i made my server a couple of weeks ago, its silab but i want to change max combat because max is 126, i want it to be 251, if anyone knows what i need to do in Client.Java please post it here, thanks for listening.
                  Latin King.