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Messages - Zeldagirl

Suggestions / Re: Special attack
July 22, 2008, 10:53:38 AM
I can almost 100% guarantee you there will be Special Attacks (Specs) In Worldscape Blitz. I am not going to say it is definatlly going to be on there because things change sometimes.

Anyways, keep up the good suggestions guys and girls,

In Development / Re: Next Version of the Client
July 22, 2008, 10:39:07 AM
Ryan, it would be great if every now and then you could keep up updated of where exactlly the server is and what you have changed or have done. Your doing a fantastic job, however. Keep up the awesome work bud.  ::)

Thank you:
Ryan, Jeremy, Mod Elias, Mod Katie, Mod Wayne, Mod James, (anyone other AllGoFree Staff I forgot.) Beta-Testers, Player Moderators, Forum Moderators, and Everyone else really trying to make this server the best out there.

Thanks a lot everyone,

General (OT) / Re: My computer was infected!
July 22, 2008, 09:30:29 AM
Mcathy? Hmm, I've never heard of it.  ::)

It does sound intresting, but just because it's a $4,000 dollar program doesn't mean that it really is good. It does sound good however, and it does sound like it is protecting your computer now. Thank god your grandfather was there to help. Happy late birthday by the way.  :D

Have a great rest of your day (whenever your reading this.)

I reset it anyways.  ::)

Good luck guys,

Tech Support / Re: FREE MOD ACCOUNT???????
July 21, 2008, 09:52:44 PM
First of let me say LEAVE RYAN OUT OF IT.  ::)

Jeremy is the one who made this player a moderator, (he manages these things.)
Jeremy picked Fhillip for moderator, he did NOT hack, scam, or whatever else you may think he has done. All if not MOST of the staff know about Fhillip and  I think we should congratulate him on his Moderator rank. Do not be jealous, it makes you look silly.  8)

Thank you,

Yawn, what? wha?? Aww, back to 1.

good luck guys!

Pharmacist J's Poem Gallery / Re: These Pills
July 21, 2008, 08:26:47 PM
I agree with everyone above. You really express yourself and your not shy to say you have a problem. Very good job.

Keep up the good work,

Tech Support / Re: where do i find the north pole?
July 21, 2008, 08:20:14 PM
Ah, yes.. the northpole can be located at, ::northpole.

Also, since there is no further use of this topic I will be locking it. Good luck at the ::northpole, I hope you get some good drops.

Again, Good luck,

Tech Support / Re: stats
July 21, 2008, 08:17:11 PM
Do NOT post random polls at the top of your posts. Consider this your first warning because you are newer to the forums. However, if it continues it will be marked as SPAM.

Thank you for understanding,

Tech Support / Re: stats
July 21, 2008, 07:24:39 PM
Please post more information about this glitch so that we can help you. Curentlly there is very little information on the glitch.

Please include:

- How it might of happened.
- When did it start?
- What exactlly is the problem(s) it is causing.
- Is your username playable with this glitch?
- Is it causing you any problems where you can not do or have access to certain things?

Thank you, and I hope I helped,

Tech Support / Re: HELP cantl ogin
July 21, 2008, 06:20:52 PM
This topic has been locked for the following reason(s)

1. The first post by: XfoxdragonX was VERY hard to understand, I could not understand the post nor could I help him in anyway because I could not understand the issuse.

2. The second post by: I_Blitz_I was TOTATLLY irelevant to the first post. DO NOT post in someone elses topic in 'Tech Support' unless you are helping them, or you can shed some light on the issue. I_Blitz_I, you should have started your own topic asking for help rather than using someone elses for personal problems.

3. I_Blitz_I, the issue with you being Ip-banned for swearing does not occur right away. First, you are usually given a warning then if you excessive curse you are banned. You must have cursed at either an AllGoFree Staff member or you were reported by multiple people for cursing, even after they asked you to stop. The question: How long are people Ip-banned for? Will I be un Ip-bsanned for Blitz? has two different answers.

Q. How long are people Ip-banned for?
A. It really depends on the degree of the ban, seeing as this isn't a hack or a dupe nor is it Bug Abusing, I think a week tops. (I am not totally sure about this, the person who banned you can shed more light on it.) If you are good I believe it will go faster.

Q. Will I be un Ip-banned for Blitz?
A. Yes, you will be Un Ip-banned for Blitz, everyone will be. He is reseting the whole server. All bans, blackmarks, warnings and mutes will go away. It is a clean slate to do good. Do not think this is a chance to Swear at someone again and not get in trouble. YOU WILL.

I hope I shed some light on this issue and I hope you have learned from your mistake. Good luck getting un Ip-banned,

General (OT) / Re: my first worldscape sig
July 21, 2008, 05:53:22 PM

This looks amazing Cavallers, i'm sure this took you some time.  ::)

Another thing is, try expirementing with it and see the results you get, sometimes there very 'different' but a good different.  :o

Keep up the good work, that looks VERY cool.  ;)

Suggestions / Re: No tele in wild..
July 21, 2008, 05:07:07 PM

We do wan't some sort-of teleport from the wild. Possibly we can add a portal to the game in the wilderness so that it isn't 100% blocked off. (if you catch my drift.) A good suggestion, I get frustrated when someone comes to the wilderness and teleports in two seconds as well.

Keep up the good work,

Suggestions / Re: no commands?,regular training?,
July 21, 2008, 05:04:38 PM

I do think that it will be EXACTLLY or as close to runescape as possible. If any commands I'm sure it would be ::players, or something of the sort. Or possiblly nothing at all. Commands in my sense are cheats, cheating isn't fun. Nor, is duping any fun. (I consider duping to be a cheat  ::)) Anyways, I agree with you 100% of the way.  :D

Keep up the good work,

Skills / Re: what skills can u use on worldscape??
July 21, 2008, 04:53:22 PM
I am locking this topic because the author of it has found out all that he needs to know from it, and there is no further purpose in keeping it open.

Thank you for understanding,
