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Messages - theworm

Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Re: Reporting Players
January 22, 2012, 01:06:22 AM
Hah the funny thing is he didn't post the hole convo, Because he would get himself muted for cursing at us first and he just took a picture that showd just us cursing good picture tho I look like a boss xD

also this is my first time doing anything bad since I started playing you all know I dont brake the rules I like this server and wouldnt do anything to disrupt the system so do what you need to do I understand its your job and you cant play favorites even tho we all know im  your favorite =]
Tech Support / Help.
January 21, 2012, 12:58:22 PM
When i try to log in the client wont download the main cashe part. I tryed updating the client about 3 times all 3 times it said update secessful or what ever and it still only goes to the maincashe and stops. Also I tryed to go around the problema and use the webclient, and it eather just spins and doesnt load any of the bar or goes a little more then half way and stops like it cant download the cashe I would like to know if I can do anything to get around this or fix it

Thanks theworm.
Clans Recruitment / Re: ☣Death Zone☣(Classic)
September 05, 2011, 05:53:05 PM
I withdraw my application.. I dont feel like I bring anything new to the table you guys got everything you need. I couldnt really help you guys in fights, or anything and would feel left out since basicaly everyone is lvl 172. and i dont wanna mess up my pure just cuse you guys hit better with other armour and stuff even tho we got same stats. I would like to still be a allie of the clan no hard feelings if not I understand things just dont happen all the time like you would like them too and I like a lot of the clan members from here that ive gotten to know and would still like to hangout without someone wanting to kill the other while in wildy. sorry for the inconvinence. and I suck at spelling so yeh cya.
username - Theworm
reason to join- I like to Pk and DeathZone anoyyes me with all the pileing when your ff'ing one of the clanmembers
combat skills that meet or exceed the requirements- 135att 135str 135mage 1def 1pray 116range 135hp
an addition you would make to this clan. -  I like to pk some say im pretty decent, Ive pk'd for about 3years on runescape and own. ws pking kinda different to what im used to since pumpkins heal full nomatter what... sometimes I die real quick other times I win or last about 5+ minutes against lvl 172s. pking in ws is small amount of skill needed so hard to say what you can bring to the table its mostly about the luck of the hit ive fought someone and went to k0 and hit 0-0 with dds and he ate a pumpkin should have been my kill but again its all luck on hits.

Clans Recruitment / Re: ☣Death Zone☣(Classic)
September 02, 2011, 08:24:44 PM
InGame Name: TheWorm                                 
| -Combat Level: 121                           
| -Str. Level:    135                               
| -Attack Level: 135                             
| -Magic Level:  135                               
| -Deff. Level:    1
l - Hp. Level: 135 

           Idk how good I am at Pking you tell me chaos =P             
Also Amanda if you look I Belg Pkr I was also doing it.
Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Reporting M4ge Man
June 15, 2011, 05:04:38 PM
In-Game Username:TheWorm
Reporting Player:M4ge Man
Rule broken:lureing
Time: About 2:17 pacific

even after people told him to stop luring he needs to say that you can lose items he wouldnt and kept saying it, Also he did same thing yesterday when no mods/admins were online.
Skills / Re: Runecrafting (locations)
June 15, 2011, 04:16:54 PM
w00t w00t there I am! I acctualy helped for once hah.
Skills / Re: XP Table For Levels 100-135!
June 13, 2011, 10:06:17 PM
Bug Reports / magic
June 13, 2011, 06:27:32 PM
I'm reporting a magic bug I don't know if you know about this already but when you have runes and are using normal spells, you can use lvl 87 magic enchant onyx on a rune and you still get the XP as if you just enchanted onyx but all you need is runes. you get 24k xp each time you use and the faster you do it the more xp you can get like 200-500k/minute. I got my magic cape training at ::tele 2190 3325 and it annoys me that I did it the longish way and people could get way more xp then I had gotten when I worked for it. so I'm telling you about this glitch I found also it doesn't show any emote or anything when doing it so people could seem afk when they are really afk training magic. so they wouldn't be able to be caught unlike when using a ghost mouse/auto clicker doing alching, And the enchanting is more xp then alching also.
Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Reporting Predator
June 13, 2011, 05:56:37 PM
In-Game Username:TheWorm
Reporting Player:Predator
Time: About 2:50 pacific time

Report In-Game Rule Breakers / REPORTING BOOMAN
June 10, 2011, 07:34:15 PM
In-Game Username:TJEWORM
Reporting Player:BOOMAN
Time:10:36 PACIFIC
Evidence: PICTURE
thats legit
Drawings, photography, etc. / Re: New look.
May 26, 2011, 11:16:54 PM
yay i got it back now to get 2 more lvls for lvl 135 mage lol