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Messages - Coleshot1

At my school we have this substitute every once in a while, and she's one of the subs that makes all the kids love her. (We're 8th graders, we don't love anything at school...)
So whenever she comes she always says a site, which I won't say, that she says is hers. SO.
When I went to that site, it took me to a porn site. WTH.  :o
*Checks spelling, checks other sites she might have meant*
WTHx2. She's like 43, strict, and apparently thinks we needed to see that.  :-\
Eugh.. Next story?
Skills / Re: magic fail
April 27, 2010, 09:03:36 PM
Stun. And I think fire wave, unless that's level 135. (134 here, forever)
Yeah well to be honest, we got all the capes&emotes before the actual skills. And on subject... Umm.
Nevermind.  ::)
If you like this, just wait 'till Blitz. I think I saw a picture of summoning somewhere...
Compliments / Re: Sign If You Like WorldScape!
April 25, 2010, 11:30:36 PM
*CTRL+F, Coleshot1* ...
Oh noes I'm not on there? I've seen this topic, what, 20 times?
Add me please.  :P
And don't forget the crown.
Rants / Re: Cheaters!
April 25, 2010, 11:24:51 PM
Cheaters aren't worth your time. If someone thinks you aren't good enough for them, they aren't good enough for you. Just move on and find someone else.
Rants / Re: Noobs
April 25, 2010, 11:18:19 PM
There's usually a difference between noobs and "pkers" that do all of those listed. Although most players like that either learn or quit fairly soon. They're still annoying, and I can relate to all those things. In funpk I expect it, but it is annoying when they get 2 or more 0-itemers with runes and no armor. This made ::nofreeze really useful lol.. Actually it still is.  ::)  :-X
The worst thing is often they won't listen to reason. "Real pkers don't do that," "That's just being a noob," "STOP IT PL0X."
I say you should just leave to ::edge or ::pkisland (etc.) until they get bored of killing other 0-itemers, or just train on them for a while.
General (OT) / Re: Runescape: New skill.
April 13, 2010, 02:33:02 PM
When I first tried the minigame, I was a level 92 playing with a 27 and a 50. I was completely clueless as of what to do, so while they went and made stuff and got keys I just killed stuff. Apparently that works.
Still don't know too much about it though. I heard they have "Dungeons meant for 1" yet also that you can't play alone? And having two skillcapes is going to make 99 less rewarding.
It's more like a HUGE minigame (the biggest!) than a skill, but I like it. Can't wait to see some more ways on what it has to do with the rest of the game.

General (WS) / Re: To Ryan and Jeremy.
April 12, 2010, 07:47:33 PM
Kind of a different subject... But.
WorldScape PvP is missing most of the reason people loved it in RuneScape. Without getting the opponents items as a reward, it's solely a test of skill. It takes a lot of the thrill out of pking. Getting rid of choc-ice altogether would make it so people couldn't easily fill their inventory and still heal. If it was deleted, they'd have to either type fast or not heal at all. As for using choc-ice out of PvP, pumpkins are just as useful, having to heal less often, and they're easy to get.
Another alternative is to fix the glitch itself, but I doubt that's going to happen.

General (OT) / Re: Broken Body Parts?
April 01, 2010, 12:03:33 AM
Never broken anything, knock on wood.  :P
Although I've had my thumb slammed in a door, been kicked in the   :o , apparently have the "kind of toes" that get frequent ingrown nails(ouch?), and a bunch of headaches, all school/stress(same thing) related.
But yeah, never broken a thing. Maybe I will on my vacation in 2 days. Cya guys. =D
Rants / Re: Two words..:- O.M.G
March 08, 2010, 01:42:55 AM
One more reason why I really couldn't care less about any items I own.  :-\
General (WS) / Re: Your Worldscape Role Model
March 08, 2010, 01:29:33 AM
Triniboy and Ryan7 made me want to be a moderator, all my friends have helped me break a certain habit of mine, and Ry's always reminded me of my step-brother Ryan.
Future Updates / Re: From Classic to Blitz!
February 23, 2010, 05:49:01 PM
Quote from: Mute on February 22, 2010, 05:15:24 PM
Player controlled NPCs...?

Is this... True?

Am... I hallucinating?

That's a good idea (players as NPC's), but no, it's just me transformed into one. Same with the dragon and Juliet.

And again, nearly every equip-able item is working with stats right now. (That's out of a list of over 10,000 items!) And, most every drop works, too. Now we need to put in NPC's for you guys to fight, work on(or..start) some quests, and some other things.
Maybe more pictures soon guys. Soon as we get something done, that is.
Forum Games / Re: Would You Rather ____ Or ____?
February 19, 2010, 11:36:38 PM
I'd rather eat Cole, the other one you said is wrong and unmentionable in my post.
Compliments / Re: Mods and Owners.
February 16, 2010, 08:38:23 PM
I think you forgot me. ???
Of course you don't have to add me if you don't respect me.  :P