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Messages - nate

Suggestions / Re: Economy/Server upgrades?
August 26, 2013, 07:55:48 PM
Quote from: Krest I V on August 26, 2013, 07:42:43 PM
I think they should reset all farming stats if they do it.
they might once they release all the stats just so its another update they could add. Idk just a thought.
General (WS) / Re: Updated videos please!
August 26, 2013, 07:52:28 PM
Quote from: Krest I V on August 26, 2013, 07:46:24 PM
Like Nate said, it's because school started less than a week ago for most people. They'll start to get their school life to the point where they can handle playing here for 30 minutes a day wand we'll be back to normal in a month or so

not to mention the sudden large amounts of players over the breaks  :P
General (WS) / Re: Updated videos please!
August 26, 2013, 07:17:56 PM
Quote from: happyguy3216 on August 26, 2013, 06:43:53 PM
Quote from: nate on August 26, 2013, 05:21:37 PM
we are LOSING players because school just started for the majority of the population. It happens every year.
This is the solution to all my worry's. Nate I just wanted to take the time out of my day to tell you that you are brilliant and I am offering a position of being my next lover. It happens every saturday at my uncle Tom's house. Afterwards we stay up real late and watch the Spongebob Squarepants unseen episodes marathon. I've personally seen it 500 times (one per lover) but i don't mind watching it because it is by far the best unseen episodes to be seen. Also if you really want to get down and dirty I can invite Bill Cosby over to give us inspiring advice while we are in the act. If you would prefer me wearing a condom I could attempt at doing this because every single person i banged suggests this but I have such a small shlong there is nothing for the wrapping to hold on to. Anyways, thank you for being the man you are.

-stay classy 'murica

lol why u haz no respects? You have one now  ;D
Suggestions / Re: Economy/Server upgrades?
August 26, 2013, 05:27:15 PM
Quote from: Jake on August 26, 2013, 02:46:30 AM
I really only fully support the farming idea. It'd be awesome for that skill to be "real" and less boring to train.

RuneRebels has it working nearly 100% so I can't see why we can't have it here.

I think they havent changed it because then they would need to reset all the farming stats and some players might be upset. I do think it would be cool to add as an alternative way to train the level though.
General (WS) / Re: Updated videos please!
August 26, 2013, 05:21:37 PM
we are LOSING players because school just started for the majority of the population. It happens every year.
Quote from: Kryptonite on August 24, 2013, 06:10:58 PM
They weren't really for arguing either one of your points, I was just bored.

I noticed, but I didn't know if you were trying to or not so I just left it haha  ;D
enough with your calculations, this argument is not rational!

Notice****  (This post is not to be taken seriously. It is a joke)
Quote from: Krest I V on August 23, 2013, 01:31:34 AM
If it's not a challenge then why is no one maxed out after five years? Some have been here longer than that and aren't maxed yet. Yes this has a very nice multiplier, but as far as most RSPS goes it's fairly difficult. There are thousands that are 10000x and not many that are lower than 250x. And in your post you clearly suggested things to make the game even easier than it currently is, so it's not sarcasm.

i no one has tried to get max for that long. If someone trained for 5 years and were dedicated, they would have max easy. And my original post was for convenience, not reducing the games challenging qualities. Slayer is not challenging, only tedious in the way you have to keep clicking to get a certain task. Herblore is not challenging, all you have to do is donate alot of money and boom, theres the stat. The comment you specifically quoted was sarcasm and obviously not to be taken 100% serious. In my opinion, if someone played 16 hours a day for 2 months, they could have max easy.
Quote from: Krest I V on August 23, 2013, 12:50:14 AM
Because we aren't 4 year olds playing Super Mario 64 for the first time. We're teenagers (discluding Richard) and we like being challenged a bit more than you're suggesting.

first off, I was joking and that post was obviously not supposed to be taken seriously (hence the winkey face).

secondly, we are playing runescape, or a version of it. My sarcastic point was that we are already being lazy by playing video games. and if you want to debate on this server being "challenging", this version is actually 250 times faster than runescape, more so if you account your potential output of damage when training combat stats, and we have basically free items that would be very expensive on runescape. If you want a challenge, allgofree has made a 06 runescape remake, and jagex has released 07scape. That would be a challenge to get good stats on that. It is almost ridiculous that you are mocking my simple addition to convenience by saying that players want more of a challenge. On this server. 250 xp multiplier. Free skilling items. Easy to obtain materials. ECT.... There should never be even an idea of a challenge in this server skilling wise.
its called iban's shadow
Quote from: Mod Horse on August 22, 2013, 07:05:00 AM
Well done with these suggestions Nate and a massive thank you to James for providing instant detailed feedback for the public!
Might i add that some of these suggestions were made to allow a more comfortable play style however.. this would also be making it a easy and lazy lifestyle to some degree which should not happen =).

but we are already playing video games, why not make the video games easier?  ;)
Quote from: Jarred on August 22, 2013, 09:09:41 AM
Hmmm, I ain't no expert anymore on this type of stuff but..
Minor rares: Elemental shield, all cavaliers (Somehow got duped like crazayyy), all those halloween items, white scimitar, pirate hat, christmas stuff, facemask, those jewelled machetes, broodoo shield
mediumish rares (anything multiple people have doubles of): chicken, basket of eggs, bowsword, rubber chicken, apprentice and beginner wand, sled, khazard, elemental hat, mouse toy, egg whisk, gadder hammer, rapier, anger weapons, all those books (mages is the rarest), boater (could be in the next line down), boxing gloves(could be in the next line down), mystic mud staff (could be in the next line down), tribal mask
Medium rare to decent stoof: yo-yo, harry's cutlass, guthix mjolnir, lederhosen, pirate(could be in the next line down), rogue, skeletal, anti-dragon shield, diving apparatus, zombie head, skewer, mime(could be in the next line down-mask and boots), cooking gauntlets, flippers, void (if you're a non-dz member and not friend of Oscar)
Good st00f: Hell cat, desert stuff
Stuff I don't know about: That weird potion  :o

Sorry if I missed any!
Side note: This is my personal opinion and should probably not be used in the buying and selling of rare items.
Side side note: yes, this took me ages.  ;)
thanks, thats how i figured everything was ranked, but you never know in this economy  :P
are there alot of void sets floating out there?
Quote from: Kevin on August 22, 2013, 03:51:49 AM
Maybe from now on, ever 500 votes we'll do something big. Every 1,000 something amazing, and every 100 something small.
im fine with this. Also everyone every once and a while should yell "do ::vote"