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Topics - range plz

General (WS) / Dear all players and staff
December 10, 2013, 05:53:09 AM
I do believe i have the right server, if this was once called Allgofree Read on......

I am a very very very old player of this game, i was just wondering if accounts from 3 years ago have been wiped or are still availible to play, I'de be very grateful to know, i've been trying to find this server forever again, so if you know anything about it let me know.

And for those who played with me my char were As listed below main, pure, rare collector.

1. Cheez plz
2. B A K E D
3. Purplekush

the mods i remeber from way back when are, well basically X and the owner Ryan thats all i can remeber and there was one that always pvp'd at that alter place in wild forgot his name. Anway...

There was one mod that had a clan his irl name was oscar for those old players that knew him there look was red boots red gloves and black armor with obby kite and dds, Cant remeber his name probably long gone by now.

If any staff read this send me a email and let me know further information about whats going on with the server and all that Jaz, i want to get back into this server since i've recently stopped playing world of warcraft Transitioned back into runescape and the private servers.

Very thankful to all those that reply to this, i'll have these forums open waiting for a reply to this message from anyone that knows anything about it.   :)
Clans Recruitment / ElItE fAsHiOn
August 14, 2010, 01:23:44 AM
elite fashion


da bomb101


contact us!!!!

Clans Recruitment / lock this topic g6 is over
June 23, 2010, 07:27:32 PM
generation 6!!

clan leader:
b a k e d


s i c k

fly ranger65

clan reqiurments:

>>>>>>apply now!@#$$%^%&*(&#^#%@!<<<<<