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Topics - Petey

General (OT) / Petey's Here!
November 13, 2008, 08:21:07 PM
 Hello, AllGoFree players, my username is Petey, as you can see. I've been known about this site, by few of my friends. (Johnathan, and Bill, It's me Xakafynez, Edouards Best Friend). That was for the friends, who told me about this site.
Okay, before, I used to skateboard, until someone pranked me and stole my skateboard.. I used to Skate, almost everyday at the park. But those skateboarding days are over. Erm, my favorite sport is Basketball, and Baseball. I usually love playing Basketball a lot. My third sport, is Soccer. It's quite fun, and I used to play it in the muddy fields in my country aswell. I love writing with good spelling, and with excellent grammar. I love playing RuneScape, until my level 102 was hacked, so I'm trying to recover it back. I love listening to Rap, Hip Hop, songs, and more. I enjoy watching RSMV's on youtube. And, my best artist is Linkin' Park. My favorite songs of his are, Leave Out All The Rest, Numb, In The End, and What I've Done.
That was my introduction, I hope you enjoyed reading it ;). Leave comments below, and if you have any questsion, feel free to PM me ;). I might not be online that much, because I play many other servers, you know. I'm not a person, that plays one server only :P.
