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Topics - toadmaster

Tech Support / Starting Client
November 12, 2012, 12:04:41 PM
When i try to run anything like the update or the 317 it says java is reconized as a internal or external commnad.. Do i need to update my Java or what?

Thanks if you can help
Clans Recruitment / Dbow Pkers
January 17, 2011, 08:07:46 PM
Dbow pkers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We r a funpk clan until we get alot better then we r wildy
Our base is ::fremmy

Rules and requirements: You have to be a range disregarding a few warriors guards, Be nice to all members other clans including enemys when we get some

Applicationfor rangers: username:
                                     Range Lvl :
                                     Experince in blitz:

Application for Guards: username:
                                     Attack deffense and strength lvl:
                                     experince in blitz:
Owners: Toadmaster, Cubas King, and Mann0wner

Commander: Mann0wner

Genral:toadmaster and Cubas King



Private: Geertpown1

Guards: geertpown1
              Cubas King

Eniemies: DNA