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Topics - Sora

Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Rule 1
July 12, 2011, 12:49:09 PM
In-Game Username: Tinyyoshi
Reporting Players: Sonic, I L O V E U, Tunechi 920
Rule Broken: Offensive Language + Yell Abuse

All happened in under 2 minutes.
General (OT) / Happy Independence Day!
July 04, 2011, 10:06:05 AM
Happy Independence Day to everyone that lives in America! Celebrate by sitting with your family and watching fireworks tonight!  ;D
Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Rule 1
June 19, 2011, 10:25:02 AM
In-Game Username: Tinyyoshi
Reporting Player: Tunechi 920
Rule Broken: Offensive Language

Btw, Gomes wasn't trying to say mother (beep), Tunechi was calling him a b***h and he thought that it meant he was a mother,
so he kept telling tunechi he wasn't his mother.  :-\
Humor / Lol.
June 16, 2011, 07:35:33 PM
This just happen to be a coincidence. The Dallas Mavericks were the winners of the NBA Playoffs 2011. While Dirk Nowitzki(blue in the back), was so happy he was screaming his head off, LeBron just happened to whiping off his sweat from his face. But if you look in the picture, it looks like Dirk Nowitzki is yelling at LeBron, making him look like he's crying.

Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Darkfate
June 06, 2011, 07:38:33 PM
In-Game Username: Xbox
Reporting Player: Darkfate
Rule broken: 1: Offensive Language
Compliments / Bill.
June 05, 2011, 12:03:05 AM
I was looking at the staff list, when i saw Bill is the new AllGoFree Owner!
Congrats Bill! Hope you do great as an owner!  :D
Good luck and make the right choices.  :-*
General (OT) / NBA Playoffs 2011
June 04, 2011, 03:41:52 PM
Who do you think will win the finals of the NBA Playeroffs 2011?
Miami HEAT vs Dallas MAVERICKS.
Score is 1-1, out of seven games.
I think Miami Heat is going to win, let's vote.  ;)

Miami Heat: 4
Dallas Mavericks: 2
Tech Support / Tech Support
May 13, 2011, 09:49:04 PM
Well, when i was loading it, it asked me if i wanted to run. I accidentally hit the enter button and it turned into a white screen. I play on the website so i tried reloading the page again but it wouldn't work. This is what it comes out to be:

If anybody can help me, I really appreciate it. Thanks.
Humor / Osama Bin Laden
May 11, 2011, 04:19:26 PM
Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Rule 1
May 08, 2011, 11:00:46 AM
In-Game username: Xbox
Reporting Player: Dream Cloud
Rule Broken: Rule 1 (Offensive Language)
Rants / Favorites!
May 07, 2011, 05:36:39 PM
I'm not trying to offend the staff or anything, but this is the truth.
The staff plays favorites.
Yesterday, I reported Kevin for calling me 'fat shit'.
And what did he get as a punishment? Nothing.
No mod muted him.
Also, yesterday, Kevin was ice barraging me and tag nonstop.
We told him to stop, and no staff did anything about it.
They were watching him barrage, and they did NOTHING about it.
Seriously, it's getting on my nerves.  :-\
Classic Support / Advertising.
April 09, 2011, 10:48:59 AM
Well, I was on WorldScape at 10:46 AM EST, when the server started making me spam the chatbox, yell, and pm with advertising.
I don't want to say the server on here, but I feel as if someone is making me do this.
Someone do something.  :'(

It also happened to I Haz Backup.
Rants / Rant.
April 03, 2011, 12:11:10 PM
I really hate when people spread rumors just because they're mad about something.
It really irritates me to believe that people are dumb enough to believe them.
And, the person who spread the rumor starts lying about what the victim said to them.

Classic Support / Bug.
March 29, 2011, 07:03:38 PM
There has been an unusual glitch when attacking a player.
When you ice blitz, ice barrage, or whatever it is, on a person,
and you attack after that, it won't allow you to attack the opponent.
You have to wait a while before attacking again.
General (OT) / Happy New Years.
December 31, 2010, 02:48:57 PM
I'd just like to say Happy New Years to everybody. Although it's not new years yet here, i'm sure it's about new years in other places.
So there question is,
What's your News Years resolution?  ;)
Rants / :(
December 26, 2010, 02:34:15 PM
I was attacking player "D" in funpk and when you keep going, you unfortunately end up in level 44 wildy. I didn't know it was wildy till he ranged me 'cause i had no food. I died and lost most of my stuff including ALL of my tickets, 2450 of them. :( That was most of my money that was on my account, and i lost all of it. I'm really sad now  :'( :'( :'(. He also killed Yoho and he lost his bgs.  :'(
Suggestions / Fire Capes
December 26, 2010, 02:36:22 AM
I think you should make TzTok-Jad drop Fire Capes. I'm sure everyone would be happy if Fire Capes come out. :)
In-Game Username: Tinyyoshi
Reporting Player: I WEAR TOMS
Rule broken: Offensive language
Time: 3:47 PM Eastern Time
Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Rule 1
November 21, 2010, 04:03:45 PM
In-Game Username: Tinyyoshi
Name of Offending Player: Devan
Rule Broken: Rule 1 - Offensive Language
Time: 4:12 PM Eastern Time

Misc: Devan was mad 'cause he couldn't get any items.
Rants / You know what grinds my gears?
November 14, 2010, 04:28:52 PM
You want to know what 'grinds my gears'? It is when people know they ripped you off in a trade but they never do ANYTHING. And when the person finally realizes or finds out they got ripped off, and ask if they can atleast get something back, they do these things:

1) They turn off their pm to make you believe that they log off, when you can just type ::players to see if they're playing.

2) Just log off.

3) IGNORE you.

4) Say no, they did not rip you off.

I've experienced this many times, but there is one person that I know that is actually does NOT do this. And that player's name is Error. When trading with Error, he actually TOLD me that MY offer was too high and did not accept it. I do not want to mention names, but a lot of people do the OPPOSITE of this. I believe you guys should stop because you shouldn't do this because not just because it's not nice, but it's not nice to the other player.