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Topics - Ry60003333

You probably noticed that the game and site were going off and on for a while during these days, and thats because were completely re-doing my basement, and we moved a crapload of computers around, including the ones that run the site and the game. :D
General (WS) / Noobwhereyagetdathat
September 07, 2009, 08:26:58 PM
General (WS) / Login Music
September 07, 2009, 08:25:12 PM
Since so many people have been requesting it, here is a link to the login music! ;D
General (WS) / Client Revision 9
September 07, 2009, 12:28:44 AM
I just put out a new revision of the Classic client, version 9. :)

There are just a few changes I would like to quickly highlight.

1. We can now change the default IP in the client without having the users re-download it, so now the default IP in the client is set to World 1 on the VPS, instead of the World at my house.

2. The client can now open a web browser to display pages, although this may need some work.

Now, in game ::bmod and ::forums will take you to web pages! :D
I will also be doing this for some other commands, for example maybe an addition to ::worlds or ::players. 8)

I've also done a little change to the background, logo (thanks to Voltimolt!), and the title music.
Heres a screenshot:

Enjoy! 8)
News and Announcements / VPS for World 1!
August 23, 2009, 01:15:12 PM
First, if you don't know what a VPS is:

Its basically a computer divided up into virtual computers, and I've bought one of the virtual computers. 8)
This means that World 1 will have NO LAG.

This means that the IP for World 1 is now . This is because I cannot make point at the VPS because the site would stop working! ::)

The World that I run is now World 2, and its IP is either or .

For real time status, check out the World Select page:
Future Updates / From Classic to Blitz!
August 14, 2009, 06:38:37 PM
For about the past two years I've been adding loads of crap to Blitz, such as part of Herblore, Mining, Woodcutting, etc. But even though I keep adding things, it doesn't feel like were getting closer too a launch, and most of the beta testers seem less then happy. :-[

So, this topic is dedicated to you guys posting what features you use/like about WorldScape Clcabbageic! :)
These are the features I will try and add to Blitz in one way or another so that we can get the game launched, and people will actually play it. :)

Please post anything you can think of, I don't care if its even a few words. This isn't a strict topic; we need pages and pages of posts from you if we even want to get Blitz up and running (on a VPS too! :o)

Especially if you want to see features like this anytime soon: (three client versions on one server, yes we are that cool 8))

News and Announcements / Classic with forum accounts
August 12, 2009, 11:35:17 AM
As many of you probably know, Blitz will be using the forum accounts as the in game accounts. :)

This has many benefits, such as being to easily keep track of who is who, having a built in account recovery system (for those of you who like to get hacked ::)), and so on.

Now, we plan on keeping at least one WorldScape Classic world online for a long time; but we would like to link the friends list of the two games. This means that they must use the same accounts.

So, starting now, you can link your WorldScape Classic account to your forum account. However, classic will continue to use its own accounts for now. :)

Here is the link to the page that will allow you to attach a WorldScape Classic account:

I've set up a poll for you guys to vote. Enjoy! ;D
Videos / 5 Gum
August 06, 2009, 05:30:58 PM

I want to chew that! 8)
Banners, Logos and other Graphics / AllGoFree Logos
August 03, 2009, 05:36:43 PM
I need some new logos for a few reasons. First, we need one to replace the old transparent rectangular one at the top of the page:

This must be a .GIF with a transparent background.

We also need a square logo to be used as an avatar on certain sites, to replace this one:

Let the entries begin! :)
News and Announcements / Gone for two weeks
July 08, 2009, 06:55:21 AM
I'm sorry to announce that I will be gone for the next two weeks on vacation. :-[
Although its not so bad for me! ;)

Although I won't be here, the game and website will continue to work. I am putting World 3 online, so incase other worlds crash they game will still be usable. I will check in whenever I have internet and restart any crashed worlds, and maybe post a little on the forums. ;D

The WorldScape Blitz Beta will continue to work while I am gone, and I am taking a copy of the database with be so I can work on it even when I do not have internet.

See you in two weeks! 8)

- Ry60003333
As you probably know, the game and site shut off this morning. This was due to a power failure at my house. :P

We are also switching from Windows to Linux on our main servers, so if the Worlds are going off and on and that why. ::)

In other news...
The problem with uploading attachments and avatars should now be fixed. :)
Many of you have probably noticed that the game does not work, and the website (besides the forum so some odd reason...) is going extremely slow.

I'm not sure what happened, but right now all MySQL queries other then those from the forum are going extremely slow. The reason the game isn't working is because it can't load/save accounts fast enough, because the client drops the connection after about 10 seconds.

I've been trying to figure this out all day; but if I can't fix it I'll just backup the data and reinstall MySQL. :-[
News and Announcements / Usernames
April 26, 2009, 05:12:29 PM
As many of you know, the forum accounts will also be used as the in-game accounts for WorldScape Blitz. However, RuneScape usernames are limited to 12 characters, and underscores appear as spaces.

So, for this to work, forum account names have to be limited to 12 characters and must not contain underscores (_). I have already restricted the creation of new forum accounts that don't meet these requirements, but some existing accounts may already be over twelve characters and contain underscores.

If your account has over 12 characters or contains underscores, please post here and state what you would like the name changed too.
News and Announcements / Website
April 25, 2009, 04:37:12 PM
Today the site and game were down for a while. Originally, this was because the main server (that runs W1 and the website) overheated and shut off. ::)

But, I took that time to move the site over to the new hard drives and also move the site to another server. So now, the site has its own computer to run on that is not hosting a world! This should help decrease the load time for pages (hopefully) and will also prevent W1 from crashing the website with it.

Have fun! 8)

EDIT: Moving to the new server deleted all the attachments, however I have changed the attachment directory so this will not happen again. So basically, anything uploaded to the forum has been lost. :'(
News and Announcements / Search Fixed
April 25, 2009, 12:01:30 PM
Well, many of you have tried to use the search feature on the forums. (I've checked the error logs :P)

I'm now glad to announce that the search feature now works. I've changed the search settings to use an index, which avoids the bug in SMF search when you don't use an index. 8)

So have fun searching!
Videos / World Record for x86 Quad Core overclock
February 20, 2009, 11:12:09 PM
Here is the video by AMD where they break the world record for both the fastest x86 overclock and the highest 3D Mark 05 score! ;D

There was a power surge at my house around 6:00 PM EST today, causing AllGoFree to shut down. Right now the computers are scanning the hard drives for any errors and then all the Worlds will be put back online. :)
Well its been a long time since I posted anything, so I thought I'd give you guys a status update! :)

I haven't been very active since I've been busy with school (>:() and other work. I've also been doing stuff for my parents for money, as I'm trying to get a dedicated host for the new website when we launch Blitz! I also want to buy a vBulletin forum for the new site, as they are much easier to integrate with the game and such. Plus its what Dodian and FrugooScape use, so it has to be good! ;)

I've been working on fixing all the bugs in Mining/Woodcutting I've found (there's a lot) and adding easy item on item skills such as Herblore and Fletching. These changes aren't live on the Beta yet however, but they will be soon. This is a three-day weekend and the first real break I've gotten in a while. :-[

Also, yesterday the website and game were down for a while because my IP address changed. This is because we upgraded to faster internet and had to replace some cables and stuff! I still have a way faster download then upload speed, but the more bandwidth for you guys the better! ;D

And lastly, I'm disabling the advertisements on the forum because:
1. I'm making no money from them. :P
2. They sometimes redirect you and show pop-ups.
3. I'll probably put ads up again once I get the dedicated host for the site and forum.

There's your update! 8)
News and Announcements / WorldScape Blitz Pictures
December 10, 2008, 11:27:19 PM
Welcome to the WorldScape Blitz pictures collection. Here I will post many pictures of Blitz for your viewing. 8)
I've organized the pictures, and I will add more and more as we work on Blitz! :D
Future Updates / Halloween 2008 Event Suggestions!
October 04, 2008, 06:46:09 PM

Its that time of year again, Halloween!
This year I plan on actually having a Halloween event that comes out on time. 8)
So that means we need to start taking suggestions right now, and here is a small list of things to keep in mind when suggesting an event:

* Make sure it is well thought out and descriptive, we need detail!
* We want our users to be able to play the event with any client, so we cannot modify/add items.
* We can create and delete object to an extend, which is how skills like Woodcutting work.
* Include some kind of reward.
* Keep in mind we want something challenging while fun, not really simple and boring.
* It has to have something to do with Halloween!

Start posting your great ideas!