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Topics - Voltimolt

Hey, I released another Logo for Worldscape, V3 Production.
Nice in Purple.

Already at V3 TRINI!!!! Working on V4 after poll. While waiting for poll, I'll work on V3.3

Beat me Trini!!!!

Banners, Logos and other Graphics / *
March 13, 2009, 06:04:28 PM

I just made this logo to beat Triniboy's banner, here goes...

///////////Image Info\\\\\\\\\\
Picture Format: PNG (Edittable with Fireworks)
Size: 704 KB
Canvas Size: 700x160
\\\\\\\\\\\Image Info///////////

Goals & Achievements / Voltimolt's goal
January 19, 2009, 06:18:42 PM
Well, maybe I do have goals and i will tell you :P

  • Meet Shawn Michaels (HBK)
  • Get Shawn Michaeks Signature
  • Get Max stat, unreleased rares and become a Moderator
  • Get Shawn Michaels Full-uniform (No shirts, only Poncho)
  • Get won by 3000 VS 1 in wildy (1 is me)
  • Get 500 Posts
  • Meet Maris, Michelle McCool and Melina
  • Become a Raw SuperStar.
  • Team up to be with D-X.
  • get Rey Mysterio's mask.


Meet the Prime Minister [X]
Do all of my Goals [ ]
Make officially 1,000 Close friend [ ]
Become popular for my band [ ]
Become the WebDesign for Allgofree [ ] (Still Currently doing, but, I still need to my other website. MOSTLY my Band Website.)

Well, Thats my Goal and Achieve for now. And yea... Smell ya laterz
General (OT) / [GTA IV] Out of Commission
January 17, 2009, 06:06:04 PM
This Walkthrough was made by me but I memorized it because I finished the storyline for GTA 4, but the picture here above were from
These were in my own typing and words.
Before starting this mission, make sure you are full armed and make sure you have a lot of RPG and Grenade.

After finishing Mr. and Mrs. Bellic mission, you wake up in your safehouse wait for a call from L Jacob saying that he has been tracking Mr. Pegorino's goons. Meet him up in a car, let the short cutscene finish, then follow the goons. Don't shoot the goons. (They will lead you to the old casino, If you follow them)

Aftering going down the hill to lead to the tunnel, its a cutscene, make sure you don't skip cutscene otherwise you don't know what your doing. L Jacob and Roman leaves to get a helicopter. from here now, take assault and kill the goons on the roof first. Then start RPG-ing the cars. stop using your car as a cover, use another blowned up cars as cover to get closer to the door

once you kill most of the goons go ahead to the enterance and lay back,
QuoteLittle Jacob TXT you that he has worked out a plan, "Keep your eyes open in the sky"

Start using grenade from here now, the goons may not die because they using cover. try using assault and go thro the doors. you will get a cutscene.

after going up the stairs take the left 1, taking the right 1 lead to a fall. take out the survivors on the roof and slide down the ladder. use the cover from here, start RPG the covers. hold the RPG, a car will come by, shoot it.

get on the bike by the docks and follow him. DO NOT go on the road to follow him, use the beach.  follow him until your dead in line, from now just do a burn-out to get on the helicopter. follow the intructions to get on the helicopter.

now you control the helicopter, just follow the boat, don't attack it by the miniguns. but try blocking the RPG. once you do get RPG-ed, just go to the happiness island and cutscene will lead you down.

kill the 2 goons, and just go through, jump over the brick wall to go to the park and just use the pistol to shoot him. but this is funny, nikky  makes a joke and then pegorino tried to pistol him but niko shoots him after turning away for 0.50 seconds.

Roman starts saying that he can make money freely from now. He has no debts to be paided, still have his cab, 4(3 if you didn't kill playboy) safehouse. and yea you finished the game.

QuoteThat's the last mission. All though i'm still trying to finish all of 30 of stevies car. and i think they are all 1% each. im on %70 game progress at the momment. I finished all of Brucies email cars.
General (WS) / Internet is ruined now
January 15, 2009, 04:40:19 AM
The story of how Internet ends:

One day in 2009, January, Internet died. It started after a simpled software was created, "AntiVirus 2009". I heard about this program because anytime i get a pop-up, it tells me to get it, get it, get it!

Even google told me to get Anti-Virus 2009, wait a second.. Even my Windows XP told to me to get it while not on internet.

I don't trust this program, because they advertise everywhere I go on the net.

Its about time I'm going to make an Anti-Virus. That'll Block all surf sites, stop pop-up against Anti-Virus 2009, and it will be only release to me and some of my friends if they trust me.

So tell me... Are you annoyed about this?
General (WS) / I feel like not trading anyone from now
January 10, 2009, 01:57:56 AM
Because so much of WorldScape players are scammers.
I hear people everyday that they're scammed. I know how to scam but i don't do it.

I can tell you how for fixing purpose, ( for ryan only )
when they accept
the right click the item
then they accept
then they take you to this item list.
then they take the item
then they accept then they got scammed.

I could show you a vid of that happening. Anyone who assits? tell me? don't worry ill give u ur back.

I only feel like trading the admins, Mia, Con1887, some of my friends.
but i hate trading any1 else.

.:Will be editted for tell you how vid:.
General (OT) / World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) Talk
January 08, 2009, 02:58:13 AM
This thread was made to talk about WWE, If you don't like WWE just leave.
This Thread was also made to talk about what was happening. wat was the latest injury.

My turn:

Batista got kicked by randy orton and is now sent to the hospital.

JBL is the #1 contender for Heavyweight champion.

Tag team: John Cena & Shawn Michaels VS Chris jericho & Randy Orton
John Cena and shawn michaels won. Well, Shawn did. he did sweet chin music on orton and chris.

Williams VS CM punk for incondenvenial (<spelling) title. Williams was disqaulified for holding and pulling the ref while getting a finisher on him.
Williams VS CM punk will fight next monday (Wednesday).

.:Worst Pain Finishers:.
- STFU (John Cena) < Cannot escape this finisher, only tapping the floor 3 times.
- TombStone (The Undertaker ) < cannot fight no more also cannot move.
- Chokeslam ( Undertaker ) spine hurt
- Sweet Chin Music ( Shawn Michaels ) Throat pain
- 619 (Rey Mysterio)

.:Weird Wrestlers:.
- Umaga
- Edge
Songs, poems, etc. / Voltimolt's new epic WorldScape Logo
December 29, 2008, 07:49:43 PM
Yup... I got another one because my last one could get worldscape sued and I don't want that to happen. So I decided that I would make another one that I could use. NOTE: I will make more, but this time i will put players in. Like mia but more epicier and fancier.

Note: this is copyright by Me and Allgofree if they use it.

here goes..:

Copyright (c) 2008-2009 | Sync' Company | Allgofree Company
All Rights served

Voltimolt (Known as Sync', in my band. boy band)
Compliments / To Players, Mods, Staff, Server
November 08, 2008, 01:55:41 AM
Dear Members of the AllGoFree Community,

It came to me that i've been playin' WorldScape C for a year, and I like the way the staffs made the game, good on you allgofree. To the players, I would like to thank you very very much for respecting me and other members of WorldScape, by respecting.. you get respect back as a reward. Maybe in some rewards, you may get rares or money.

Mods: You know what??? You Guys Rule!!! every mod I meet is sooo nice to me, Especially Mia, I poon I, and other mods etc. I would like to thank you, very much.

Staff: You guys rule.. But too bad my Favorite Admin was Mod Shadow, but sadly he is demoted, Mod Elias, and Mod James. You guys always protect the server, sometimes from glitches, Bombers ( Past out now. )

Ryan: I Personally like you the best, because if it wasn't for you... Theres no friends I made, no Fun at all. Good Luck on Blitz Ry.

Jeremy: Your my second best! Cause you protect us from the all time hacker eon9. And manage the right people to be what to what, Mod Admin etc...

Server: I can't blame you for the lagg! But all I can say is you recently made us some fun. Good pking, Good people, and the most common the best server!!!!

Blitz: Umm, Hope you be out. I wish you the best of luck of all time. Ryan, take rest. so to you jeremy.

The Kindest friend you would meet,
Dear Generalist posters,

I've seen so many threads really unrelated and useless post. This problem is a disaster. Like for example: serguy has made 4 threads of the same post. You do not need to do this, next time try posting through the same spot. Try posting things like Introducing yourselfs throughout WorldScape Community, and also things like you came back. AND TRY NOT TO POST ABOUT THAT YOU ARE BANNED. You'll get unban when you get unban.

The true meaning of General that allgofree has chosen was:
For any Worldscape Blitz topic not covered by other boards

Most of the threads are "tech-support" related. Like RY!!! read this! but overcome its seems to be a client problem, this GOES INTO TECH-SUPPORT!!! I understand people are very dum to know where to put a post, but theres a reason why there is forum-mod powers to MOVE them to the right spot. and to know but using the report post.

Polls are only for use post. not like should i be unbanned. or should chaos be the coder over ryan. do not post these...
ALSO: Please do not post on thread that was months ago, its Off-topic.

Thank you for those who have read and understand how and where to post thread.
TUT teller, Explaintioner< lulz, made up word but you'll understand.

P.S: I do not mean no Harm to those people I have called out through this post and/or via rude word.
General (OT) / Favourite Wrestlers
October 22, 2008, 12:40:50 AM
I know Some of you are going to reply "Its Fake!" It a reason they made it "WWE" (World Wrestling Entertainment) But I started Liking WWE when i First got my Foxtel. I Thought it was soo Entertaining so i kept on watching. My life story right now.

Right now I Inserted Options in the Poll. My Favourite is Batista (The Animal) CM punk ( My Investigation is that CM punk is 900 Punk. Why? Think as Roman Numerals.) And Shawn Micheal :)

Please Note that Not All are there. i did the best i could.
General (OT) / Right Life, Better Future!
October 21, 2008, 06:24:16 AM
Hello everyone,

Today I'm here to talk to you about what makes should you be doing in your future. Basically, what to do. We all Understand "Emo And Goth" are weird... What are they? they particularly in a bad spirit in a way. They have black/pink/red hair. That's just weird for your future.

Understand the true meaning of why "God" have created you. Obviously for a reason. To change the world, by meaning that you shouldn't be doing "criminals", you are just doing it for fun when you were born. That's wrong! You should be donating. Not just be Rich and care about your own self. ( My Future ways at the bottom ). I've seen homeless people, also being bashed. Can't get enough peace. You should start your own right life.

The reason why I'm posting this is because we all want a Family. For the reason, you can't just have a family to get away from your parents. You will promise to meet them in weeks/months.

My Future:
- Make a Successful game.
- Get Enough Money for poor.
- Make my successful game a company (E.g: JaGEx )

Particularly, Don't Be Emo! Don't be Goth! Don't be Lesbian! Don't Be (BEEP)(Male Part)

Story Writer, and a TUT dude.

General (WS) / Successfully way to stop eon9
October 20, 2008, 01:52:31 AM
NOTE: This isn't just for eon9, this is for every hacker.

Dear Haters of hackers,

It comes to me that i found the solution to stop hackers into the game. like eon9. This is a 99.99% chance that this is going to work. Yes, i do Own and code my server, not advertising. While i was doing my server i was thinking about making my own website and putting highscore. but i disagree and i won't put a highscore. because the way you do it is the way the hacker comes in. I wouldn't bother doing it to this server.

Please take another notice that part of what allgofree will be shutdown. If Jeremy does it.

The answer is "MySQL". he is accessing the server via MySQL, by him doing that he is basically accessing the database too. he can also " Delete worldscape " but unless Jeremy follows this solution. all of ryan's project is saved!  the fact is that Jeremy or Ryan has to remove every " MySQL " they inserted to make R.I.P to the Hackers.

Jeremy/Ryan Note: Before you guys do any of this. make a backup of the server and see if it will try to work. as you guys said. the forum is accessing the blitz too. So you guys want to save classic for now.

Note Again: This solution Might NOT work but its worth a penny to try.

Don't Use MySQL. simple. risk your server+computer sometimes. DEAD.

Solution Found by the only Person, " Voltimolt " not al. ( frugooscape ). they are dead.
Stories / Big Liz(Halloween Story)
October 14, 2008, 01:45:14 AM
Please note that this is for the Halloweenian people, NOT! The thing is the story was written by the only Person Himself. Voltimolt. This story was written by hand and type with my fingers and used my brain.

The Master of the plantation was a firm supporter of the Confederate President and had committed to send as much food as he could to the Southern army. Things were going well at first, until the Yankees began attacking the Master's supply lines. The Master suspected a traitor among his slaves, and soon discovered that the Yankee spy was a slave-woman named Big Liz. She was a behemoth of a girl who could pick up two full-grown pigs, one under each arm, and cart them over to the slaughterhouse without assistance. If he confronted her directly and she fought back, she would take him to pieces.

So the Master came up with a different plan to rid himself of the spy. He approached the giant girl and asked her to assist him with a special task. He told her that President Jefferson Davis had entrusted him with a large chest full of gold. To keep it out of Yankee hands, he wanted to bury the chest where it would never be found. The girl's eyes gleamed when she heard this false report. The Master knew she was already planning to betray the existence of the chest to the Yankees.

The Master made Big Liz carry the heavy trunk several miles out into the swamp land and asked her to dig a deep hole for the trunk. He sat at his leisure while she worked and strained for hours against the muddy ground, which kept oozing back into the hole. When the slave girl was completely exhausted, the Master decreed the hole to be large enough for his war chest. Wearily, Big Liz dropped the shovel and pulled the heavy chest down until it lay at her feet. Then she started to climb out of the deep hole. But the Master barred her way, and Big Liz gazed up at him in sudden fear as he loomed over her. "Traitor! Yankee spy!" The Master hissed. "There is only one path open to a traitor."

The Master swung his sword at her, and the sharp edge of the blade cut cleaning through the slave girl's neck. Her head went rolling away into the tall grass as her body toppled across the chest. The Master heaped dirt over the chest and the body of slave girl who had betrayed him. Briefly, he considered finding her head and burying it in the pit with her body, but it was too dark to go wandering in the dangerous marshland, and he knew that scavengers would make short work of the head when they found it.

As the Master walked toward home through the dark swamp, he became aware of a prickling sensation at the back of his neck, as if someone were watching him. The Master walked faster as clouds obscured the light of the moon. The Master's teeth chattered as a breeze cut through him like the sharpened blade of the sword at his side, and his straining ears picked up the sound of footsteps on the path behind him.

The Master was filled with a terrible, superstitious dread of demons and witches and ghosts. He broke out into a panicked run, fleeing up the path as fast as his legs would carry him. To his relief, he saw the lights of his house rise before him, and knew he was home.

As he rounded the back corner of his house, he was confronted by a massive, dirt-encrusted figure that glowed with blue fire. The smell of rotting leaves and marsh grass filled his nostrils as his eyes raced up and up the tall creature, until they rested on the stump of its neck, where a head had resided only an hour before. Then he heard a chuckle from the creature's side, and he saw the phantom's head tucked under her arm.

The Master stumbled backward, gabbling desperately in fear as the ghost placed her head upon the ground with one hand and grabbed the collar of his shirt with the other. The murdered slave girl snapped the Master's neck in two and dropped his dead body to the ground beneath his bedroom window. Then Big Liz gathered up her severed head and vanished into the darkness.

They say that on the anniversary of her death, the ghost of Big Liz still may be seen roaming the swamp lands near her old home. Anyone foolish enough to walk near her grave will be driven away by the phantom, which to this day still defends the place where the Confederate chest is buried.

~~ Copyright ~~
Story written by Voltimolt himself, typed in With his fingers. 2008.
Clans Recruitment / Shutdown - Closed
October 02, 2008, 02:25:32 AM
Sorry Everyone,

I have closed this session since i had no one coming for 3 months.
Dear Fellows of Worldscape,

You may know what a "Virus" is, of course! It a serious object in Computer History.. How do you know if it is a virus? you'll need a Anti-Virus, ( Anti-Virus Suggestions at the bottom of this post), before you run the program you have downloaded, Right Click the object and press Scan File If available. If not, then open up your anti-virus and Press Scan, then browse the location and press scan. If you Happen to see a Virus, Immediately Hold Shift in your keyboard and press delete ( highlight the object first). What does ( Shift + Del ) do? This method will automatically delete the object permanently, it was about to go in the recycle bin but it will POOF the object away from your hard drive.

Suggested Anti-Virus:

- Kaspersky Internet Security
- AVG Internet Security
- Norton Internet Security
- Nod32 Internet Security

Bad Anti-virus:

- Mcafee Internet Security = Why? Because my Family brought the full CD and what did they do? SENT US VIRUS! Unfortunalty I had to remove it, and install Kaspersky Internet Security, Which is the best, Ad-Free, Parental Control.

Voltimolt ( The Ultimate Genius, I Think? )

Suggestions / My Ban System Work by Voltimolt
September 28, 2008, 07:42:19 PM
Please note that when you type your username and password I will not be able to get it because this is Flash. It has to be JAVA for me to be able to get it. :) Sorry for messed up.. Trying to fix it. and don't worry i CAN fix it.

Click Here/URL]

Copyright Voltimolt. My name in there for my work proof.
General (WS) / Coming soon... To ~All-Go-Free~
September 21, 2008, 12:54:44 AM
Recently... long ago.. Allgofree setted up a Official website.. Sure i can tell you why it is not there anymore... because the template was copyrighted to runescape... SURE!!! Jeremy has been working on it for long.. even the " MySQL "...

I can tell you what is going to happen to allgofree... by non-controllerable website.. " I " will be making ~All-go-free~ an official website based from runescape.. but Non-shutdownable.. and not sueable..  :P

I am making a website for worldscapeblitz... you know why?
- because this is a #1 server, and im trying to make it better then frugooscape to become MORE popular.. right now it is still under contructions.. and no one is going to stop me..

NOTE: this will take a month for a full design with absolute beautifuller then Runescape

Quotebeautifuller then Runescape
<< EWW!!!

Just better then runescape... :)
General (WS) / ~All-Go-Free~ Backup Forums
September 13, 2008, 07:01:22 PM
Just to let you all Know that when forums or the game is down.
And Your Bored About Allgofree.
Besure to Visit The Backup Temporary Forum

I Give all Credit To Zelda For Actually Making the Forum.


No, This forum has no domain install. and wouldnt bother to.

100% to zelda
no credit from me for posting this.

Have fun AND register!

There is No Activations.. Hopefully.
Zelda Cannot Find your smfforfree password in the forum
the password are also hidden from admins too.
Jeremy Doesnt know your password to these forum.
either does ryan..

Just Have Fun...
Im Not Sure if your going to Stickie but.. just have fun with forum :)