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Messages - MiKeD

Rants / Re: Omri, Mage Omri
October 14, 2011, 01:10:57 PM
Yeah i know, And thanks guy's i've missed you all. My In-Game current account till mine get recovered is "MikeD" but im making a new one. Missed all you guys and thanks for welcoming me back! ;D
Rants / Re: Omri, Mage Omri
October 14, 2011, 12:09:22 PM
Not much bro, I miss you guys, Just message me so im not spamming the post:)
Rants / Re: Omri, Mage Omri
October 14, 2011, 11:17:09 AM
Quote from: Terror on October 14, 2011, 04:18:13 AM
First of all, Please don't double post. Also, Please don't be disrespectful to staff we try as hard as we can. Especially if you want to become one, Diek. Mike, The reason you aren't getting quick responses, and why staff haven't been on, is because the staff members have school and what not. You need to be patient with this, If you are truly the owner of this account then you will most probably get it back. Even though account recovery is closed. Also, Every player deserves the same amount of respect, just because you've been playin for longer doesn't mean you deserve more respect. Really.

Please be patient and cool it for a little while. You will be playing in no time :)

Thank you.

Yeah i know, It's just stressful and overwhelming, I was not intending on downgrading staff, I'll try too be patient but no promise lol.:p
Thanks for the help and or support.

Your Friend,
Mikey ( Original Omri )
Rants / Re: Omri, Mage Omri
October 14, 2011, 12:38:24 AM
Oscar, I never gave my password out, And no worries on the Deathzone, I still respect that clan no matter what. And like i said, I emailed ryan, Nothing back yet. I can like prove beyond wants needed, And oscar you know first hand it was mine..
Rants / Re: Omri, Mage Omri
October 13, 2011, 11:30:22 PM
 I know right? You know i was taken off the Dz Legends??? I was one of the first clan mate, I sky rocketed ranks, You saw my pking, It's was elite, The elders of this game including me should honestly be treated with respected, I mean i was gone for roughly a year over at Paris Island with the Marines doing my NROTC and Private training, SHouldn't atleast get some respect for being a american solider,  I come back and finally i have leisure time, And too find my account's been hacked by a kid named tanner, Like wtf? Us elders should all get respect, One top of that i go on my first tour in march! like come on can i atleast get my account back for the time being? Atleast im coming back to the game, It's called dedication, and yet it's not respected, Whatever.. It's complete bs.. I love how i was always a huge help to players and even STAFF, and they can't do a thing for me?.. Alrighty then.
Rants / Re: Omri, Mage Omri
October 13, 2011, 10:26:46 PM
I tried Dennis, I put in the email and i never recieved the email comfermation, Like can't someone do something im stressing about it because im finally back from my pt and i actually have time to relax to come and find out my accounts hacked? I should atleast have a right to get it back because i have proof it's mine, i can prove anything about it. And on top of that, I've been here for the longest time, Back the first year it started i believe, Like come on dude :( I helped with other players and staff aswell, And now when i need help im being let down..?
Rants / Re: Omri, Mage Omri
October 13, 2011, 04:39:45 PM
Nice too talk too you again, ANd ikr? It's complete disrespect to the players. I honestly believe atleast one staff member should maybe message me back considering i sent several out, It's ridiculous beyond belief. Where exactly is the account recovery? 
Rants / Re: Omri, Mage Omri
October 13, 2011, 04:02:10 PM
And Honestly, I've watched this game from the start, The staff was so friendly, Helped you out with everything, I miss that community, Thanks whoever is going too help me recover my account.
Rants / Omri, Mage Omri
October 13, 2011, 03:52:58 PM
Okay guys, It's mikey the original Mage omri, Omri. I have asked several staff too help me recover my account, I know who hacked it thanks to players telling me. I have all the info from old passwords, clans, Email, Pass. EVERYTHING, I'm really mad because this game used to help the community out asap, Ive been playing on Mage Omri since this game a little after it started, I mean Omri my account in-game/ Forums was hacked, Like wtf? And i've contacted several staff members and haven't heard back from anyone?.. Well once you guys see this please let me know what you can do, Once again i can prove it's mine anytime anyday, Thanks. ANd sorry for the rant, Just gotta get this recognized.

Your Friend,
Mikey ( Omri Himself )