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Messages - Dynasty

News and Announcements / Re: Classic Update Pack #13
August 12, 2011, 09:30:44 AM
Travis, (Volcanic Me) Was completely right... Lol ban him cause of nerdrage. That's nice.

Kevin, (This is a picture of him)


OT: Only 5 years to support godswords. Shocking.

Trololololol? I think not. More like the truth that's hidden.
General (WS) / Re: Bye, (Info for Bill and Ry)
July 28, 2011, 08:18:41 PM
Quote from: Program on July 28, 2011, 07:51:55 PM
I would lock this now, but, y'know.
Lol. I don't care if it get locked at this point, my point was proven.  ;)
General (WS) / Re: Bye, (Info for Bill and Ry)
July 28, 2011, 07:46:30 PM
Quote from: dieknowsawr on July 28, 2011, 04:24:38 PM
Yeah, Blitz got delayed for like what 3 months? Everyone was so excited, Ryan put out 1 date, It didn't come out,
he put another one, It didn't come out. The last one it came out ! Its the same with these updates. You promise fun
and stuff, but we have to sit here for months on end .. Its annoying.
Common Sense.
General (WS) / Re: No forum mod?
July 28, 2011, 02:58:38 PM
Program was demoted. And now the forums are pointless. Sorry to say.
General (WS) / Re: Bye, (Info for Bill and Ry)
July 28, 2011, 02:57:45 PM
I have played this for well over 3 years. And Blitz was the only update that I saw. Now don't think there wasn't little updates and all but think, overall and big fix isn't helping much. And if this topic gets locked I don't care. Some of WorldScapes best players have agreed on this topic. Now tinyyoshie, stop trying to be a wanna be mod, and shutup. You know inside, what I'm saying is true. The most devoted players agreed with me.

WorldScape is dieing. End of discussion.
General (WS) / Re: Bye, (Info for Bill and Ry)
July 28, 2011, 02:31:40 PM
Quote from: Tinyyoshi on July 28, 2011, 11:41:38 AM
You guys have to learn how to wait. You guys are probably spoiled and expect what you want to be done. Well this ain't your game, and there has been many updates for the last few months, if you look at the news and announcements, and if you're actually online instead of playing -cough other servers cough-, then you would know about them. Haven't you seen all the Classic Update Packs? And WorldScape's losing a lot of players because people keep thinking it's boring and making new servers and advertising. I bet 99% of Illumination X's players are from WorldScape? I haven't seen you play in the past few weeks. And when you are on, which is about 1 time per 2 weeks, you just like to just talk with your friends. You can't possibly know anything if you don't try it. When the staff says Ryan is busy, he is. They are telling the truth. You don't know for a fact they aren't working on updates and neither do i because we're not in their daily skype calls. If you don't know anything don't say it unless you know it's a fact, but you don't.
Q:  You guys are Probably spoiled
A: No were not. We just are sick of the lies.

Q: I bet 99% of Illumination X's players are from WorldScape
A: To be honest, we asked about 2 players to play. The rest quit. Get over it.

Q: When the staff says Ryan is busy, he is
A: The thing is, they never say he is busy, they say it's coming out "soon"

Quote from: image on July 28, 2011, 12:12:44 PM
to be honest dynasty is completely right,  i mean the few updates every now and then are nice, but not even all skills are working yet? and this games been around for 4 years.. come on now, and on top of that the server being offline everyday when i try to play isnt helping gain more players.... things do need to be changed.
Someone with common sense.

Oh and BigYoshie, Your mom must hate you...

General (WS) / Re: Bye, (Info for Bill and Ry)
July 28, 2011, 11:19:34 AM
Quote from: caponer on July 28, 2011, 09:32:49 AM
Quote from: Kevin on July 28, 2011, 12:37:12 AM
The funny thing is, WorldScape has all of this already, The Client is loading ALL 474 Items, GFX, and Animations. We have been trying to come up with clever Mini-Games to release these items. We have been working so hard. There are currently 2 mini-games in development, and talk about a third, all 3 of which are NOT in any other server, nor do they resemble RuneScape the tiniest way. The fact is that Ryan is the only one who can Code WorldScape because it's confusing as hell. And he is busy hanging out with his Friends and his GirlFriend. He can't strap himself down 24/7 to WorldScape.

You said that WorldScape doesn't have any spec bars or anything. YES IT DOES! They are disabled because people can hit extremely high and it will cause people to be 1-2 hit while pking, or causing people to get level 135 overnight. There has been a lot of talk about fixing this issue and we will most likely release them.

You guys have no patience when it comes down to updates. You need to take a chill pill.

Kev, my friend, that has been said since I started playing. So for a quite a long time now. The boy made his point and it´s the truth. Not that worldscape isn´t Nothing. It´s actually is something but just a mile behind the other servers. The Camp update pulled allgofree to a higher level. But just not high enough to make it addictive.

Caponer knows the truth. Nothing has changed. How the hell do you expect me to believe an "Update" is coming out when the staff has said that for years? Maybe I would take that into consideration if there was an update in the last 3 months, but no. Change something. Yes, Camp did help WorldScape a lot, but now camp is boring. If your going to make an update, don't just update one thing, as whatever you updated will be used until players are bored of it. Camp is dead. Thats final. I understand Ryan has a things to do, but if you guys are promising this stuff, then it SHOULD get done. It would be fine if you said, "The update will come in 4 months, Ryan is busy" But no, you say "It's coming soon.." always "Soon" No, it's not. Tell people the truth. You are already losing members like crazy. And when there gone, 7 out 10 of the time, there not coming back.

Do something and tell people the truth.
General (WS) / Re: Bye, (Info for Bill and Ry)
July 27, 2011, 10:39:17 PM
Quote from: Tinyyoshi on July 27, 2011, 08:27:12 PM
What you have to understand is that Ryan and the other staff are probably thinking of updates as of this moment. As you know, good things come to those who wait. You have to be patient with them. And once you do, you know that wait will be worth it. The graphics on the server you play (and you know what it is) is exactly the same as this. My point is, you can't always get what you want. "Change this, change that", you have to be patient.
That's all i'm saying.  ???
Yep, I'm done.
General (WS) / Bye, (Info for Bill and Ry)
July 27, 2011, 07:11:44 PM
I'm leaving WorldScape, more or less permanent. I am not trying to be offensive or anything, but I dislike this server now. I was looking on several sites for servers, to see what they were like. And everything is amazing, Godwars, Bandos, working specials, the whole nine yards. I was shocked. And to be honest, this server doesn't have much. Now I do like this server a small bit, but for now I will be in-active for a while. I may log on here and there, but overall, unless this server has major changes, I will be gone. Now, at this point you are probably thinking, "Oh yeah, another player leaving who cares" Well, I may be leaving but I think many players agree with me. I feel the best way to go with this server is to completely redo everything. Make a new server. WorldScape is slowly crumbling. And as mods and admins are thinking, well 3 days ago we had 30 players online. Will think, some servers, I am not naming have 200+ daily players. The reason, updating, new games, and events often. Now honestly, I am going to sum this up. Bill and Ryan, you need to CHANGE something. You always say stuff like, We are making an event, We are updating weapons, but in all honesty, were the hell is it? I never see any updates, and the last time a seen an update was for blitz, which was not good. I understand the "Problem" AKA Jeremy is gone, but still, if he's gone, change stuff. I honestly think if there is no update within the next 4 or 5 months, this server will vanish, daily players, gone. Members quiting, clans dieing, pking failing. I could see this happen. Now, yes congratz you posted on Moparscape, this will bring in members. Okay this is good, but understand this example.

A player named John see's this server on MoparScape, he gives it a try. Makes an account, logs in, and WTF? What is this? Graphics are not good, *Looks around* No updated weapons, *checks pking* 2 people, wow, *quits and plays another server*

Here comes more,
You guys are not keeping players. And I will give a example, I don't want to give out a username so I will call him Shane. Shane logged on and asked for some help, I helped him, gave him some armour, and it was all good. He was active for about the next 3 days, then BAM! He was gone. Never logged on again. Why, he probably quit and played another server. Now if you don't believe me about these servers that are updated, look up a few, don't think I'm advertising, but there are good servers out there.

Also, some people have said updating won't make us unique. Well, let me tell you, having Nintendo graphics isn't making a player want to stay. Uniqueness is meaning being different. And having updated graphics with active pking, quests (can be coded), and much more will make people want to stay.

Now in the end, people are thinking, "another player, bye" think that, but understand I promise updates like this will help this server so much. Now Bill, your much better then Jeremy, but you have not changed any thing. Ryan, you have basically made this server, but come on, change something.

Now this is ending so all my friends bye, and for staff and all peace, hope something changes. You took away the best staff you could take so, (Program, Volcanic Me, Drunk Mario, and Thrive.) goodluck finding new ones.....

This is Iruleatlife/Dynasty, saying bye.
Suggestions / Re: Real bosses.
July 17, 2011, 01:16:16 PM
Quote from: Terror on June 30, 2011, 09:29:55 AM
Worldscape needs real bosses that are actually a challenge. Mainly because there are only two groups you can fit into when you play worldscape, Pker or Rare collector. Eventually the server gets old and repetitive.

Also you could add drops to the bosses. Eg. Having the Kbd an actual challenge and dropping item that are useful like B'Gloves, Obby shield and possibly having a rare drop like a visage.

I guarantee that this would make Worldscape more entertaining and will attract more players.
I completely agree with your idea. Not only bosses. Something along the lines of a new way to play. Rather then just rare collectors or PKers, maybe skillers, or a new game type, ETC.

Anyway, Support. :D
Suggestions / Re: update
July 17, 2011, 01:13:30 PM
Quote from: Terror on July 09, 2011, 01:18:14 AM
I don't see the point you can just Support the idea that you like and eventually, if it gets enough supports, it'll be looked at.
I agree. If your idea is good, people will support you. And if your idea is bad, you will not gain support. Simple as that.
Suggestions / Re: pest control
July 17, 2011, 01:11:59 PM
Quote from: gomes97 on July 14, 2011, 12:12:14 PM
I hope I am right with the word.
today I looked for things on other servers for ws.
pest conrol and I thought I am a fun game with great prizes and maybe I have no idea what prices.
This is always a great idea for any server. I really enjoy playing. I just think pest control is a little hard to code. But it's a great idea.
General (WS) / Re: Hello
July 13, 2011, 08:24:25 PM
Quote from: Jack on July 12, 2011, 07:37:45 PM
Quote from: nitini on July 12, 2011, 02:02:44 AM
Hello and welcome to the all player of worldScape....
That doesn't make any sence whatsoever. Also, she isn't new to Worldscape.
Suggestions / Re: A new game type?
July 10, 2011, 12:29:13 PM
Quote from: Pride on July 10, 2011, 12:12:16 PM
I actually support this idea.

It seems that it would work out very nice.
Now to show the staff. ;D
General (WS) / Re: Hello
July 10, 2011, 01:32:20 AM
Quote from: Volcanic Me on July 09, 2011, 11:41:16 PM
Rule! Long time no see, man!
No joke! Man, the good old Enigma days.... :'(