how do i play WS on a psp it all then i click to play then nothing happens
You have to run it on a computer and use VNC. :)
Quote from: purerich23 on July 05, 2009, 05:20:01 PM
how do i play WS on a psp it all then i click to play then nothing happens
You will require
1. A computer with interenet
2. PSP With CFW and access to the local interenet network
3. TightVNC client for psp and VNC Software for psp
What, is a CFW
What, is a TightVNC client for psp and VNC Software for psp]
if anyone, has any infomation for me could you please help thankyou, heaps
First double or triple posting in your case is against the rules. And here is a link on how to install CFW on your PSP. I think this only works with the PSP 1000 and 2000. (
If you need the software, i posted 2 links on the main thread for this , as for the TightVNC software.
Please do not triple post, just EDIT your first post, so it doesn't become annoying. It's been happening alot this week, SO STOP.