Hello Worldscape's Community,
I'd like to inform you that I'm back (back for good).
I've played Worldscape for quite some time, and haven't fully quit. I always come back.
It's a drug ::)
Add me on Skype or Runescape:
Skype: rorybsc
Rsn: vRory
welcome bacK:)
Welcome back bro:)
Welcome back, known you since you ever started. I even remember the time when Jeremy yelled; 'Australianman, congratulations your now a Moderator read PM'.
Haha, you would Jack 8)
Welcome back bro , Good 'ol elders commin' back, lovin it:)
The elders 8) I love it.
Even though we aren't realy friends at the moment, I still want to welcome you back to Worldscape.
You're a cool kid, You're an ancient player, You give out good advise and you're an alround good member.
Hope we can chat soon.
Jake, Baby ! I'm sorry. :o
Quote from: Rory on October 27, 2011, 06:35:00 AM
Jake, Baby ! I'm sorry. :o
Skype, Now, Unblock me. <3
Will do. 8)