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Topics - Voltimolt

Haven't You Heard the Scientist were working on Something to Stop The Earth From Being Sucked In a Spawned Mini-Black Hole  ??? . That Was the End Of the World.

The Day That Was nearly An End: Wednesday 10th, 11:48 p.m.. 2008.
Thanks To Steven Hawking. ( I.Q: 248. ) ( World's Smartest Person ) Found a solution for this story.

NOTE: this Isn't a made-up Story. An Actual story that could of happened

Full Story:

THE biggest-ever experiment to unlock secrets of the Big Bang could cause the end of the world, say scientists trying to get a court to stop the plan.

Opponents fear the $A9.3 billion Large Hadron Collider in Geneva, Switzerland, which will smash pieces of atoms together at high speed to generate temperatures of more than a trillion degrees centigrade, may create a mini black hole that could swallow the planet.

The facility is due to go live on September 10.

The scientists have lodged a lawsuit at the European Court for Human Rights against 20 countries that fund the scheme.

But the project's scientists dismissed the fears as "absurd".

Large particle colliders have been used by scientists to smash atoms together for more than 30 years, but the LHC is the biggest and most powerful ever built.

It will fire atomic particles around the 27.3km circular tunnel 11,245 times a second before smashing them into each other.

The result will, for a split second, replicate the conditions that theoretically existed in the moments immediately after the birth of the universe, known as the Big Bang.

Opponent Otto Rossler says it could instead spawn mini black holes which, within four years, could grow big enough to suck the earth inside out.

They claim the experiment violates the right to life under the European Convention of Human Rights.

Professor Rossler, a German chemist, said the European Organisation for Nuclear Research (CERN) has admitted its project creates black holes but doesn't consider them to be a risk.

"My own calculations have shown it is quite plausible that these little black holes survive and will grow exponentially and eat the planet from the inside," he warned.

"I have been calling for CERN to hold a safety conference to prove my conclusions wrong but they have not been willing."

Actual Website proof:,23739,24274368-5013016,00.html
General (WS) / Dictionaries For Beginners
September 01, 2008, 07:44:13 PM
Ever Heard Of Short Word U Dont Understand?  ??? :-[
I know, You Never Know If they Teasing you or not.
But Guess What! Today You Are going to find out what they said!
If You Ever Have AnyMore Dictionary i havent installed.. Please feel free to do so now by sending a comment.

Afk: Away From Keyboard. ( Its Same Like Brb )

Lagg: Freezing Or Going slow.

Noob: Your A beginner. Or you dont like them.

Rofl: Rolling On the floor Laughing.

lol: Laugh out Loud!

Lmao: Laughing my ( Censor ) Off.

Lmfao: Laughing my ( BEEEEEEEEEEEEP ) Off.

Newbie: Beginner, ( its Not Rude )

Brb: Be Right Back.

Newb: Being Something Like Selfish. ( Complete Same Thing As Newbie too )

Staff Promotions:

Newbies, Don't Trust People Without a gold or silver crown on them. Sometimes you can trust others. and Staff Never ask for your password. They Have got a database. ok?

Admins: (Gold Crowners)
- Ry60003333 ( Owner )
- Jeremy ( Owner )
- Mod James ( AllGoFree Staff )
- Mod Elias ( AllGoFree Staff )
- Mod Katie ( AllGoFree Staff )
- Mod Wayne ( AllGoFree Staff )
- Mod Dichach ( Assistant Owner of AllGoFree)
Mods: ( Silver Crowners )

- Con1887 ( Player Moderator Team Mentor )

- Flamer7 ( Player Moderator )
- Flame ( Player Moderator )
- Volcanic Me ( Player Moderator )
- Sorlence ( Player Moderator )
- Fhillip ( Player Moderator )
- Snipe Iz Sik ( Player Moderator )

Shortest word meaning:

Y: Why
U: You
UR: Your

And Kids. Dont Break Rules... Besure to read the Rules.
Dont Ask Ryan to make you Mod or admin! Ryan has nothing to do with it.
Jeremy Operates the Forum and Promotions. The more you ask. The Less of a chance you have.

99.49% by me ( 00.01% by Viewers giving dictionary ) ( Volcanic me For 00.49% of it )
50% each for ryan and jeremy ( combine ) for hard work

Do Not Leech this to Another Forum and Change a bit. Against The Law! Stealing!

Shame on YOU

Crown Picture Coming soon.

Didn't work on here...

[attachment deleted by admin]
Forum Games / Forum Fight!
July 15, 2008, 08:36:42 PM

say something to do with fight, me first!

*Throws Hell-cat through your Moniter and scratch your face*

*Takes Sword Gun, Shoots sword*

Brings the Biggests Tank over to crush ur building.
Brings Helicopter over your House to get pickup and dropped to the deapest water.

Look Behind you, BOO!


Brings Tank over your House,

Look Behind
New Chat for Worldscape
Staffs Please login, Because i will make you owner, in there
We need More Members
The website is short and easy to remember,
Spread the word
This was a simple game I got from RuneScape Forum Games. Its called Count to 50 before a Mod calls, but in this case, It is now called Count to 25+ before a Forum Mod/Admin calls.
Here is the rules:

1. Don't Double Post.
2. Do not Impersonate as a Mod or Admin

How to Play:

Player 1: 1
player 2: 2
Mod/Admin: 0
Player 3: 1

Understand it?

Play now!
Forum Games / Say Something Above the Person
July 14, 2008, 07:49:11 PM
So it goes like this

The Previews Post, il Pretend its james.

James Does not Encourage Suide
or James Is a Clan Supportive Admin

Anything1!! but NOT TOO OFFENSIVE@!!!!!!!!!

Stories / A Miracle
July 14, 2008, 07:44:32 PM
This is a story about two brothers. Mark and David were two brothers that grew up together always looking out for each other. Mark was the older one and he would always take David out and buy him goodies. Time went on and Mark was 21 years old while David was turning 18. It was David's 18th birthday so the two of them decided to go to a bar and have a couple drinks and then call it a night. After drinking, the two of them started heading home when out of nowhere Mark's car spun out of control and hit a tree that was on the side of the road.

Mark was unharmed with only a minor headache while David was next to him crying and saying that his legs were hurting a lot. So Mark called an ambulance and rushed his brother to the hospital.

After a couple days, the doctor told Mark and his family that David was going to be paralyzed from the waist down. It was painful for everyone and Mark felt a rush of guilt flowing through his body.

The next year rolls on and its David's 19th birthday, so the family decide to take David and all his friends to the beach. They have a wonderful time eating lunch and relaxing enjoying the summer breeze. David said that he wanted to be alone for a little while so he slow took off on his wheelchair along the side.

The family continued on enjoying their day, making sure David didn't wander off too far. All of a sudden they see a guy dancing on the sand coming towards them. They look even closer and its David miraculously dancing with joy. With tears of happiness David's mom takes out her camera while his friends start filming on there own digital cameras. All of a sudden, David dropped to the sand.

A week goes by and everyone is still talking about how David's reactions were a miracle. So his mom finally gets the film developed and brings them home to show his family. She opens up the folder and screams in horror. She drops the pictures and runs out of the house. Mark tries to follow his mom but decides to see what the problem was. When he looked at the picture he became as stiff as a tree. It was a picture of his brother dancing in the sand but the weird thing was that there was two hands above his head as if he were a puppet to someone or something...The End.
Stories / The Death Coach ( Scary )
July 14, 2008, 07:38:06 PM
It is midnight. The streets of Cohoes grow silent as the citizens turn off their lights one by one and go to their well-earned rest. The night is dark, and the wind whispers softly, touching the trees and houses, rattling a window pane here and there.

In one house, a woman sits beside her window, waiting silently for the doctor to arrive. Her beloved husband lies on the bed next to her. In the light of a single candle, she can see his emaciated face. He is in terrible pain, which even the drugs prescribed by the doctor cannot abate. She clutches his hand tightly, feeling the cold creeping through it. He is barely breathing now. She knows he is slipping away. One part of her is thankful, for she cannot bear to see him in so much pain. Most of her wants to scream out in desperation, begging him not to leave her alone.

Outside the house, the soft rumble of wheels and the clip-clop of hooves echo through the still night. The woman tears her eyes from her husband's face and looks out of the window, expecting to see the doctor's curricle pulling into the street. Instead, she sees a dark, closed coach with black gaping holes where the windows should be. The shafts at the front of the coach are empty, yet she can hear the sound of invisible horses' hooves, as the coach moves slowly down the street.

She draws in a deep breath and exhales slowly. It is the Death Coach. Her husband had told her it would come for him that night, but she hadn't believed him. Hadn't wanted to believe him. Yet there it is, rolling slowly up to the front of the house to stop by the front gate. The sight terrifies her, and she clutches her husband's hand tightly. He opens his eyes and smiles feebly at her, trying to squeeze her hand.

"Is it here?" he asks, his voice barely a whisper. She nods.

"I love you," he says to his wife. She leans down and kisses him, feels his last breath on her lips. The grip on her hand loosens, and she knows he is dead. She straightens up, looking tenderly at his dead face through her tears.

A movement by the door causes her to look up. She sees her husband's spirit standing at the door. He gazes first at his dead body, and then smiles at her. Then he turns and walks down the stairs. She moves at once to the window, flinging it open and leaning out, hoping to see him again. The front door opens, and her husband steps out the front porch and walks slowly to the Death Coach. The door opens, and he pauses for a moment to look towards the window, knowing she is watching. He waves and she waves back, tears streaming down her face. Then her husband steps into the coach and the door closes behind him. Slowly, the Death Coach rumbles down the street, turns a corner, and is gone.

"Goodbye, my love," she calls softly, as the Death Coach disappears. Her husband's pain is over, but hers has just begun. With a heavy heart, she closes the window, and goes down the stairs to telephone the doctor and tell him her husband is dead.
Stories / The Cut-off (Bloody Scary)
July 14, 2008, 07:37:12 PM
 The devil was in the Mississippi River that night. You could feel it with every eddy swirling against the helm of the boat. You could hear it in every jangle of the bell. You could see it in the dim light of the lantern as it tried to pierce the swirling fog. You could sense it in the sound of the chugging engine. The devil was in the river. It was a bad night to be out in a paddleboat. But he had sworn when he set out that nothing could make him turn back.

No other pilot dared brave the Mississippi that night. They were all huddled in the tavern, gossiping. After an evening of listening to their empty boasts, he had made one himself. He knew the Mississippi River so well that he could guide his paddleboat on his run even through the thickness of the night's fog. When the other pilots heard his boast, they laughed and told him he would be back before midnight. He had grown angry at their jeers, and had sworn in front of them all that he would not turn back this night for any reason, should the Devil bar the way!

The paddle wheeler was rocking oddly under the strange eddies of the river. But he knew every turn and guided her along despite the fog. He was almost to Raccourci when he saw shore where no shore had ever been before.

He turned the boat this way and that. It could not be! The river ran straight through on this branch. He had guided his paddleboat through this place a hundred times.

But the devil must have been listening at the tavern and had heard his boast, for the Mississippi had shifted! He swore every curse he knew, and kept searching for a way through. He had vowed to complete his run without turning back and he was determined to carry out his vow. He would never go back. Never! He would stay there until daybreak, and beyond if need be.

Suddenly, the paddleboat gave a massive jerk. The engine stalled. The boat shuddered and overturned. When the fog lifted the next day, they found his paddleboat sunk to the bottom with a gaping hole in its side, and the pilot drowned.

On foggy nights, you can still hear the ring of the bell, the sound of the engine and the curses of the ghost captain trying to complete his run.
Stories / The Army Of the Dead (Scary)
July 14, 2008, 07:36:20 PM
 A laundress, newly moved to Charleston following the Civil War, found herself awakened at the stroke of twelve each night by the rumble of heavy wheels passing in the street. But she lived on a dead end street, and had no explanation for the noise. Her husband would not allow her to look out the window when she heard the sounds, telling her to leave well enough alone. Finally, she asked the woman who washed at the tub next to hers. The woman said: "What you are hearing is the Army of the Dead. They are Confederate soldiers who died in hospital without knowing that the war was over. Each night, they rise from their graves and go to reinforce Lee in Virginia to strengthen the weakened Southern forces."

The next night, the laundress slipped out of bed to watch the Army of the Dead pass. She stood spell-bound by the window as a gray fog rolled passed. Within the fog, she could see the shapes of horses, and could hear gruff human voices and the rumble of canons being dragged through the street, followed by the sound of marching feet. Foot soldiers, horsemen, ambulances, wagons and canons passed before her eyes, all shrouded in gray. After what seemed like hours, she heard a far off bugle blast, and then silence.

When the laundress came out of her daze, she found one of her arms was paralyzed. She has never done a full days washing since.
Stories / The Hook (Scary)
July 14, 2008, 07:35:24 PM
The reports had been on the radio all day, though she hadn't paid much attention to them. Some crazy man had escaped from the state asylum. They were calling him the Hook Man since he had lost his right arm and had it replaced with a hook. He was a killer, and everyone in the region was warned to keep watch and report anything suspicious. But this didn't interest her. She was more worried about what to wear on her date.

After several consultation calls with friends, she chose a blue outfit in the very latest style and was ready and waiting on the porch when her boyfriend came to pick her up in his car. They went to a drive-in movie with another couple, then dropped them off and went parking in the local lover's lane. The blue outfit was a hit, and she cuddled close to her boyfriend as they kissed to the sound of romantic music on the radio.

Then the announcer came on and repeated the warning she had heard that afternoon. An insane killer with a hook in place of his right hand was loose in the area. Suddenly, the dark, moonless night didn't seem so romantic to her. The lover's lane was secluded and off the beaten track. A perfect spot for a deranged mad-man to lurk, she thought, pushing her amorous boyfriend away.

"Maybe we should get out of here," she said. "That Hook Man sounds dangerous."

"Awe, c'mon babe, it's nothing," her boyfriend said, trying to get in another kiss. She pushed him away again.

"No, really. We're all alone out here. I'm scared," she said.

They argued for a moment. Then the car shook a bit, as if something?or someone?had touched it. She gave a shriek and said: "Get us out of here now!"

"Jeeze," her boyfriend said in disgust, but he turned the key and went roaring out of the lover's lane with a screeching of his tires.

They drove home in stony silence, and when they pulled into her driveway, he refused to help her out of the car. He was being so unreasonable, she fumed to herself. She opened the door indignantly and stepped into her driveway with her chin up and her lips set. Whirling around, she slammed the door as hard as she could. And then she screamed.

Her boyfriend leapt out of the car and caught her in his arms. "What is it? What's wrong?" he shouted. Then he saw it. A bloody hook hung from the handle of the passenger-side door.
Stories / The Werewolf's Bride (Scary)
July 14, 2008, 07:34:28 PM
 There once was a beautiful girl engaged to a soldier who caught the eye of an evil woodsman who had sold his soul for the ability to turn himself into a wolf at will. He lay in wait for the girl when she was walking home one day and accosted her, begging her to elope with him. The maiden refused, spurning his love and crying out to her love to save her from his advances.

The girl's cries were heard by her eager fianc?, who had come searching for her when she was late returning to her parent's home. The soldier drove the woodsman away, threatening him with dire consequences if he ever approached the maiden again.

The furious woodsman lay low for a few days, waiting for his chance. It came on the girl's wedding day. She was dancing happily at her wedding reception with a group of her friends when the woodsman, in the form of a wolf, leapt upon her and dragged her away with him.

The enraged bridegroom gave chase, but the wolf and his bride had disappeared into the thick forest and were not seen again. For many days, the distraught soldier and his friends, armed with silver bullets, scoured the woods, searching for the maiden and her captor. Once the soldier thought he saw the wolf and shot at it. Upon reaching the location, he found a piece of a wolf's tail lying upon the ground. But of the wolf to which it belonged there was no sign.

After months of searching, his friends begged him to let the girl go and get on with living. But the soldier was half-mad with grief and refused to give up. And that very day, he found the cave where the werewolf lived. Within it lay the preserved body of his beloved wife. The girl had refused the werewolf's advances to the very end, and had died for it. After his murderous fury had died away, the werewolf had tenderly laid the body of the girl he had loved and had killed into a wooden coffin, where it would be safe from predators, and he came to visit her grave every day. Lying in wait for him, the soldier shot the werewolf several times as he entered the cavern, chasing him down until the maddened and dying werewolf leapt into the lake and disappeared from view. The soldier sat by the lake with his gun, staring into the rippling waters for hours as the catfish ate the bloody bits of the wolf that were floating on the surface of the water.

When his friends found him, the soldier's mind was gone. He babbled insanely about a werewolf that had been eaten by a catfish when it leapt into the water, and he sobered only long enough to lead the men to the body of his beloved before he collapsed forevermore into insanity. He died a few days later, and was buried beside his bride in a little glen where they had planned to build there house. Their grave is long forgotten, and the place where it stands is covered with daisies in the spring. But to this day, the people of the area have a prejudice against eating catfish, though no one remember why.
Stories / Bloody Mary ( Scary )
July 14, 2008, 06:58:41 PM
Here We go:

She lived deep in the forest in a tiny cottage and sold herbal remedies for a living. Folks living in the town nearby called her Bloody Mary, and said she was a witch. None dared cross the old crone for fear that their cows would go dry, their food-stores rot away before winter, their children take sick of fever, or any number of terrible things that an angry witch could do to her neighbors.

Then the little girls in the village began to disappear, one by one. No one could find out where they had gone. Grief-stricken families searched the woods, the local buildings, and all the houses and barns, but there was no sign of the missing girls. A few brave souls even went to Bloody Mary's home in the woods to see if the witch had taken the girls, but she denied any knowledge of the disappearances. Still, it was noted that her haggard appearance had changed. She looked younger, more attractive. The neighbors were suspicious, but they could find no proof that the witch had taken their young ones.

Then came the night when the daughter of the miller rose from her bed and walked outside, following an enchanted sound no one else could hear. The miller's wife had a toothache and was sitting up in the kitchen treating the tooth with an herbal remedy when her daughter left the house. She screamed for her husband and followed the girl out of the door. The miller came running in his nightshirt. Together, they tried to restrain the girl, but she kept breaking away from them and heading out of town.

The desperate cries of the miller and his wife woke the neighbors. They came to assist the frantic couple. Suddenly, a sharp-eyed farmer gave a shout and pointed towards a strange light at the edge of the woods. A few townsmen followed him out into the field and saw Bloody Mary standing beside a large oak tree, holding a magic wand that was pointed towards the miller's house. She was glowing with an unearthly light as she set her evil spell upon the miller's daughter.

The townsmen grabbed their guns and their pitchforks and ran toward the witch. When she heard the commotion, Bloody Mary broke off her spell and fled back into the woods. The far-sighted farmer had loaded his gun with silver bullets in case the witch ever came after his daughter. Now he took aim and shot at her. The bullet hit Bloody Mary in the hip and she fell to the ground. The angry townsmen leapt upon her and carried her back into the field, where they built a huge bonfire and burned her at the stake.

As she burned, Bloody Mary screamed a curse at the villagers. If anyone mentioned her name aloud before a mirror, she would send her spirit to revenge herself upon them for her terrible death. When she was dead, the villagers went to the house in the wood and found the unmarked graves of the little girls the evil witch had murdered. She had used their blood to make her young again.

From that day to this, anyone foolish enough to chant Bloody Mary's name three times before a darkened mirror will summon the vengeful spirit of the witch. It is said that she will tear their bodies to pieces and rip their souls from their mutilated bodies. The souls of these unfortunate ones will burn in torment as Bloody Mary once was burned, and they will be trapped forever in the mirror.