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Topics - Mia

Compliments / TO EVERYONE
March 04, 2012, 11:18:47 AM
I must say, I missed this server.
But, honestly,  I missed the kindness everyone gave me.  These days, that's hard to get.

Shout Out to Omri. You're so kind, congratulations on the Marines :)
Shout Out to Luci, You suck, but you're a good guy.

Thankyou all for all your support once again, I'm trying very hard to get players back and I honestly cannot believe how muh support I have gotten other the week I've been here.

Thankyou all for helping new players also, this will spread the life & stories around to other players. A good rep = A good system = More players.


Like it?
Compliments / Worldscape.
March 04, 2012, 03:09:29 AM
Hi everbody,
Thankyou for all your support with my advertising, it means alot to know people have faith in me. Also,
Kevin, you're an awesome guy, don't ever change! and Ryan, you're okay ;)  hahahaha Just kidding, you're awesome aswell, but not as awesome as me ;) hehehehehe. Anyway.

Suggestions / AMAZING ;)
March 04, 2012, 02:51:47 AM

•   LAST MAN STANDING (When Player Amount raises)

•   When you get into the LMS and it has begun, you MUST attack someone.

•   If you die, you will respawn back in Lumbridge but cannot return to LMS event.

•   You must continuously attack players until is comes down to only two players.

•   This would mean we would need about 15-50 PKERS.

•   The last player remaining will be declared the winner & will receive the prize and will go on a “Last man standing winner” list.

•   You MUST wear armour, no rares.

•   You cannot loose items in this.

•   Hide and Seek

•   Yes, we do this already! BUT this is to be held by ADMINS only so you won’t get looted/attacked. What does that mean?  Well, it would be held in wildy not just out of it. Staff members can play but they cannot teleport to them using their epic cheat codes ;)

•   During a hide and seek 2 admin (or 1) will hide throughout Worldscape. One in the wilderness and one in the Safe Locations.

•   Once the player who's hosting the event has found his hiding spot, an announcement will occur, usually followed by a hint.

•   The first player to trade the host of the event will be winner & receive their prize. Announcements of winner will happen.


•   This ones a big one!

•   After worldscape reaches 30-100 votes on a daily basis, every weekend a drop party will commence as a thankyou.

•   Staff will only drop items (Admin/owners/mods)

•   This can release new item’s into the game.

•   Clash of the Clans

•   I played a game a while back, this means there’s clans/guilds created and at set times, there’s a massive clan war.

•   2 guilds verse each other â€" If uneven number, all guilds VS each other.

•   No items lost,can be held in special area’s, preferably duel arena.

•   Clan remaining with most players left will receive a special Rank (Icon like a star or something) on forums

•   Remaining guild will be put of historic clan chart on forums.

•   The remaining players in the arena will have their kill counts calculated, one with highest goes on COTC Highscores.


•   The host (admin) may have up to 100K hitpoints.

•   Will have nothing on but a prize in inventory

•   Everyone attacks the admin until one person gets the prize

•   Players can attack the winner for the prize. (Battle Royal)

•   Advertising Give-Away

•   The server is looking down, and I’m trying my hardest to regain this.
•   I will not participate in this because I know i’ll win ;) tehehehehe loll

•   Special forum thread

•   Proof of advertising worldscape

•   Using Hypercam/Youtube accepted

•   Screenshots accepted

•   Must ask the newbie to PM you as soon as they get in game for their username.

•   Username Updated on the submitted proof of advert

•   If anyone purposely tries to sneak their way into making a newbie acc to receive the prize will get trade lock for 2 days & one day mute.

•   Reward given to person with the highest amount of recruited players win’s a BIG prize on exactly the 1st of every month.

•   More items to be added!

•   More monster training grounds

•   More event activity (CW etc)

•   New trade update if possible? (Red flash when item removed)

Automatic Server Announcement saying “Please advertise for Worldscape, Thankyou”
More skilling places

Suggestions / Long List
March 03, 2012, 08:24:56 AM

Hi guys,
I was talking to Andy (Freak m4n) In-game, very heartfelt, about the changes I BELIEVE should be added to Worldscape.

Not only have people “QUIT” because it got too boring and there’s nothing to do, this also will help attract interest, excitement and players to join ws and keep the server active! Yahoooooo!

I believe there should be an ACTIVE EVENT ADMIN.  This means, this one administrator has got the power to make items (only one per event) XP lamps, Edit skill levels and special features (Snow, etc)  This would mean they would be on daily (Moderate) and do a mini-game event like, camp, duel arena (Who can kill  the mod first) and castle wars 3 times a week and one big event on the weekend where you can either win xp lamps (First prize, 1m xp, 2nd 500k xp and 3rd 250k xp) Or a level boost.

To be evenly fair,  the BIG events will be divided up into three groups.  The Newbie group would be combat level 3-100. The Moderate group would be 100-120 and the advanced group would be 120-170.

Prizes â€" Newbie & Mod group-
all â€" 1st prize 2 day access to ALL skilling arena  blocked off from non-winners
Allâ€" 2nd prize 1 day access to skill arena
Allâ€" 3rd Prize  Half a day acess to arena (If not able to use give 500k xp lamp)
Mod group for EACH prize get’s an extra 250k xp lamp_

1st prize â€" 4 day skill arena access
2nd Prize â€" 3 day skill arena acess
3rd prize â€" 2 day + 250k xp lamp

IMPORTANT!::  If a player has maxed out all skills, Offer them a cape. One that you can only gain via events that is non tradable,  non sellable, diminishes when dropped.  (Like a skillcape) if they don’t want that, offer them a Headgear or Weapon that is non tradable, non sellable and diminishes.
This means that there is NO other way you can possibly dupe and scam players of their rights to this.

EXTRA items in CW shop.
Make all tokens/tickets non tradable.
Add more active moderators
Add more training area’s (in lumby cow paddocks, varrok castle, Slayer tower) With DIFFERENT monsters like;

Lumby Paddock: Bears, Unicorns, rats and cows (low lvls)
Varrock Castle:  Spiders, Hill giants, Moss Giants & ghosts (med)
Slayer Tower :  KBD, zammy boss, sara boss, guthix boss.

This means NO editing â€" adding skill room as in adding it into.. Lumby Church.
General (OT) / Facebook/Social
March 03, 2012, 12:59:59 AM
Hi guys,

Advertising for worldscape is quite hard, lol! but, I'm going through facebook trying to get hold of old players.
Then it dawned on me, we need to get a topic just for facebook/social sites to keep in contact with old players & new ones.

Please leave your email to your facebook below or link to your page.

Report In-Game Rule Breakers / Reporting Thexmaker
March 02, 2012, 07:29:22 AM
In-game username:  Mia

Reporting: Thexmaker
Reason? : Macro + Attempted Scam. (Backed by Ale & brother, Jose)
Also, sent file to Jose, He was screen Sharing with me so he saw.

General (WS) / Missing everyone!
March 02, 2012, 02:34:17 AM
Hi everybody.

I noticed when I started to play again that it's not the same as it used to be. Yes, not only in the population downfall but everyone I used to associate with.

I'm in contact with a few people right now, (Ryan, Kevin, Jose, Coleshot1 & Wouter) But that's it.

So if you read this, come back to Worldscape or add my facebook/skype.
Skype: Candy_mooshi

General (WS) / Advertising & Regaining players.
March 02, 2012, 12:15:57 AM
Worldscape has gone dead. With only a small amount of players left on daily, in which I have seen is only about 8.

We MUST try our hardest to get the word about Worldscape out there!
Not only will this affect the server.. but it's getting low.  People are quitting all the time over items lost and other silly reaons. SO what? that's no reason to quit. Excuse the expression but, Grow some balls.

Now, I'm not here to attack any player or staff member but, All i can see is this server coming to an end. With not enough people, who will play? and where's the point of running a dead server?

My point here is that we need more players.
There is NOT ENOUGH of them.

If you have a friend that plays Runescape, let them know about us.  If you have a friend that like's RS server's, Let them know about us.  Or better yet, Post it of facebook, google+, twitter, myspace and all the sites you use daily. Even if they don't play worldscape, let them know you play it and you'd like them to try.

There are plenty of people out there that can advertise. This does not just mean that people IN-GAME have to advertise, but people on the forums.

Back in 09, we would have up to 30 players play each time I was on, we had good moderators, great staff & we all loved WS.  I miss all of the old players, I have gotten ex-moderator Coleshot1 to play again. if I can push people to play Worldscape, why can't you?

Thankyou for reading this post & I hope you do as I/everyone asks.
General (WS) / Return of the Jedi. (Mia)
March 02, 2012, 12:06:05 AM
Hi everyone!!

I have returned!
after a few years of nothing but chaos between an ex-staff member and I. I decided to come back. 


Suggestions / Raidcall/Ventrillo.
March 02, 2012, 12:03:25 AM
Hi there everyone,
As most of you all know, I'm back!

I was talking to Jose, he said that it's a good suggestion to ask..
What about Vent/Raidcall?

Vent is : Ventrilo 3.0.0 is the next evolutionary step of Voice over IP (VoIP) group communications software. Ventrilo is also the industry standard by which all others measure themselves as they attempt to imitate its features.

By offering surround sound positioning and special sound effects on a per user, per channel, per server or global configuration level the program provides each user the option to fully customize exactly how they wish to hear sounds from other users or events.

Ventrilo is best known for it's superior sound quality and minimal use of CPU resources so as not to interfere with day to day operations of the computer or during online game competitions. It is also preferred for the simple user interface that any first time computer user can very quickly learn because the most commonly used features are immediately visible and can be activated with a single click of the mouse.

BUT you cant chat, like IRC.

Raidcall is : A free,low-latency voice communcation tool for gamers. - Which also includes IRC.

How about that? :)

Yes i know we use skype etc.. but i believe this is better.
General (WS) / :) Bannn meeee D:!
September 17, 2010, 07:25:14 PM
-Post removed-
Rants / People quitting becase of people!
July 20, 2010, 06:54:49 AM
There's a few issues with people on Worldscape that really pushes my buttons.
The Wildy - PKERS that die and loose items, get all spiffy and start arguments which can lead to a mute or a ban.. it's pathetic really.. It's a game, I know you try  to kill people and they cheat but WALK AWAY! This is why I rarely ever PK it's so much chaos over one little thing..

QUITTING OVER THINGS -  People push me here.. They die in the wildy and they cry like little girls.. and say "i'm quitting! I AM QUITTING!" Over something stupid?
Once again, It's a game, You can get your items back easily! If they kill you in the wildy and loot your items they're allowed to have them because it's the wildy and it's not safe to wear rares and that stuff! That's what FUNPK is for!

Expect to loose items in the wildy, if you don't want to loose rares, don't have them on you.  If you want to wear rares and stay safe and not loose them! GO TO FUNPK!

Guys.. Don't quit because of someone looting your items..
Or did something unfair to you, Yeah.. I know it's unfair.. but seriously.. walk away.
It stops the anger and the fights..

I've done.

Rants / Forum warning rant.
May 31, 2010, 07:15:26 AM
I got a warning for spamming and i have been warned,
I am upset with with because there are many other players doing the same thing and I am the only one being punished?
I mean god, It's not fair that you're willing to do this to me.

Under that one topic, If you count, there are more people spamming than I have!

I don't deserve it, Honestly, God, Stop taking it out on me and use your brainn?
General (OT) / New Skillcape emotes on Runescape?
May 26, 2010, 02:46:59 AM
Hey guys!
Did you see the new skillcape emotes on runescape?
I just got 99 wc and att on my skiller and it's fully sick!

the attack emote is cool, it's like a melee ninja fighting action and the wc it better.

can't wait till i get 99 Firemaking, i love the new emote!
Videos / Justin Bieber sounds good for once. xD
May 15, 2010, 05:44:26 AM
General (OT) / Bye Worldscape..
May 13, 2010, 09:21:51 AM
Hey Everyone..

The past two weeks have been very upsetting..
I just can't be on for a little while..

I'm sorry everyone for everything's I've done..
All I have done is cause sadness to people I care about.

I'm doing you all a favour..

if you want to stay in contact with me my email is [email protected] (msn)
and email (I check them alot) is [email protected]..

Goodbye for now,


Rants / ISSUES IN WILDY!!! -.-
May 12, 2010, 05:02:14 AM
I am sick to death of people being big girls over wildy issues.
WILDY is NOT for fun fighting, That's ::funpk!

If you do not want to loose items do not go to wildy, if you do not want to loose rares, DON'T WEAR THEM!

You guys need to realize you're fighting over a game.

GAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
General (OT) / anyone heard from Jose? (Mooshu)
May 12, 2010, 03:04:10 AM
Has anyone spoken to Mooshu lately?
If you have.. tell him I'm worried.. okay? :(

Videos / Electric Guitarss <3333
May 11, 2010, 07:45:25 AM
I'm learnin how to play this and I JUST LOVE Orianthhhiii