WorldScape Blitz

Your Thoughts => Suggestions => Topic started by: bear hug on September 20, 2010, 04:10:59 PM

Question: Should there be a yell mute?
Option 1: Make a yell mute.
Option 2: Dont make a yell mute.
Title: the mute system
Post by: bear hug on September 20, 2010, 04:10:59 PM
hello people who are reading this  :D i think worldscape has a great system just like every other server where if  you abuse you get muted although in worldscape unlike in some other servers everyone can use the yell system since everyone can use it i think a thing called a yell mute this being a mute that makes you unable to use yell. I think this is a good idea because sometimes in a regular mute it can really be frustrating not being able to talk and saying things you really should get to say such as buying an item you know that sorta stuff i know that the point is to get you not want to say what you said again but i still think that a yell mute would be a great idea

This is my opinion different people will have different opinions for sure please relply and include your opinion dont forget to vote  ;)
Title: Re: the mute system
Post by: Drunk Mario on September 20, 2010, 04:51:29 PM
::Disableyell doesn't work for this? One person shouldn't be muted from the yell for abusing it. If people are abusing it too much the staff could just disable it temporarily or just mute the person who is doing it.
Title: Re: the mute system
Post by: Pavilion on September 20, 2010, 11:31:52 PM
I suppose there can be room for a yell mute, but it shouldn't be the only option of enforcing the non-abuse rule. If there was only the mute option, the player in question would still be allowed to play with the lack of the yell option. On the other hand, a full on ban would send the message well: "Abuse ::yell and you're barred from the game." Having both as options would prove useful with dealing with those with mistaken/accidental cases and others who blatantly and intentionally abuse it.

@Drunk Mario
If it's one fellow that's abusing ::yell, then that case should have the option for a ::yell mute (or a general mute) open. It shouldn't be of an inconvenience to others if ::yell is shut down all because of a single person. On the other hand, if multiple people abuse ::yell, then it would be in the best interest to removing it completely.

I don't know if ::disableyell works. Being lengthily absent is a pain.
Title: Re: the mute system
Post by: Splat on September 21, 2010, 12:43:10 AM
I support this petition, there are too many people conversing through the YELL privileges.
Title: Re: the mute system
Post by: Vee Dub on September 21, 2010, 02:11:46 AM
I actually think this is a good Idea. It saves you from having to Mute the player for one little detail.

Title: Re: the mute system
Post by: unknowed on September 21, 2010, 06:28:40 AM
mhm this a good topic cause it can bring some ideas on.
i agree with you a yell mute/disabel would be usefull.
