WorldScape Blitz

Worldscape => Tutorials/Guides (WS) => Topic started by: SoulX on November 27, 2010, 11:03:41 PM

Title: Money Making Guide, Soul Style.
Post by: SoulX on November 27, 2010, 11:03:41 PM
Alright on average I get asked this question 10 times a week, Really. My goal is to give most of the new players an understanding on how to make cash. Most players get caught up in how long it will take, If you don't have patients then you'll take the long way to money. The Key to everyone of these methods is patients.

Part one: Woodcutting.
Part two: Mining.
Part three: Smithing.
Part four: Fishing.
Part five: Thieving.
Part six: Combat.

Woodcutting: Now Woodcutting is a good way to get money. It's underestimated sometimes. from 73 to 99 i got 4Mill, That's a fair bit.
Method: Cutting magic trees or Yew trees.
Location: Seers, Lost City, Lumbridge, Varrock & Edge. (Recommended Seers.)
Equipment and Requirements: An Axe and 73+ Woodcutting. I strongly recommend you get 80+ Woodcutting before you do this.
Once you've cut a fair amount of Yew/Magics and you've banked them make a topic on the forums about selling them and wait for an offer. People always buy logs for skills. Fletching will be out soon so you might want to do this method first.
Average Cash for 1000 magics - 700k to 1.5m  Overall rating - 7/10

Mining: Mining can be a pain in the ass to level, Quite frankly i wish it didn't make so much money. If you need money and have time try this method.
Method: Mining Gold + Ores.
Location: Rimmington, Rock crabs, Varrock & Barb Village. (Recommend Rimmington for gold.)
Equipment and Requirements: A Pickaxe and 40+ Mining.
Once you have mined a satisfactory amount of ores go on the forums and sell them. People will buy them for smithing, Should sell rather quick.
Average Cash for 1000 ores - Ranging from 500k - 2m.  Overall Rating 6.5/10

Smithing - Smithing is good for making armor and selling them. You won't make much money until you get about 60+ Mining.
Method: Making Mithril+ Items.
Location: Where to mine the rocks ^Above^ and Furnaces are located in Lumbridge, Falador & Varrock. Anvils are at Varrock.
Equipment and Requirements: Ores/Bars and a hammer. 60+ Smithing.
This skill can be long and tricky, don't get sidetracked though. It's rather boring approach is worth the reward.
Average cash for your makings - From 500k - possibly 5m.  Overall Rating: 7/10

Fishing: A light, easy and refreshing skill.
Method: Fishing Lobsters+
Location: Cath.
Equipment and Requirements: Lobster pot, harpoon & 50+ fishing.
This skill is quick and effective at money making. You can sell the raw food to cookers or cooked food to combat players for health.
Average cash overall: 100k - 4m   Overall Rating: 9/10

Thieving: A concentrated skill not for Afk players.
Method: Pick pocketing Npcs.
Location: Everywhere, Lumbridge, Varrock, falador Etc.
Equipment and Requirements: No equipment needed just concentration. I recommend just getting 99, you'll get around 5m from 1 to 99.
As i said there isn't really a guideline for this, just get 99 and you'll have money.
Average cash: 5m   Overall Rating: 8/10

Combat: A fun and enjoyable method.
Method: Killing Chaos Element, Kbd, Mole, Camp, Pking Etc.
Location: In the wilderness, Varrock, Edge. If you're not sure where to find them Om in game and I will show you.
Equipment: Strong armor, A Whip/SS, Anti-Dragon shield, Teleport & full inventory of food.
This is a fun method, keeps you entertained. You can get good drops like Bandos 3rd age etc.
Average cash: Unknowable, you can get good drops and you can get bad drops.  Overall Rating: 9/10

There are more methods out there but these are, I think, the most effective ways. Have patients though guys! It will not come easy! It takes time and effort.

Respect+ if this helped you or if you think i did a good job.

Thank you.
Title: Re: Money Making Guide, Soul Style.
Post by: Storm on February 20, 2011, 03:23:46 PM
It's an O.K. guide. I mean the money making is really slow, 1,000 magic logs for 4 million? that is a long time since max cash is 2.?? Billion, also a good shield like ob-something-something, is like 1 Billion on the online shop. This is more for skilling. Anyways money is worthless in Worldscape.
Title: Re: Money Making Guide, Soul Style.
Post by: Drunk Mario on February 20, 2011, 03:37:21 PM
Quote from: Storm on February 20, 2011, 03:23:46 PM
It's an O.K. guide. I mean the money making is really slow, 1,000 magic logs for 4 million? that is a long time since max cash is 2.?? Billion, also a good shield like ob-something-something, is like 1 Billion on the online shop. This is more for skilling. Anyways money is worthless in Worldscape.
As you can clearly see this was made in November of last year, So it was for BLITZ. Also don't grave dig..