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Messages - BigDogg420

Max that's an ok song it's not bad but it could use some work it's still good. But next time can you put it in songs and lyrics this is not the right section for this but yea keep it up. 
max I'm not trying to argue anything if it sounds like I am then I'm sorry. But anyways how's the problem going is she sitll picking on you or what.
General (WS) / Re: i want to be mod or admin :)
October 06, 2009, 01:39:19 PM
Ok first to elgnral_rs please do not ask to become mod and jack is well I have to say it but he is right jeremy and all the other staff get together and find the best person to be mod. And now to jack please stop posting on stuff thinking that when you say please lock this thread that someone will see you say that and say ok jack you got it I'll lock it but no so please stop posting and asking to lock topics you are not a staff member so please don't come one a thread and try to ask like a staff member that's what it looks like to me. So jack please work on your post please.
General (WS) / Re: i was muted...
October 03, 2009, 03:56:48 PM
Quote from: Jack7 on October 03, 2009, 07:43:29 AM
Dear Staff,

Please Lock this topic.

Nicest Reguards,

Jack7. :)

Jack your not supposed to tell staff what to do if they wantto lock the topic then they will. So please do not tell staff what to do.
Thank you God Colin
Jack please if you want a banner then please talk in pm and please try not to double post even if you just add please ok. And if you don't like what they are making tell them in a pm like I said.
Goals & Achievements / Re: Jack7's Goals
October 02, 2009, 03:23:19 AM
Quote from: Jack7 on October 01, 2009, 09:22:41 PM
My Goals.

135 hitpoints
135 attack
100 defence
135 Strength
100 Combat
Be Rich
Awesome Pker
Be in ~Deathzone~
Be a player moderator
200 posts
10 respect.

Jack idk what to say but good ummmm goals, but you might get to 200 post at the way your going because you kind of posting small stuff and yea try and give more ummmm like helpfulness to your post and by doing that you may, may, get player mod just saying may idk I have not seen you in-game yet but yea. And the respect if someone wants to give you respect then they will and try not to make a post saying please give me respect. But anyways all the in-game stuff is a good goal to reach. So yea and if you have any questions feel free to pm me on the forums or in-game.

General (OT) / Re: Respect please
October 02, 2009, 03:13:35 AM
Jack listen to me ok I've been looking at your posts and if people want to give you respect then they will don't just tell people to give you respect. So all you have to do is wait till someone gives you respect. And jack not trying to be mean but I don't think that I would give you respect by looking at your post I'm sorry. You need to like help more and not just ask people to give you respect or ask people how your doing and stuff like that. So please try and do better and try and help out as much as possible.

Thank you
Quote from: Jack7 on October 02, 2009, 01:59:53 AM
I, Classify her as a Bandos Boss the big fatty Lolz!


Nicest Reguards,

Jack7. :)

Jack7 that's not nice at all sorry to say but that is messed up.

What I have to say is ignore her. But no one listens everyone is just "let's be mean and beat up them and call them names" well whatever I say ignore her.
General (WS) / Re: How to play worldscape on a Ipod Touch.
September 30, 2009, 01:04:04 AM
Thank you Trini that's what i was talking about is a VNC client but yea you should ask Bill to help you out with it.
General (WS) / Re: How to play worldscape on a Ipod Touch.
September 29, 2009, 01:51:36 PM
Yes as I to have an iTouch I have tried but you can't do it. The only place you can go on the iTouch is on the forums. But there is something that Bill uses to get on I forgot what it is called but ask Bill and he might be able to help you. But other than that you can't play Worldscape on an iTouch.
General (OT) / Re: my toe is broke dang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
September 29, 2009, 01:46:02 PM
Quote from: HotMax123 on September 29, 2009, 08:18:58 AM
and a while back i burned half the flesh off my knee when i was on my friends bike and I was in shorts I tried to drift on a turn on the road but then i messedup the peg hit the ground and i was going about 45 mph and I just kinda fell over the side on my knee and it scraped that for 50 ft then I hit a curb and heck I don't really know what happened after that  my friend told me I was kartwheeling in mid-air  then he told me I smashed my face on the ground I was out of it cold for about 30 seconds then i started to get up the burned chunk of skin first looked like a bad scrape then over night it turned all black around it was just sick and it was oozing this green stuff.
now my knees look kinda uneven

DID YOU GET THAT CHECKED OUT? Because that sounded really bad omg
General (OT) / Re: Do i post resonable posts?
September 29, 2009, 01:44:18 PM
Jack7 as seeing as you just registered TODAY, and that you did post on a "Report In-Game Rule Breakers" which you kind of told the person that was getting reported to refrain from doing that, then I say that you need some work on your post. But keep up the good work and again try not to post in "Report In-Game Rule Breakers" it is only for as you said Staff Members. So again try and work on your post a little bit more and just wait because you did only just register today.
Forum Games / Re: What happens to man?
September 29, 2009, 04:48:04 AM
Man cuts himself for breaking xbox
Man goes back to hospital
Man sneaks out of hospital

To be continued...
