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Topics - Knight IV

Forum Games / A little question...
April 20, 2011, 11:06:11 AM
If you are genius you will solve those questions...:

  • If you burned a candle...What will burn first?
  • How to put an elephant in a refrigerator?
Rants / "See you next"
April 15, 2011, 06:01:03 PM
I think people shall stop saying this when I saw program saying it to M I K E (No offence to both) I think if he's in a bad condition We shouldn't make fun out of him or so..
Rank 0V3R.
Videos / Baby one more time. (Not the true one..)
April 15, 2011, 05:40:14 PM
I spotted a funny video...
I understood it because it's english..And I am turkish.

alright guys, you saw the title, you know what its about well this is my first guide so pay attetion please

The program I'm going to show you today is called Gamebooster v2.
you make be asking. What does it do and what can it do to help reduce lag?
well gamebooster v2 closes unused programs and tabs that you don't need whilst playing Allgofree or any other online game.
How to download--- Link-----
http://-Snip- (Possible virus)once you download it you will want to open the program up and it will have a menu screen saying, [check the boxes you want to stay closed wile gaming]
check all of them if you want, (thats what i do)
you may be asking, How do i work it? well its actually quite simple! Once you click, "click to boost" it will then set ask you if you want it to have a power plan. say yes to thier default power plan.
Another question you may ask is. How can i customize it? another very simple anwser.
you will want to navigate your mouse toward the "game tools option" once you click on the button, there will be many options to customize your mouse speed,keyboard settings ect.
Well some of you are going to absolutely love me! i happen to have a 1 year prememium code ( it works for most people) and the magical number is!
44814-D56A7-A585F-873B2 (Legal 100%)
Enjoy premium!
i hope you all enjoy faster switching,less lag, and amazing cpu speed.

Removed the link, just in case. --Program
Ok guys I am asking for a banner or begging anyhow...I want the background about an army and only a text: Knight IV
Note: Please make sure that the letter I and the letter V is capital and thank you for your time reading this.
Uhh This thing just got up my mind..That like when you spend 2 hours a day in the forums you would get a reward?
Tell me your thoughts please.
EDIT:Wrong sections please remove it to suggestions,Thank you.
General (WS) / Hello,
April 09, 2011, 06:39:37 PM
Hey guys I am new in this game and i found the advertise of Moparscape server list so Hi. :)