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Topics - serguy3

Suggestions / ""RS2 STUFF""
October 21, 2008, 08:39:59 AM
ok i would like to say that the clue scrolls do not work. ;) soz i also want to say to put in a g.e (grand exchange) like admins could like put in like 1000 of everything (besides all those rares only like 100 for them) ;) so like when admins make items in there inventory they tipe in like ::ge then it brings up the page of the g.e do you get it? respond it and then i will try and make it more specific.

                                serguy3, ;)
General (WS) / maddy do not respond on my posts.....
October 20, 2008, 11:27:16 PM
ok you know what heres where this stupid saying comes in hand if you dont have anything nice to say dont say anything at all :) rule applys nicely on this post.

ps: maddy i think you can see in the course of one day i now strongly dislike you. i prefer to stop this fighting DO NOT HAVE ANYTHING TODO WITH RESPONDING TO MY POSTS........             

                                                          sincerly, serguy3
General (WS) / maddy =(
October 20, 2008, 06:47:03 PM
dear maddy one i never herd about your topic -.- so dont say i was posing you....... two rofl football players get hurt alot more than soccer players..... three your not tackling and blocking for 2 hours each day..... so maddy honestly im sorry for saying soccer is wussy.......... four just a little reminder to all i know soccer has its dangeres ok.... my sister tore her acl for the second time so you know what shut up i know what the dangers of soccer are. 

ps: any one know where steel dragons are?
General (WS) / football turning into soccer.......:0
October 20, 2008, 05:11:43 PM
 :'( ppl we now half to have like 20 pounds of pads................ ok thats not right....... if we're ganna be wusses lets just slap some short shorts that are realy tight on and kick a ball down a field into a gole.....x[  >:( i mean we half to have our helmets pumped up to where our heads are demented >.<  well............. i guess we will half to slide tackle instead on tackling................    and have 40 year olds say no goal no goal........... =[
ps: read all my posts! i wanna be a higher lev poster!  :D   

serguy3 ftw :D             pss: posing off on maddy ftw  :D =c new face =]
ppl!!!!!! i said like a tele thing!!!  :-\  not i poon i and flamer777 saying you half to look hard to find it  >:( lolz i wanted a answer not someone saying there are no dragons on this game (no offense)............ but ppl just say the tele............ just post the tele!!!
Skills / ""STEEL DRAGONS""
October 18, 2008, 07:04:38 PM
ok flame or any one else who knows where ""STEEL DRAGONS"" are like pm me when im on how to get there because im going to retarted with codes and trying to find thing  :P so yeah pm me when i get on................                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ps: the reason im posting this is one because i cant log on, two im ganna make a new one with like ::tele things  :) ;D :o 8)  :P :-[ :-X :-\ :-* :'(      pss:i was just bored soz i made those faces =p heheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheheh im emo =[]
Skills / guide to being strong good exp and more.
October 13, 2008, 04:23:19 PM
ok ive been playing now for like a month   :o and i have learned how to level  :).   soz when you are a noob (starter) you fight men and woman in ::lumby. when you get to about 60-70 you go to ::northpole and get to level 120. when you are level 120 you fight shades (::etele then by the bank on the side with the shop). then you train on them till level 163. ;D then for the next 9 levels go to ::tar and fight your way throw all the monsters! for all those that are lev 172 go to ::tar and fight the lev 700 something they are a challenge  :P.
ps: im only level 121 but i think this guide will help.;)