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Messages - aether

Stories / Re: War Remenents
April 04, 2009, 06:47:12 PM
lol, ry you scared me. I though you were going to be flaming it lol Thanks
Stories / War Remnants - finished
April 04, 2009, 05:28:37 PM
                                             War Remnants                           

A look into the characters â€" brief introduction â€" This story has taken me some time to write and have put a lot of thought into it, I hope everyone likes it.

This is a little insight into the story. It is set in some unnamed mountain range, where we find out mane character Rufus. Rufus has always been a calm person with good intent. Later in the story tho you will find out Rufus has a motive about joining the Training camp. Next we have Hiven, a scrawny drill Sargent who thinks and acts like hes seven feet tall. There is much to behold our characters as there story unfolds....
That was a very brief description of the story, it really doesn't touch on what the story is truthfully about.
The reason I don't add a lot onto it at a time is, when I think of an Idea 99% I'm no where near my PC and I loose my thought before I get to write it down...


Page one.

Was it fate? Was it just stupid luck?
I wondered this as I lined up for daily inspections.
   Normally they come in scream at us for a bit, but today… no.
   Just hours earlier the National threat administration put out area on high alert. There had been terrorist activities in the region. So the pentagon wants us to know what to do when this “ attack” happens…
   Today Sergeant Hiven was going to show us the importance of discipline. I wasn't worried you see...
   Sergeant Hiven was a 5' 10 one hundred twenty pounds soaking wet. He has trouble running to the bathroom without loosing his breath. Last year for physical fitness exercise he got a 30 minute with two coffee break run. This of course was instead of the usual seven minutes they give you for the mile run then the 15 minutes for the quarter mile swim. Hiven has this scruffy beard that only comes in on some places and he is bald as a babies butt, but wears the tupay that looks like what we ran over in the Thomson-233 fire stout tank. The tank is only around 20 tons, so you get the idea of how real looking the tupay is.
   "I don't like doing this to you, maggots! But I do enjoy seeing that look on your face when I say ten more". Said Hiven in a cynical voice. As he rambled on about some drill were about to do, or this new "training exercise", I was dazed. It was 28' degrees and the clouds were high and white. The air wasn't blowing at all and I was off in never land in my head.
As I child I was always day dreaming in class. One day the teacher was playing detection jeopardy, or he she asks you a question you can’t repeat the question and the give the answer you got a detention. For my particular question she was teaching history and asked me a math question. The question was, “ What is 2+2?”
   I answered Woodrow Wilson. I got double detection for that one.
Then there was this one time when… 
   "DUCK!!!" exclaimed an unknown voice!
   "What the FU..." and the voice echoed off as a shot rang out from the distance.
   "What’s happening?" asked one mid shipmen.
   "Were all dead".... one private said in his own voice. I could verily hear it over the now more consecutive explosions and cracks of rifles.
   "Why .... Why build a f*cking military training camp near...".... *cough* his body fell limp into the small snow drift that accumulated from last nights powdering. I was now scared for my life.
   I though franticly, instinctively I hit the deck. The snow quickly poured into my coat which I didn't zip it all the way. Scanning for the best way out... I see a path! ....Vooooom! Choupsh! Bam.... The way I was two seconds from taking was now in rubble.
   Let me back track a little, by now you’re so confused.
   My name is Rufus demonic. People have always told me I was meant for the military. That I should get to it and go be all I can. I on the other hand have not.
I've always seen my self with an office job making money to bring home the bacon to my wife. HUH... come to think of it i don't recall why I joined the Navy now.
From the little bit of that day it was.....
   "Rufus you are always some were doing something for someone," said mother.
   "Mother you know I’m not the run and gun kind of person. I wouldn't even play shooting games as a kid." I said trying to rid my mother of this infernal idea.
   "Just go down there and take a look, no just take a peak." said my mom trying her hand at humor.
   "Fine I'll give it a "peak" if u wants me to," i said in a suddle tone. A few minutes later I found my self driving down the road to town. I only lived ten miles from town and my old 1979 Ford pickup truck didn't make it a pleasant ride. I had so many questions about the military...
   " Come join today", said the man on the radio. GO to foreign lands he said.. meet new people and be a hero of tomorrow.
   The day was June 3rd; I was nervous and only 3 miles from town.
   Crrsshhhh! the radio lost signal and stared fussing up. I turned the radio off and was stuck to render through my thoughts. As I rolled through town I seen a sign that read "UHHHOHHH the United States Navy", so I pulled up to the parking lot and shut my truck off. The sun was beating down on me now and the black paint of my truck was reflecting it into my face giving me a nice warm feeling. I sat there for a good five to ten minutes before I opened my door and put one foot out the door. As I did I saw a man in a wheelchair. He was wearing a Verterns uniform and had stubs for legs. He was on his way to help with recruitment. I watched as he struggled to push himself up the ramp. THUMP! He fell out and rolled down the ramp. I rushed to him and asked him if he was OK.
   " ima Fine", he said
   "OK I came to make sure you weren’t hurt."
   "No, no ima fine... will you get me my....
   The bombs crashed as I looked for another path to get out of the now war zone. I saw Hiven running to this hole in the side of the showers. I ran over dodging lead and fragments as I sprinted to catch up with him.
   "Sir what’s happing", i exclaimed.
   "I'm not sure. I think someone wants us dead. Were not supposed to be in these mountains…? The Russians no wait Germans have claim to them." said Hiven.
   "Huh? You mean the US illegally took us here?"
   "Ya, were like Illegal aliens to them, unlike giving them jobs and money like the US they give us bullets and bombs." Jokingly said Hiven.
   "Let’s sneak into the woods, maybe we can make a camp live it out." I asked in a deep mono toned voice.
   "HMM, maybe that might work, this way were going down the west flank and go a few miles into the Apache forest. Once were in there we have to make haste to find shelter. These mountain are not forgiving to those not prepared.
   "But... what about the others?" i asked
   ".... There’s no help for them", said Hiven as he grabbed my shirt and pulled me back out of the way of a fragment grenade.
   "THERE HERE", screamed a voice from a distance.
POP! The voice faded as fast as it came about like a candle in the wind.
   "This way Rufus", said Hiven. Staying here is like burning a candle from both ends. When they meet in the middle was dead. On the count of three make haste to the forest over there. Over the dead bodies and through the snow and over the fallen timber.
GO Rufus run for.....
   There I was helping a Veteran into his wheel chair. He was 78 years young and a VET of two different wars, the Posthypnotic wars and the 10 week war.
I couldn't help but asking what he was doing here and this is what he said,
   "I’m here to get young whipper snappers like you in camo and with a M-84 assault rifle. Come on in I’ll sign you up. Here push me in and I’ll get the paper work started." he stammered
   "But nothing he said,"
Ten minutes later I went back to my truck and drove home. It was a silent ride all the way
That’s how I was roped in the Navy. From there it was to basic training, it was hell. Then off to servile school. It was pure hell. Lastly I was sent to MAG-1221 project "Dominance", M1D for short training camp. That is were I started my story. In the frozen mountains somewhere in Europe. I was next to Germany, or Russia one of two. I just know it was frozen hell. High tree line, little sun, and lastly as of today I was the prey in some countries dispute.
   The night was setting in; we were now a mile or two from the site. I was winded, wanting to stop running. If I stopped running they might catch me. The skies were clear. The air was heavy around me. The shots echoed out from the distance. Voices of those who I left, my friends, and my comrades followed me. It was if they were telling to come join them. There voices sang out, come the shots have seized once you’re here. My only fear was “here,” was…
   CHAPTER TWO - “Tides of fortune”

   When day broke I was disoriented. Running all night can do that to a guy. I had lost all sense of direction, but not Hiven.
   â€œTwenty-sum miles away from camp now I would say.” Said Hiven, boasting over his ability to tell you exactly how long you’ve walked.
   â€œWhere are going to make camp?” I asked
   â€œOver there,” pointed Hiven
   â€œ Oh, I see the old Navy training site camp”. I then thought wouldn’t that be an easy target? I wondered why not make a lean-to in the forest? I wondered.
   â€œ Attention!” Exclaimed Hiven
   I went to attention like it was second nature.
   â€œWe need fire wood, long sticks, food, fresh water“…. As Hiven rambled out  a list I wouldn’t recall  any ways, I thought of her. It was the first time in a long time she even crossed my mind. She was gorgeous, stunning to exact. She stood five foot ten and had a face that would bring the angles to tears.  Her hair wasn’t blond like what all the men back at camp fantasized over. They said “she can’t be that pretty without it,” but I begged to differ. She had Blonde hair down maybe a foot past her shoulders. She wasn’t the conventional woman either. She was the most ravaging thing I had ever laid my eyes on …   
   â€œThe next few days were hell.”
   That was the slogan for this place. My life, my world.
   The training place I told u about, well it was a small cabin. It was training on for the new blood. They had to build shelter. This would be my first time in there.
   I heard it’s nice and cozy, but that was when it was used thirty years ago.
   As we walked into the run down cabin, I noticed cob webs through the haze. The place was if it hadn’t seen fresh air in years. The paint was coming off the walls and the were semi molded over. Over its flaws, till we get a way out it was now home.
   The following weeks were of simple times. Gather supplies, don’t get shot. Find food, don’t get shot. We had a nice set up, even on the foggy nights in Rome the coliseum stands tall. The cabin was my, our coliseum.
We did what we could to fix it up. Took plastic covering from old crate and covered the windows. Found some paint that was used for punishment, and gave the inside a nice sprucing up. The paint was giving to the person that did wrong and was to paint a wall. That sounds to easy now, the wall was twenty-two feet high and had to be scrubbed before each coat.
   â€œCome here boy,” said Hiven.
   â€œWhat do you need?”
   â€œLook over there, they have a search and kill out.” he said
   The men were in desert and winter camouflage. They had makeshift guns. One of the men carried a gun held together by mere masking tape it looked like. They were armed but defenseless at the same time.
   They were a trap. To find were we are at. They couldn’t be a legitimate party. It didn’t make sense to me. They have all the power and send them.
   Closely following them were three men In snow camo. We knew it was a trap. Hiven gave me the signal to get in a tree, he would follow.
As I jimmied my way the tree I could see for miles. Scouting the area, I seen a path that leaded to a base. I knew if only we could get there… The base was at the closest one hundred kilometers away, and through dozens danger zones.   
   â€œGO” whispered Hiven, now only feet below me.
   â€œHiven what if we get to that base over there?”
   â€œAre you mad? That would be suicide” scolded Hiven
   As I made my way to a branch I could perch on the men pasted beneath me. I started to sweat, I was scared, not for my life, but the pain they would make me endure if I was to be caught. In an immaculate glance he looked up.
The man in white saw me. My heart started to race, I then froze up and started to sing a hem. A hem from when I was young. The song I sang soft so only I could hear.
   â€œ Sway with the wind, fall with the breeze, oh trees over the forest, the birds and the best make my voice heard. Angles cry out, make the showers of heaven fall… make the hail of the intolerable rain down as the trees sing about. Let my voice be heard, take my hand lift me up soar away don’t drop me now….” that is all of the Hem I could remember.
   A shot rang out into the distance. The pain was not upon me but….
   I also recall the ride home from the sing up. The heat did not relax my tension. I was now in the Navy. Mother, my brother, my father… how are they going to react? I’ve done my fair share of stupid mistakes but.. This?
   Would they forgive me? I asked my self this all the way home.
I laughed and thought at least now I won’t have to get new shocks for this piece of shit truck. I then sighed, I wanted to buy new shocks and wear them out. Now it was out of the question to do that.
   I dazed in and out of realty for the next few days. Why not? I was to be shipped to training in a month any ways.
   NO! I won’t pity my self I thought…
   The shot was not at me but at a bird sitting on a tree two branches up.
I was so relived I almost sighed out loud. If I did that I would have joined the birds fate.
   When the bird hit the ground it gave me a sick feeling to my stomach.
I though, that could have been me, or Hiven. I knew then we had to me more careful. I did not want to end up like the bird, dead lying on the ground being prodded with sticks.
   It was lucky we were not shot captured or worse…
   â€œRufus, do you know why I chose to be in the military?” asked Hiven.
   â€œI have no idea sir”
   â€œBecause I didn’t have a purpose in life, and now I figured out it. Well at least for now. That would be to keep you alive.”
   â€œSir I’m honored”
   â€œRufus, don’t die on me you dumb ass, OK?”
   The next month was hard. There were more and more patrols. We had came up with a place to hide. We removed a few floor boards and made a hole to hide in. It wasn’t much, but it was effective.
   As the shock waved carried though the area what of the glass in the windows we had left shattered. The earth shook and a haze now covered the ground. It was a light grey a few inches up were the smoke traveled with the shock wave.
   â€œIt was a A-32 Chaser,” said Hiven
   â€œwhat does that mean”
   â€œIn other words they just grounded a plane.”
   â€œAre you OK Hive?”
   â€œYes, but I got a feeling things are about to get worse, a lot worse” replied Hiven.
   â€œ The days are going quicker now Hiven”.
   â€œ That they are, winter is setting in,” replied Hiven.
   â€œ How long do think we have? The trees are frozen from limb to limb. The ground no longer has one bit of give way under me. When I look up I see white hell ready to fall.”
   â€œ Don’t be such a baby, The skies aren’t even white. Ways I see it, we have a good month to make it to the passing.” Hiven barked.
   â€œPassing? I thought we were going to the base? A asked franticly.”
   â€œ I looked last night.. There is fire coming from the smoke stacks, it would be in our best interest if we went to Norris pass. After we travel the thirty miles of barren land through the gullies and over the Bork mountain were be back in what I think should still be friendly territory”
   â€¦.. The days were even hotter leading up the “ Operation ship off.” I was uneasy, knowing what was to come. I trained. Not the average wake up and jog, but wake up run-push ups-run-sit ups-run eat and sleep. Those were my normal days. It was a life I had not wanted nor had I ever expected.
   The military though not what I planned on always held a fascination of mine. As a child I would stay up past bed time just to watch the movies about d-day. Normandy had a somewhat mystic apprentice when all those young men ran onto the beach.
   Pearl harbor was another of my favorite war time events to study. When I was eleven me and my friends made a reenactment of the attack on Hawaii. We went down to old man Jenkins’s pond and took row boats out to play. It was a warm summer day and John was playing the role of the Japanese.
   He rowed his boat out and we acted as if we didn’t hear him coming up from behind us. He started throwing rocks and we would jump in and it was a big laugh. Then Steve launched a rock and hit John in the head with it. John fell into the water. I dove into the pond, it was mercy under the surface as if it had been coved with a tarp. I looked for as long as I could hold my breath. I came back up to see the others crying on there boats. One kid, pulled out their Trumpet and started playing taps… As if this was still a f*cking stupid simulation. We had always played it when the other team lost. This time we had lost big time, our friend was dying and there we acting if it was still a game? I was furious and dove back under. I saw him there, snagged on weeds. He looked at me and I reached for him. I tugged at his hand with no give. He looked so helpless there, I had to save him. I pulled out my pocket knife and dove deeper. A grabbed onto his leg and held on as I was gnawing away the weeds. 
   I started to feel lightheaded from the oxygen deprivation. I slowly started to see more and more black. John held on as long as he could… then his hand slipped off and he was gone. I woke up two days later in Hells Gates Hospital. I never again went near that pond. Old man Jenkins had herd the trumpet playing taps and came out to see what all the fuss was about. By the time he got there they had pulled my passed out body and Johns dead body out of the pond….
   Yap those where the good old days my parents said I was going to miss. Now I’m stuck in sub zero weather with a d*ck head as the only thing that is keeping my grip of sanity together.
   We had a plan, a way to do it, and no way were going to survive.

   Chapter 3 - The Unexpected

   Aw, life in the wilderness. What can I say? Cold drinks, no need to refrigerate the no food we had, and lastly I was freezing my ass off. Life couldn't get any better now that were moving again.
   â€œGet back here, your veering to far ahead Rufus, your getting to get shot,” said Hiven.
   â€œI'm fine..”
   As a bullet wised past my head I saw white. I was in a mode of panic. I needed to move. But where could I go? Left, theres a tree. NO! Theres also many ways to get picked off from behind a tree. Right? NO! Theres a stone but is covered in this reflective pain from where the enemy was marking guides. Down? Yes! I dropped down and flung my hands over my head and started praying.
   A loud shot range out from the distance and I felt a warm puddle run down from my arm to the ground. It was a small, but steady stream of blood. It massed at the bottom like a river running toward its basin. I was not shot, I checked my self then looked up...
   The next day I went to Johns home to apologize to his parents for what happened to there son. I was greeted by police detectives. Johns mother had hung here self the night before. His dad seen me walk into the living room and approached me swiftly. He asked me “ What is wrong with you? Hasn't enough blood been shed in your name yet?”
   I was sickened by the very thought I was the reason that anyone died because of me.
   â€œLeave now before one more person dies today.”
   I left that day. I took almost all of me with me when I left that day. But, a small part of me died in that home.
   I didn't speak for two weeks after that day, I was put in counseling till I turned eighteen. I was wrecked for life. Destiny for told me to be a out cast in school, a epic fail at life in general. At times I seen the light shine through the ever overtaking darkness, simple acts of humanity. They were then shot back by a man knifing a school teacher in my fifth grade classroom, or Bush being elected president, all things that show mans stupidity.
   I once thought there was hope. That hope was that mans desire for peace would out way its hunger for war. I was wrong, that is one of the reasons I joined the military. To try to set tides of wars to waves of peace. I failed. I needed more power so I joined a elite training program that sent me high in the mountain ranges where a great man would instruct me in the art of warfare...
   As I seen from the slides in boot camp he was hit. He fell to his knees then face first into the snow. I got up, as I did the snow compacted under me and I bolted forth toward the him.
   As the blood inked the snow with a tint that in my eyes was a signal to move.
I picked up Hiven and through him onto my shoulder and darted off. I ran and ran I lost all since of direction. I tried to keep due East, but that failed horribly. I was motivated by the sounds and bullets being hurtled  past us.
   The night went on and the bullets stopped. I created a small shelter in a cave I found near the foot of some rather low mountain.  The cave was maybe ten feet back and twenty feet across.  It was all I needed. From this point I was shaken scared. Haven was hurt and I didn't know what to do. I quickly ripped open he shirt to look at the damage. He was hit in his the upper shoulder. The hit wasn't as bad as I thought. I tended to his wounds throughout the night. It was a chilly night, the sky was clear and a breeze. All was fine except for Hiven. I started a small fire and drifted to sleep. A land of dreams await me, where the remnants  of war aren't present. That was a land of magic and ii was home. Sitting on my porch sipping on an ice tea watching the days go bye.
   If only those days where in my near future. Crunch, Snap! I heard footsteps coming up to the front of the cave. A tall dark figure turns to me and says “ Come with me if you want to live, the enemy approaches faster then you may seem to believe.”

Chapter 4 â€" Stranger Danger?

   Light started to shine down and the glisten of snow started to hurt to look at.    
   â€œWhen are you going to answer my questions?”
   â€œ All in due time Rufus, you are going to learn everything soon enough.”
   â€œCan you at least tell me where we are going?”
   â€œIf I told you then I'd have to kill you, and we both do not want that now do we?”
   I stood there, he wasn't joking, this man had the mentality to save me; then blast me back down. There was a weird vive illuminating from him. He didn't talk much, I hardly have seen his face, and the strangest part it is he doesn't have the accent of the men who assaulted the base. I was still in a alert state of readiness and fear. I was being lead around a snow covered forest by a complete stranger and Hiven was still injured.
   One thing I failed to mention at the beginning of the story is my true motive for entering the Navy.
   My father was a ranking officer. He was up for promotion, till he was court Marshalled for ordering a raid strike on a affiliate base of the enemy. The base held prototype weapons actioned off by a ex-Sargent who “lost” a stockpile of a post-nuclear grade shell that could cause devastation on our land. They recovered the materials and only lost 3 men, two gunnery Sargent and a field officer...
   1st son Mark Tamans. He was the Presidents own son. Mark was over confident with his ability and decided he was going on the mission. He wanted to be a national hero... He soon after got his wish. My father was stripped of his rank and was sent on a “patrolled area sweep mission.” The area where his truck ran over a mine had been traveled over by thousands over people since the war, and had been swept for mines. The military killed my father. 
   His death devastated my mother, This was only one week after John had drown in Old man Jenkins pond. The woman at the beginning of the story I was calling “mother” is my adopted parent, My biological mother hung her self after my fathers passing.   
   I wanted the gain ranks in the military and find a way to avenge my fathers murder and my mothers suicide. There has to be a way....
   â€œCome on now, don't want to be dead on a rock do ya?”
I looked over and our mystery man had lead me and Hiven to a stump. After a few looks around the man opened up the top of the stump. It then reveled the ladder and a dark tunnel that seamed to go on for days. The tunnels were a good 30% warmer then the air above. The change in heat caused Hiven to come to and wake up.
   â€œ You said you wanted answers here they are, your now involved in a on going civil war. It would have been a total genocide but you Americans gave us hope and weapons. That Is why they attacked you. You must now help me take back my land for it's people and over through communism to let democracy live on. This tunnel is three miles long, at the end there is a door.” He said looking around. He then stopped for a minute then continued
    “Behind this door I can not say for then I'd once have to kill you. Beyond that is the rebellion. There you will find hope and more people like us. Go now and tell the man at the door Ethan sent you. Go now, go to them go before they find us.” Said Ethan.
   â€œOK, One question, Who are they? Who is after us? Who is that coming down the tunnel?” I asked franticly.
   ~~ Chapter 5 â€" A new hope arises -   
   â€œCome with me.. or die.” Mumbled the cloaked man.
   We walked silent down the cold hall way of the tunnel. The weight of hive over my should was starting to take it's on my energy. We stopped about 100 feet from the entrances and he pulled out a gun.
   â€œ Now which one of you told the Force where to find us.”
   Out of stupidity I asked who the Force was?
   He then put the gun up my face and said, what? Are you playing dumb with me?
I know what it is your a spy. Now I get to kill you Force scum, he put the gun to my face once again. I could smell the power residue from where it has been recently shoot. The barrel was cold against my skill, it was if death was touching my face taunting me with the power to end my like here and now.
   BOOM! The door flew open  and out came an older man. He looked infuriated, he command the strange man who was now holding a gun to my face to lower his gun.
   To my surprise he did. It was not long after the man came up and instructed me to follow. He had one of his men take Hiven off my shoulder and I looked back for Ethan for him to come in but he wasn't there.
   â€œThis is the rebellions stronghold, we are here to stop the communist from taking our country and putting it in a death grip. The more we fought back. the more Theron the leader of their party, they mass killed our people. We took to these mountains and have been hiding. Your government learned of our struggle and aided us. They didn't want open war so they did it under the table. I know you've been told that a ex General sold us the weapons, that was the cover-up story. It worked till central intelligence leaded that the US had been helping us for some time now. My name is Donovan and I'm asking you to aid the rebellion.”
   â€œI... I don't know what to say to all of this...” I stumbled on words now I see the attack on our base was no mistake.
   â€œSay yes help us take down one of the last communist governments left.” Donovan exclaimed.
   â€œWait! Where is Hiven?” I asked.
   â€œDo not worry he is in fine care.”
   â€œ We can take you to the nearest border, or you can help us take down a tyrant.”
   â€œ It... it's. Just I don't think I'd be much help..”
   â€œNonsense, your more trained then 99% of my men. Look around, there is farmers, woman, everyday workers fighting this war. You could help me train them.”
   â€œI wouldn't have to go into battle? Why would you want my help?”
   â€œYou were trained by the US  the greatest country on the planet, you know stuff we could only dream about.”
   â€¦My mother once told me that your dream and your destiny may take you down different roads, but at some point it always forks back together. I remember at one point in my life I was going to be a veterinarian, or so I thought. It was my junior year in high school and we were sent to work with a person of the field you wanted to go into. I was sent into Dr. Law's office for the day.
   Everything was going smoothly I was washing dogs and grooming cats. Then a man brought in a dog, a German Shepard, that was hit by a car and he had tried to finish him off with a 12 gauge but failed. Dr. Law had to put the dog down. His face was mangled and body was crushed, He had me do the injection to kill it. After that I went to the bathroom and puked for an hour after I heard the mans reason. He said when he got into his car there was no dog behind him, but somehow he hit it any ways. The man was a a known drunk,so instead of bringing the dog in he shot it. 
   I then gave up all hope of going into that field. The next thing I wanted to grow up and be was a police officer.   
   That was till I saw an officer shoot a teenager for shoplifting in a 7 elven, the officer said he thought he saw a gun. The officer got off with a warning and 2 weeks patrol duty.
   Every dream I've had has been crashed down around me my entire life. I finally had a chance to help people, to give them hope that there is a tomorrow and their dream of freedom can be reached.
   â€œI'll help you...” I said not then knowing what I had gotten my self into.
   â€œGreat! First thing is first we need to assassinate the arch duke, when he is gone we can finally come out and plan an assault to take out their leader” he exclaimed with great joy.
   Does he think I'm that great? To train his men of farms and foundries into soldiers? WOW! I just got my self in over my head, at least Hiven will be here to help me...
   -Chapter 6 â€" The Ending of The beginning
   The next few weeks was nothing out of the normal; attack this base, assassinate ex â€" members of there cabinet.
   When I heard that we were going to do an assault on the UQA HQ I was a little worried, it was a major military base and we were just rebels.
I was even more worried when I heard what the plan was, a bombing with a group of snipers to take out the Arch duke.
   At first I was skeptical of our success possibilities, 1000 to 1 was our odds to make to the base. Many people wanted me to be on the ground help fighting, but no I was to head the Fighter team.
   * Two weeks later *
   â€œRoger come in Roger, this is strike team one we are in place to begin the attack.”
   â€œGo through with the attack Attack team 1, Base over.”
   There we were in the sky looking down on everything we fought for. When I look back I don't even remember why I didn't take the requitment area job. I'd be back home making sure kids like myself threw their life away...
   â€œHiven, do you trust me?”
   â€œYes, Why?”
   â€œHang on!”
   At that very instant I could take this aircraft that has a full tank of fuel and fly to a friendly base, Or we could stick around for the carnage that will unfold, and help the people who saved us... Do they drop the first bomb, or drop the ball and fly home? I guess your guess is as good as mine, This concludes the story of how Rufus got himself into a situation we never find out if he gets out of...
   This may be the shortest chapter in my writing, but the words in this chapter will ring on, “ Does he or does he not” For the not knowing of what happens next is not part of human nature and to go against it is to throw a rock into the wind, it will come back at you.
   With my closing words, Do you think he had the courage from what you read to attack the base, or did he and Hiven hightail to the comfort of their own nation?!? For you and who ever reads this, The question remains.

Authors notes -

This story is finished and I can move on to a new project, Please leave comments and thanks to the people who supported me and my writing.

- This is my story this is my dream, I hate to finish it but love to be done with it. The ending has riddled me for sometime now, I wasn't sure how to finish it, but when I thought of it I knew it had to be written.

- Daniel Waters -
( Aether )