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Black fury 3.

Started by str n33b, October 23, 2009, 03:50:50 PM

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should we have a clan costume?

never in a million years
hell yeah!

str n33b


Hello, to be honest ive made black fury 3 becuase im bored but it's a clan which is for mostly experienced players who are good a player-killing.

1. what ever i say goes.
2. always be respectful to other players.
3. always listen and do what higher ranks tell you to do.
4. never team against other members.

~Facts about the ranks~
owner: this is the founder and head of the clan.
co-owner: this is the co-head of the clan.
head admin: this's the top clan rank and has power over ranks below them.
head mod:this's the 2nd rank and have power over the rest.
experienced pker:this is a very experienced player and knows alot about this game.
beginner: this's where all the new members come to start the clan.

owner: Str n33byz
head admin:
head mod:
experienced pker:


~ Application form~
combat level:
str level:
atk level:
def level:
how long have you played the game?:
"life is like a box of chocolates you don't know what you are going to get until you open it" pronounced by forest gump.
(but why don't you just read the back of the chocolate box?!)

str n33b

note: i would really like to know how to put pictures into my clan's page, please contact me if you wish to tell me.

~str n33b~
"life is like a box of chocolates you don't know what you are going to get until you open it" pronounced by forest gump.
(but why don't you just read the back of the chocolate box?!)


Why did you not just modify the name of your last topics....,3331.0.html,3200.0.html

All you had to do is change the name of one of those not make 2 different topics about the same thing.

str n33b

can someone close all my topics on black fury thank you.

~str n33b~
"life is like a box of chocolates you don't know what you are going to get until you open it" pronounced by forest gump.
(but why don't you just read the back of the chocolate box?!)