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Topics - Predator

General (WS) / I just wanted to know
July 07, 2013, 03:29:48 PM
Why Ry (60003333) ?

This shows the progress on the Castle wars map that me, Sean and James is working on.






Under development:

- James is going to code the whole game mode so you can play Castle wars as simular as possible to how is in Runescape.
- When you spawn, you will be able to choose between 3 diffirent kits: Archer, Mage and Warrior. These classes are being designed.
- The water is being modded so you have to cross the river by passing the middle island or jumping over the rocks placed in the water.
- The health kit board at the spawning room is being modded so that when you click on it, you get some food spawned in your inventory.
- Landscape is being built so its as simular to how it is on Runescape.
- Flag capturing is also being modded so when you click: "E" on your keyboard, you will pick it up.
- And much more to come!
General (WS) / New payment on WS?
June 17, 2013, 11:45:09 AM
Considering that coins are worthless id say we add a new way of payment into the economy.

I think we should use an item suck as; Charcoal (noted id: 974) and (id: 973)
The benefit with this is that people can't sell stuff to the shop for this.

A few examples on how to earn the Charcoal:

1. you could get them from fishing the chests with a big fishing net
2. it could be a reward from the ::Camp or ::zombies game mode
3. You can get it from thieving one of the higher level Heroes
4. Can be bought with pest control tickets

As you may see there are many positive sides with this. Let me and the developers know what you think!

(maybe you should delete every charcoal in-game incase someone has like 1m of it)
General (WS) / So, I started thinking..
June 14, 2013, 08:30:30 PM
You know the guards located at the gate into alkarid. They charge 10 coins for everyone that wants to pass the gate.

How many coins have they made since the opening of runescape..
It would have to be billions considering that there are more than 200.000.000 registred players on Runescape to this date

Let me know what you think :)
General (WS) / Bring this guy back!!!damn it!
June 14, 2013, 08:33:21 AM
You all say that jeremy is never coming back, allways banned, bla, bla, bla...

Cant you just give him like, a admin rank but with no powers (as in no rank giving) considdering that was the reason he got banned.

If you ask me i think he was a really good admin thinking of every event he hosted, he answered every message, and as far as I know he was active on he server and forums aswell :)


*cough*bring him back*cough*
Suggestions / Forum idea
May 25, 2013, 09:42:20 AM
Hope You like the idea :) VOTE TODAY!
Suggestions / TO DO - list
May 24, 2013, 09:55:16 PM
1. Add special attack back
2. idk about this idea, but do a 6 month rollback, cause everyone kinda gave all their items away..
3. delete all phats, hw masks and add a few more rares like fishbowl helmet.
4. Add "vote for crystal key", you use it on the chest and have a chance of winning any item in the game. (good way to add rares)
5. Make some more minigames,  or add one of the default once. (pest control for example)
6. add custom items like d claws and spirit shields. (use the Crystal key chest to add these items to the game)
7. Host weekly minigames in the wilderness and all around worldscape like Jeremy used to do back in the day.
8. fix the deposit box in the party room, the one who you pull the lever to start the drop party
9. Make people able to customize what your pet should say
10. add more pets to the zombie game shop
11. add the bank search button to the 317 client
12. fix so you can have several tabs in your bank (518 client)
13. Make a community video for the advertisement. (Set a date so as many people can be logged in as possible)
14. Take the completed skills from Runerebels and add to Worldscape
15. remove all fire capes and add "Jad". Also make it so you cant spawn food or enter bank when you are in the jad thing.
16. bring back vengeance.

General (OT) / Minecraft server?
January 23, 2013, 03:28:54 PM
so i set up this Minecraft server (survival) and i was hoping that some of you could join in. (do not quit worldscape or runerebels for this) up time is about 85 to 95%

ip: (I wont post ip unless i get a confirmation that i can do this)

Thank you!
Bug Reports / bug at ::dwildy
January 09, 2013, 03:04:20 PM
you cant attack the npcs that spawns at ::dwildy. this must be fixed.
General (OT) / old commands
December 26, 2012, 09:26:49 PM
we all want the old commands back... so please ryan, make us happy :)

post a comment on this topic with all the old commands that you want back in the game. :)
General (OT) / buying a new computer
December 24, 2012, 07:58:25 PM
so.. im buying myself a new computer in a few days, but im still thinking of witch one i should buy..
first of all im really into mac :) like the new imac ( )
or a custom made pc.

what do you think? any tips?

i was thinking something within the price of $2000 - $3000
General (OT) / Any movies?
December 18, 2012, 09:48:54 AM
When im about to watch a movie I can never come up with one to watch...

So if you have any movies you liked and wont to share with others, post it here! :)


-Action/  Taken (7/10)
-Comedy/  Hangover (8/10)

I would REALLY like to see people being active on this topic, so post a movie if you have one! :D
General (OT) / Post a picture of Your gaming setup
December 16, 2012, 11:42:34 AM
This is my setup :)

Skills / Mining
December 09, 2012, 03:54:00 PM
Since rune essence is what everyone mines, would it be possible if they gave a little bit more xp per essence?

Thank you.
Suggestions / More npc's?
December 09, 2012, 01:18:15 PM
As you may know there has come alot more people back to Worldscape, and that means we need more npc's.

five people consantly trying to get a shade at the elele shades makes it pretty hard to level up.

So what i would recommend was if you made some more npc spawners on the other side of the road. (here)

(maybe you could also remove some of the landscape at that place ets, trees, rocks)

Nationality & Culture Discussion / R.I.P Grandpha.
December 07, 2012, 02:49:37 PM
No Comment.. Please show respect..  :'(
December 03, 2012, 11:24:27 AM
Hello there.
slayer was released this morning and there are still alot of bugs within this skill.

Monsters are missing, if you know any missing monsters in the game that keeps you away from leveling leave it as a comment to this post.

To get your task(s) go to ::tele 3146 9914 (from here you can also buy slayer stuff)

I think this cave is where all monsters should be added, cause its large and had alot of room for monster spawning (so far there are only a few spiders in this cave)

508 Bugs / bugs ive found
December 02, 2012, 10:47:40 AM
those are all bugs ive found through the time ive played and bugs that are still in the game.

1. if a person stands on one side of a wall and you follow him you go right through the wall.
2. if you use etc a skillcape hood or a warrior helm your jaw will become invisible.
3. if you go in to your bank (::bank) and search for an item you have to quit the bank and open it again to search another time.
4. some items cannot be "noted" etc "clean rouge's purse" witch is one of the weeds.
5. you cant enter the rune essence mining place with the older client
6. you cant stake items at ::Duel (when i played against rare4live we were not able to put items in the staking box so we had to trade them after)

there are a few more bugs that i could not think of at the moment. if you got any bugs you would like the admins to know about then leave it in the comment!  :D
General (WS) / Bring worldscape back! :) VOTE TODAY!
November 21, 2012, 06:04:06 PM
Bring worldscape back!!