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Started by Sad Panda, January 21, 2011, 04:15:36 PM

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Sad Panda

I don't like the new trolls. I don't use names, but I'm sure you can figure them out. I know that I and some other members are ex-trolls and that we weren't liked back then, but these guys aren't even good at it.


Sad Panda

That's why people like me (and you) were successful.

Sad Panda

The mindset is also important, just as it is in every aspect of life. You have to KNOW you're better than your opponent. I will rate all trolls on this site! From 1-10.


Sad Panda

There is already a link to that in my first reply.


Quote from: Killer Panda on January 21, 2011, 11:50:19 PM
There is already a link to that in my first reply.
I know, I went to it and copied it. Just so it's easy for people to view.

Also, Am i a troll? o.O


Not yet,(in my eyes,) but maybeee later you're going to be..


o yeah btw, â"Œâˆ©â"(●_●)â"Œâˆ©â"ï»¿ to all you nice pop song haters...
stole that from dug, my bad.

Sad Panda

Yes, Jack, you are a troll. An ex-troll, but I'm still counting it.


Quote from: Killer Panda on January 22, 2011, 09:54:04 AM
Yes, Jack, you are a troll. An ex-troll, but I'm still counting it.
Lmfao Nick, Your the king of king trolls. =P

Sad Panda

On my list Luke and Jeremy are. That's only because they have banhammers though.


Quote from: Killer Panda on January 22, 2011, 10:16:04 AM
On my list Luke and Jeremy are. That's only because they have banhammers though.
Well, Why can't me and you have banhammers to? o.O

Sad Panda

No, you aren't a king of trolls. I'm a pretty decent troll, but I wasn't even one of the top 20 on the SMF forum. I wasn't even thought to be a troll on EncycloediaDramatica... That kind of hurt my feelings...


Quote from: Mute on January 22, 2011, 11:44:46 AM
Quote from: Pk0wnedall on January 22, 2011, 10:20:27 AM
Well, Why can't me and you have banhammers to? o.O
Because your not a mod, and neither is he.

And no, I wouldn't regard myself as a "King of trolls", I'm just a moderator that doesn't do the expected.

Lmfao, And the thing about banhammer was a joke.

Sad Panda

For all you know I could be Jeremy, and, therefore, wielding the banhammer.


Quote from: Killer Panda on January 22, 2011, 07:36:45 PM
For all you know I could be Jeremy, and, therefore, wielding the banhammer.
lmfao % unlikey