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karils x-bow

Started by X, September 16, 2008, 04:55:30 PM

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who want's x bow to be faster, train range and hit higher?

5 (55.6%)
0 (0%)
i don't care?
0 (0%)
make it use bolt racks?
3 (33.3%)
no bolt racks?
1 (11.1%)

Total Members Voted: 9


i use the x bow... and i think it needs some changes, like the following...
faster:very important.
stronger:not that important.
train range:important for rangers.
uses bolt rack:i don't really want to use bolts, so not very important lol.

vote away! :)


guys, forget bolts racks... i think it's fine without them.
Do not vote for no bolt racks or bolt racks. thank you.

Chris Bud

monkeyfart34, please edit your poll if you don't want someone to vote for something. Otherwise. You might aswell say nothing.



Chris Bud

If you look at the poll, well you are logged onto your account. It should say something like this

Veiw Results
Lock Voting
Edit Poll

You just click edit poll, and change what you would like. In your case, you just remove those two options of voting. Hope that helped.



nope, it's not there. :-\


well am not a fan of x bow thing but hey they are preaty strong.  ;)
