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Started by Voltimolt, March 27, 2010, 02:58:11 AM

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I'm requesting an IP-Ban for those admin who have ip-banning powers.

I have quitted about 3 months ago or less, but I am getting a feeling to come back (so I fought it back and wrote this.)
I want an IP-ban for Voltimolt, Adidas Pure, Surveillance, Clerk and my other accounts (don't forget Voltii Pure).

Dont IP-ban me on the forums {or lock this thread}(I want to sneak in and view the forums and see this thread [not to mention: how I love replies from all the forums.].)

Bye yall!!

Remember the "best there was, the best there is, and the best there will ever be." :) Peace.

Volcanic Me

Pointless - if you truly wish to be banned from the game; private message a staff member. I cannot guarantee if they'll ban you or not, but it's better than generating spam. ie: "No Volti! Don't get banned! We'll miss you!"
