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Started by Chelaby88, January 16, 2010, 11:51:52 AM

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I think we should set up an account on Runescape Top 100 Arena if we havent already. the website is this should bring more players if we stay voting everyday


That is a swell idea!
Who is going too do it, i might be able to if no one else want's to?
I'm Happy With What I Have Got.


IK i can't lol maybe my bro will decide to get on and c this post lmao


I made one, you can see it by clicking the picture below.


Ahhh Yeah, I know many sites that advertise.

my brothers old old broken server got 600 people every 4 days it was massive o.o

Banjo Hick

That's a lot. I think we should bring him in to help code or something because he obviously did something right that we didn't with classic, and he may be able to make Blitz better and come out sooner.