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rarez 0wn u

Started by hybrid0819, October 25, 2009, 08:53:08 AM

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Well, i have been hacked.
i am rarez 0wn u. i can give any information needed to prove the account was mine. i know the fact that there is no more recovering accounts. but if u have the full info needed to prove its ur account. then u should be able to get it back. i have put far too much effort and time to get the rares i have now. just to throw them away cause of some hacker. i have only had 2-3 passes. and i have had 3 accounts. u can check the ip on the new 1 i made called "rarez hacked"<--->Rarez 0wn u<---> hybrid0819<---> nuts. at the moment i gave a new player(FRIEND) nuts to start out on. the ip might be different. but the other names all have the same ip and it is my ip. i would very much appreciate the fact of u giving my account back a.s.a.p or ban it till u can get it back. i dont want my rares to be lost.


This IS true Zach ( Nuts/ Rarez 0wn U) Is The Real owner. Im Just Saying.


any1 can tell u that rarez 0wn u was a very trusted person and with many rares. i wouldnt make this post up if it wasnt serious. people trusted me. i trusted most of them. i do not want my account to be lost cause of a hacker. please, staff, can u get my account back. idk if u can. but check the ip of this forums account to rarez 0wn u. it will also show the same ip.....


Is this about your so called rares or your accout?
anyways why dose everyone call them rares? cause 90% of population in Worldscape have those same "rares" that you have... It won't take you long to get them back... and it's pointless to call them rares when your buddy has ×10000000 of those items, lately i've seen so many people with same "rares" that there is nothing rare about them.


does every1 have the black spear (kp). or how bout mud skipper. perhaps light green boots and hat. no.  those are important rares. tht if people did hack and steal. would be considered a duped item! i have had them for over a month!!!! and they have been in safe keepings. does every1 have a yin yang ammy. idc bout the items. i care about the items being in good hands. i also care very much about my account. it had a very good reputation towards people and showed a great deal of respect.


Well i've seen a lot of people with the items you just named.... except the spear but am sure there others who do have it.

And all the items you had came from some else and that person got it from another person am just saying nobody has the original item there all probably duped and past down from player to player.


I hope you get your account back.
And try using all your other pass's.

Are you really not here?

Blitz 3year member.


I Have A Spear Im The only One With it. AS Rarez 0wns U Knows.


no i did not get my account bakk. i "was" a trusted player to alot. but i guess staff couldn't i decided to quit about 2 days after i found out that staff couldn't care bout trusted players.... no offense to any mod and a few admins.