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Started by Volcanic Me, October 10, 2009, 06:18:27 PM

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Quote from: Zack on October 11, 2009, 08:26:05 PM
One thing I have noticed. Some people that become moderators start looking down on everyone else and think they are better than everyone.

Those who are moderators volunteer their time and effort, they are members of the community that help. Player Moderators are players that can moderate the server. Obtaining such crown is a high responsibility. We should not act as if we are better than everyone else, because we're not. Although being noticed from the crown shown every time we speak does over time make us feel as if we're gaining superiority over others which we are not.

Volcanic, you hit the target! This is so relevant to what people say often who are not moderators.

I don't know what else to say.


Those are some very good points; I'll be sure to keep them in mind.
Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.
â€" Psalm 34:14

Hate isn't the opposite of love;
Indifference is the opposite of love;
Because if you hate, you still care.


I have seen this happen with me and my other staff in multiple servers I have been staff in.
I will still be running for mod later this year though so count on that!

Are you really not here?

Blitz 3year member.

love toast

Well put travis. I bet this changed some people's minds. You were a good mod. And this proves you learned from the experience.  :)
Two words.
                                          K1LL3R /\/\0/\/K3YS.


We all know you loved muting me travis. :D

Thank you to Zack who brought my suggestion to life. Subscribe to WorldscapeBlitz NOW!

Go here for a great theme. Credits to Zack.

   Fight my Brute YO!

Fangtooth 88

Good points there, I'm still thinking about if I want to be a Player Moderator or not.   ;)
Hacked and extremely bored getting levels up on my pure. No one remembers me either. =(<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


good post dude :)
you really worked hard on it to make other people understand that mod not only has good sides
but also the not fun sides (downs)

Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down.


I'm bad enough to commit suicide and survive long enough to kill my soul after I'm dead.
-Picture removed-