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looking to buy

Started by image, September 27, 2009, 11:31:09 AM

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•full lederhosen.

•any zombie parts.

•any spined or rockshell.

hill stead

um........ just wondering
how do these objects look
cause if you tell me then i can tell you whether i know where to get them



there is nowhere to buy them from any shop,

you can only buy these items from players :P


I have Lederhosen I'll sell.


ive already obtained it, but thanks,

still looking for zombie,spined,or rockshell parts

Drunk Mario

I think that i have some spined/rockshell but i have to check. add me in-game: drunk mario.

Quote from: Connor on May 26, 2011, 12:13:30 PM
I wish it was possible to punch some through a computer screen.

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Add me S  K I L  L,
just got spined chap.


ok, ill pm you ingame thanks :p


I have full skeleton if anyone want's to buy.

Banjo Hick

I'll buy it, and I think I might have one of the rockshell pieces in my bank. I'll have to check though.


Banjo Hick

I don't have the rockshell legs anymore, I sold it or something, sorry maybe I can get another one and sell it to you.