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Started by Mia, March 04, 2012, 02:51:47 AM

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•   LAST MAN STANDING (When Player Amount raises)

•   When you get into the LMS and it has begun, you MUST attack someone.

•   If you die, you will respawn back in Lumbridge but cannot return to LMS event.

•   You must continuously attack players until is comes down to only two players.

•   This would mean we would need about 15-50 PKERS.

•   The last player remaining will be declared the winner & will receive the prize and will go on a “Last man standing winner” list.

•   You MUST wear armour, no rares.

•   You cannot loose items in this.

•   Hide and Seek

•   Yes, we do this already! BUT this is to be held by ADMINS only so you won’t get looted/attacked. What does that mean?  Well, it would be held in wildy not just out of it. Staff members can play but they cannot teleport to them using their epic cheat codes ;)

•   During a hide and seek 2 admin (or 1) will hide throughout Worldscape. One in the wilderness and one in the Safe Locations.

•   Once the player who's hosting the event has found his hiding spot, an announcement will occur, usually followed by a hint.

•   The first player to trade the host of the event will be winner & receive their prize. Announcements of winner will happen.


•   This ones a big one!

•   After worldscape reaches 30-100 votes on a daily basis, every weekend a drop party will commence as a thankyou.

•   Staff will only drop items (Admin/owners/mods)

•   This can release new item’s into the game.

•   Clash of the Clans

•   I played a game a while back, this means there’s clans/guilds created and at set times, there’s a massive clan war.

•   2 guilds verse each other â€" If uneven number, all guilds VS each other.

•   No items lost,can be held in special area’s, preferably duel arena.

•   Clan remaining with most players left will receive a special Rank (Icon like a star or something) on forums

•   Remaining guild will be put of historic clan chart on forums.

•   The remaining players in the arena will have their kill counts calculated, one with highest goes on COTC Highscores.


•   The host (admin) may have up to 100K hitpoints.

•   Will have nothing on but a prize in inventory

•   Everyone attacks the admin until one person gets the prize

•   Players can attack the winner for the prize. (Battle Royal)

•   Advertising Give-Away

•   The server is looking down, and I’m trying my hardest to regain this.
•   I will not participate in this because I know i’ll win ;) tehehehehe loll

•   Special forum thread

•   Proof of advertising worldscape

•   Using Hypercam/Youtube accepted

•   Screenshots accepted

•   Must ask the newbie to PM you as soon as they get in game for their username.

•   Username Updated on the submitted proof of advert

•   If anyone purposely tries to sneak their way into making a newbie acc to receive the prize will get trade lock for 2 days & one day mute.

•   Reward given to person with the highest amount of recruited players win’s a BIG prize on exactly the 1st of every month.

•   More items to be added!

•   More monster training grounds

•   More event activity (CW etc)

•   New trade update if possible? (Red flash when item removed)

Automatic Server Announcement saying “Please advertise for Worldscape, Thankyou”
More skilling places

Xx Wildy Xx

sound cool. but shouldent this be in events?  ::)

freak m4n

Quote from: Xx Wildy Xx on March 04, 2012, 03:20:30 AM
sound cool. but shouldent this be in events?  ::)

She is suggesting these events.

And nice Ideas Mia.
Got the 100'000th post on the forums.

Xx Wildy Xx


yes!!!! im so down for this event!!! (no ice barrage) >:( >:( >:(

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